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Clara-Sophie Bertram (Mezzo-soprano)

Born: Germany

The German mezzo-soprano, Clara-Sophie Bertram, received her training at the Musikhochschule Leipzig and Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe (Bachelor of Arts degree in Singing and Opera: 2009-2013; Master of Arts degree in Singing and Opera with Julia Varady-Fischer-Dieskau and Friedemann Röhlig: 2013-2015; Master of Arts degree in Lied composition with Mitsuko Shirai and Hartmut Höll: 2015-2018). She also attended master-classes with Brigitte Fassbaender, Regina Werner and Claudia Visca. She received additional inspiration in chanson master-classes with Daniel Fueter. She won 1st prize at the Gesangswettbewerb Stimmenzauber in Herxheim. She is a scholarship holder of the Peter-Klaus-Stiftung, the Richard-Wagner-Verbandes Baden-Baden/Pforzheim e.V. and the Heinrich-Hertz-Gesellschaft.

Clara-Sophie Bertram made guest appearances at the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe and the Nationaltheater Mannheim, at the Volksschauspielen Ötigheim and the Osterfestspielen Baden-Baden. She was heard in concerts with the Stiftung Berliner Philharmoniker and as part of the Eppaner Liedsommers. At the Festival Rising Stars! she presented a chanson program by Georg Kreisler. Together with the pianist Freya Jung, she has created numerous Lieder recitals and chanson programs.

Clara-Sophie Bertram will be part of the Saarländischen Staatstheaters ensemble from the 2023-2024 season. In the new production of Puccini's Trittico she sings La Frugola in Il tabarro and La maestra delle novizie/La suora infermiera in Suor Angelica. She will also be seen as Grimgerde in Die Walküre and in the New Year’s Concert.

Clara-Sophie Bertram Website (October 2023) & Facebook/LinkedIn profiles, English translation by Aryeh Oron (April 2024)
Photos 01-09: Conrad Schmitz
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (April 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Christian-Markus Raiser


[CV-5] (2023, Video): BWV 34

Links to other Sites

Clara-Sophie Bertram - Mezzosopran(Official Website)
Clara Sophie Bertram on Facebook
Clara-Sophie Bertram on LinkedIn

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Last update: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 16:21