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Orquesta Barroca del Conservatorio Superior de Castellón (Baroque Orchestra)

Founded: 2016 - Castellón, near Valencia, Spain

The Orquesta Barroca del Conservatorio Superior de Castellón, created in 2016, is made up of some of the most talented young musicians in the Valencian Community. It is a group dedicated to the interpretation of Baroque and Classical repertoire with historical criteria and ancient instruments that acts as the flagship of the early music department of the Conservatorio Superior de Música “Salvador Seguí” de Castelló, a national reference in the specialized teaching of early music. .

Members of Orquesta Barroca del Conservatorio Superior de Castellón:

Violins: Ángel Sampedro, Teresa Casanova, Lourdes Rocher, Irene Soto, Sara Lluch, Alejandra Segovia, María Latorre, Luz Gassol
Violas: Gregorio Ibáñez, Jorge Pastor, Tomás Fabregat, Francisco José Díaz, Melani Ferrús
Violoncellos: Cristian Porras, Paula Alonso de Liébana
Double-bass: Teresa García


Bits & pieces from various sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Pau De Luís Alba


[CV-1] (2020, Video): BWV 4

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Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Monday, May 06, 2024 16:22