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Maria Venuti (Soprano)

Born: 1953 (?) - Rochester, New York, USA

The American soprano of Italian background, Maria Venuti, pursued her studies at the Eastrnan School of Music in Rochester, New York. She passed her concert exam with honours at Detmold's Hochschule für Musik. She has won prizes at various voice competitions.

A master-class with Christa Ludwig helped Maria Venuti to obtain an engagement at the Vienna State Opera, where she sang under Herbert von Karajan in her very first year. She has sung all the major lyric coloratura roles at the most reputable opera houses of the entire world. In addition, she is also a sought-after concert singer. She has worked which conductors such as Sergiu Celibidache, Wolfgang Sawallisch. John Eliot Gardiner, Charles Mackerras and Nikolaus Harnoncourt, and also devotes much of her time to Lieder singing. Among her pupils and/or singers who have attended her master-classes: Michael Marz (Baritone), Rosemara Ribeiro (Mezzo-soprano).

Liner notes to the 2-CD album ‘J.S. Bach: Mass in B minor’ conducted by Erwin Ortner (2000/1994)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (September 2002); Matthias Hansen (Photo 04, January 2010)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Dwight Oltman


BWV 172, BWV 245 [5th]

Erwin Ortner


[V-3] (1990): BWV 232 [1st recording]

Links to other Sites

Maria Venuti (Thuringen Philharmonie) [German]
Werner Genuit - seine Partner: Maria Venuti [German]
Ticino Musica: CV Maria Venuti [Italian]
Urban Cinefile Feature: Venuti, Maria - Flashback

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Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 15:49