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Text for Cantata 104
Du Hirte Israel, höre

Original German Text

English Translation


Du Hirte Israel, höre,
der du Joseph hütest wie der Schafe,
erscheine, der du sitzest über Cherubim.

You shepherd of Israel, hear,
you who tends to Joseph like a sheep,
appear, you who are seated above the cherubim.

2. REZITATIV (Tenor)

Der höchste Hirte sorgt vor mich,
was nützen meine Sorgen?
Es wird ja alle Morgen
des Hirtens Güte neu.
Mein Herz, so fasse dich,
Gott ist getreu.

The supreme shepherd cares for me,
of what use are my worries?
Yes, every morning
the shepherd’s kindness is renewed.
My heart, thus compose yourself,
God is devout.

3. ARIA (Tenor)

Verbirgt mein Hirte sich zu lange,
macht mir die Wüste allzu bange,
mein schwacher Schritt eilt dennoch fort.
Mein Mund schreit nach dir,
und du, mein Hirte, wirkst in mir
ein gläubig Abba durch dein Wort.

If my shepherd remains out of sight too long,
the wilderness makes me ever so anxious,
my feeble steps even so hasten forward.
My voice cries out to you,
and you, my shepherd, induce from me
a believing "Abba" through your word.


Ja, dieses Wort ist meiner Seelen Speise,
ein Labsal meiner Brust,
die Weide, die ich meine Lust,
des Himmels Vorschmack, ja mein alles heiße.
Ach, sammle nur, o guter Hirte,
uns Arme und Verirrte;
ach, laß den Weg nur bald geendet sein
und führe uns in deinen Schafstall ein.

Yes, this word is nourishment for my soul,
a refreshment for my breast,
the pasture which I name my desire,
a foretaste of heaven, yes, my everything.
Ah, simply herd us in, O good shepherd,
the poor and wayward;
oh, let the path soon reach its end
and usher us into your sheepfold.

5. ARIA (Baß)

Beglückte Herde, Jesu Schafe,
die Welt ist euch ein Himmelreich.
Hier schmeckt ihr Jesu Güte schon
und hoffet noch des Glaubens Lohn
nach einem sanften Todesschlafe.

Favored flock, Jesus' sheep,
the world begins your kingdom of heaven.
Here you already get a taste of Jesus goodness
and still can hope upon the reward for faith
after a gentle slumber in death.


Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt,
dem ich mich ganz vertraue;
zur Weid er mich, sein Schäflein, führt,
auf schöner, grünen Aue;
zum frischen Wasser leit' er mich,
mein Seel zu laben kräftiglich
durchs selig Wort der Gnaden.

The Lord is my devoted shepherd,
to whom I entrust myself completely;
he leads me, his little sheep, to pasture
upon lovely, green meadows;
he guides me beside fresh waters,
to heartily refresh my soul
through the blessed word of grace.

COMPOSED: April 23, 1724 (Leipzig) for Misericordias Domini (3rd Sunday of Easter)
LIBRETTIST: unknown; Mvt 1. Psalm 80:1; Mvt 6. Cornelius Becker, Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt’ (1598) based on Psalm 23
CHORALE TUNE: Nikolaus Decius Allein Gott in der Höh' sei Ehr' (c.1522)
TRANSLATION: 2022 © Tobin Schmuck, NYC
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Cantata BWV 104: Du Hirte Israel, höre for Misericordias Domini [2nd Sunday after Easter] (1724)
Discography: Details & Complete Recordings | Recordings of Individual Movements
Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

BWV 104 Text: German-1 | German-6 | German-7 | NBA Text
Translations: English-1 | English-3I | English-3P | English-5 | English-6 | English-10 | English-14
Catalan-1 | Chinese-1 | Chinese-2 | Danish-1 | Dutch-0 | Dutch-3 | Dutch-5 | French-4 | French-5 | French-6 | Hebrew-1 | Indonesian-1 | Italian-2 | Japanese-6 | Norwegian-1 | Polish-1 | Polish-2 (version 1) | Polish-2 (version 2) | Russian-1 | Russian-3 | Spanish-3 | Spanish-7 | Spanish/English-8
Chorale Text: Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt [BWV 104/6]

English Translations (English-10): Index by BWV Number | Index by Title | Index by Event | Note on English Translations

Texts & Translations: Main Page | Cantatas BWV 1-50 | Cantatas BWV 51-100 | Cantatas BWV 101-150 | Cantatas BWV 151-200 | Cantatas BWV 201-224 | Other Vocal BWV 225-249 | Chorales BWV 250-438 | Geistliche Lieder BWV 439-507 | AMN BWV 508-524 | Other Vocal 1081-1164 | BWV Anh | Chorale Texts | Emblemata | Sources | Poets & Composers
Discussions: Texts: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Translations: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4


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Last update: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 14:09