Pre-Lenten Sundays, Special Occasions |
William L. Hoffman wrote (March 18, 2025):
The de tempore (Proper Time) first half of the church year on the ministry of Jesus Christ begins with the Sundays in Advent, followed by the Christmas Season through Epiphany Feast (January 6), then EpiphanyTime Sundays in January. In Bach's time, the single lectionary had some three Sundays after Epiphany (Caarus-Verlag: scroll down to 1725/2025), followed by the three pre-Lenten "gesima" (Lord's Day) Sundays (Septuagesimae, Sexagesimae, Quinquagesimea Estomihi) with the fixed feast of the Purification of Mary on February 2 (see BCW). Today's 3-year Revised Common Lectionary uses all four gospels for the Sundays after Epiphany (BCW), focusing on the beginning of Jesus ministry (BCW), says John S. Setterlund,1 while Bach's 1-Year Lectionary focuses on Jesus maturing.
Following the 5th Sunday after Epiphany on 9 February (Gospel, Luke 5:1-11, Jesus calls first disciples, Bible Gateway), the pre-Lenten Sundays begin with Septuagesimae, 16 February; Sexagesimae, 23 February; and Quinquagesimae, 2 March, also known as the Last Sunday after Epiphany, which in the 3-Year Lectionary can be observed as Transfiguration Sunday but not observed in Bach's time. Meanwhile, Bach's second church-year cycle of chorale cantatas is listed at Carus-Verlag, the 300th anniversary of that cantata cycle. Here are the gospel readings and cantatas appropriate for the "gesima" Sundays: Septuagesimae (3rd Sunday before Lent, BCW), gospel Matthew 20:1-16 (Labourers in vineyard, Bible Gateway); Sexagesimae (2nd Sunday before Lent), gospel Luke 8:4-15 (Parable of Sower, Bible Gateway); Quinquagesimae Estomihi (Sunday before Lent), gospel Luke 18:31-43 Jesus foretells his death in Jerusalem, blind man receives sight, Bible Gateway).
In today's lectionary, the 4th Sunday after Epiphany: 2 February 2025, gospel Luke 4:21-30 (Scripture has been fulfilled, Bible Gateway), Year C, preferred Cantata 181 (Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois), alternate Cantata 167 (Feast of John the Baptist, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois); Year A, 1 February 2026, gospel Matthew 5:1-12 (Beatitudes, Bible Gateway), preferred Cantata 107 (7th Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois), alternate Cantata 78 (14th Sunday after Trinity, https://www.carusmedia.com/images-intern/medien//30/3107803/3107803x.pdf, https://iopn.library.illinois.edu/scalar/bachcantatas/bwv78bca130?path=fourteenth-sunday-after-trinity), alternate Cantata 69.1(a) (https://www.carusmedia.com/images-intern/medien//30/3106950/3106950x.pdf, IOPN Library Illinois); Year B, 31 January 2027, gospel Mark 1:21-28 (Healing of unclean spirit, Bible Gateway), preferred Cantata 78 (see above, Year A), alternate Cantata 69.1(a) (Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois). The 5th Sunday after Epiphany: 9 February 2025, gospel Luke 5:1-11 (Jesus calls first disciples, Bible Gateway), Year C, preferred Cantata 88 (5th Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois), alternate Cantata 45 (8th Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois); Year A, gospel Mathew 5:13-20 (Salt & light, Law & Prophets), preferred Cantata 39 (1st Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois), alternate Cantata 9 (6th Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois); Year B, not observed this year, preferred Cantata 69a (see above, 4th Sunday after Epiphany, Year A, alternate), alternate Cantata 8.1 (16th Sunday after Trinity). The 6th Sunday after Epiphany (February 11-17): Year C, 16 February 2025, gospel Luke 6:17-26 (Jesus teaches & heals; blessings & woes, Bible Gateway), preferred Cantata 20 (24th Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois), alternate Cantata 107 (see above, 4th Sunday after trinity, Year A); Year A, Not observed this year, gospel,\ Matthew 5:21-37 (Concerning anger, Bible Gateway), preferred Cantata 33 (13th Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois), alternate Cantata 170 (6th Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois); Year