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Chih-fang Chiang (Bass-Baritone, Choral Conductor)

Born: Chan-Hua, Taiwan

The Taiwanese bass-baritone and choral conductor, Chih-fang Chiang (Chinese: 江智方), is Master of Fine Arts in Soochow University and Bachelor of Fine Arts in Tunghai University. His vocal music education was inspired by Professor Ju-Zhong Li while studying in high school. In 1999, he was admitted by the Music Department of Tunghai University where he majored in vocal music and studied under Associate Professor Szu-Chao Chen. In addition to participation in the production of several opera performances, he made many recitals as well while studying in Tunghai.

Chih-fang Chiang started his conducting career in high school as a conductor of a campus symphonic band. In university, he studied both choral and instrumental conducting, and conducted in several music groups. He was the Music director of Yuan-lin Senior High School symphonic band, conductor of Modern Choir of Tunghai University, assistant conductor of Chang-hua Youth Symphonic Band while studying in university. Besides conducting, he also participated in performance planning and preparation, and toured in Chia-Yi International Band Festival. By conducting various instrumentations, music genres with different groups, he gained lots of professional conducting experiences and won great recognition from audience.

After graduating from Tunghai University, Chih-fang Chiang was admitted to the post-graduate program of the Music Institute of Soochow University in 2003. He majored in choral conducting, studied under Dr. Serene Liang, and studied music interpretation and piano performance from composer Chun-yien Chang at that time. Besides studies, he founded R & J Singers, and conducted in many concerts as well. In 2007, he achieved his Master degree in choral conducting.

Chih-fang Chiang has devoted himself in choral music since he graduated from Soochow University. He has participated in Cherubim Singers, Yinqi Symphony Orchestra & Chorus. He was a bass member of the Taiwan National Choir (January 2009-June 2013), and become the bass sectional leader in 2010. In order to promote elegant choral art in Taiwan, he founded a vocal ensemble “Polylogue” in August 2009 and as music director & conductor (2009-2014). He was also the conductor of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology faculty choir, vocal coach of Academia Sinica choir, and the director of Taiwan Society of Healthy Performance Technique Promotion. He was the music director & Conductor of The Flying Dove choir (May 2012-April 2015). Since January 2016, he has been Assistant Conductor of Mysterium Musicum Vocal Ensemble.

Chih-fang Chiang profile on LinkedIn
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Chun-yien Chang


[CV-1] (2019, Video): BWV 131
[CV-2] (2024, Video): BWV 56

Links to other Sites

Chih-fang Chiang on LinkedIn

Biographies of Performers: Main Page | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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Last update: Friday, May 17, 2024 11:20