B, Not observed this year, gospel Mark 1:40-45 (Healing of leper, Bible Gateway, preferred Cantata 72 (3rd Sunday after Epiphany, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois), alternate Cantata 111 (3rd Sunday after Epiphany, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois). The 7th Sunday after Epiphany (February 18-24): Year C, 23 February 2025, gospel Luke 6:27-38, (Love for enemies, judging others, Bible Gateway), preferred Cantata 24 (6th Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois), alternate Cantata 138 (15th Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media); Year A, Not observed this year, gospel Matthew 5:38-48 (15th Sunday after Trinity, Concerning retaliation, Love for enemies, Bible Gateway), preferred Cantata 138 (15th Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois), alternate Cantata 77 (13th Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois); Year B, Not observed this year, gospel Mark 2:1-12 (Jesus heals paralytic, Bible Gateway), preferred Cantata 48 (19th Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois). alternate Cantata 38.1 (21st Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois). The Eighth Sunday after Epiphany (February 25-29), Not observed this year, Year A, gospel Matthew 6:24-34 (Serving 2 masters, Bible Gateway); preferred Cantata 187 (7th Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois), alternate Cantata 51 (Trinity 15 or per Ogni tempo, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois); Year B, gospel Mark 2::13-22 (Jesus calls Levy, Bible Gateway), preferred Cantata 103 (Jubilate Sunday, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois), alternate Cantata 135 (3rd Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois); Year C, gospel Luke 6:39-49 (Building on firm foundation, Bible Gateway), preferred Cantata 185.2 (4th Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois), alternate Cantata 45 (8th Sunday after Trinity, Carus-Media). Transfiguration Sunday (Last Sunday before Lent), Year C, Luke 9: 28-36 (Jesus' transfiguration on mountain, 2 March 2025). Preferred Cantata 50 (St. Michael's Day, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois), alternate Cantata 22 (Quinquagesimae Estomihi, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois); Year A, gospel Matthew 17:1-9 (Transfiguration, Bible Gateway), 15 February 2026, preferred Cantata 130.1 (Christ as God's beloved son, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois), alternate Motet BWV 225 (Sing to the Lord a New Song, Carus-Media, BCW: scroll down to "Discussions in the Week of November 20, 2016 (4th round)"); Year B, 7 February 2027, gospel Mark 9:2-9 (Jesus heals paralytic, Bible Gateway), preferred Motet BWV 225 (see above Year A alternate), alternate Cantata 128 (Feast of Ascension, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois).
Special Occasions: Presentation of our Lord/Feast of Purification, February 2, gospel Luke 2:22-40 (Jesus presented in Temple, Bible Gateway), preferred Motet BWV 1165=Anh. 159, Carus-Media, BCW, alternate Cantata 82 (Purification of Mary, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois. Joseph, Guardian of Jesus, March 19, gospel Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a; Oremus Bible Browser, preferred Cantata 36.4 (Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois); gospel Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23 (Return to Israel, Oremus Bible Browser), preferred Cantata 153 (Sunday after New Years, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois). Feast of Annunciation of Our Lord, Ma25, gospel Luke 1:26-38 (Birth of Jesus foretold, Bible Gateway), preferred Cantata 147 (Feast of Visitation of Mary, Carus-Media, Carus-Media), alternate Cantata 1 (Feast of Annunciation, Carus-Media, IOPN Library Illinois).
1 John S. Setterlund, Bach Through the Year: The Church Music of Johann Sebastian Bach and the Revised Common Lectionary (Minneapolis MN, Lutheran University Press 2013: 50f), Kirk House Publishers, Amazon.com).
To Come: Lenten Chorales, Sundays |