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Reiner Geißdörfer (Tenor)

Born: Bad Salzschlirf, Hessen, Germany

The German tenor, Reiner Geißdörfer, received his musical training in a Windsbacher Knabenchor. He studied theology in Erlangen, while singing at the Kirchenmusikalischen Institut with Ina Zimmermann. It was followed by master-classes with Barbara Schlick and J. Wagner at the International Summer Academy in Stuttgart, Germany, under the direction of Professor Helmuth Rilling.

The focus of Reiner Geißdörfer's concert career is the classic oratorios of J.S. Bach, George Frideric Handel and Haydn to Felix Mendelssohn. He is also at home in the modern repertoire, where he performs works by Benjamin Britten, Martin or Oskar Gottlieb Blarr. He specialises in singing the evangelist/narrator part in J.S. Bach and G.F. Handel oratorios. He has worked with renowned artists such as Hanno Müller-Brachmann, Jörg Hempel, Sibylla Rubens, Ingeborg Danz, Karl-Friedrich Beringer, Hans Martin Rauch or Professor Achim Zimmermann.

Some of the outstanding events of the past few years include concerts with the Berliner Singakademie at the Schauspielhaus am Gendarmenmarkt in Berlin, with the Windsbacher Knabenchor during the Bach week in Schaffhausen, with Emma Kirkby and London Baroque during the International Festival of Ancient Music in Nuremberg, with LKMD Rauch at the Festival in Edinburgh, with Siegfried Heinrich at the Internationale Bachtage in Hessen und Thüringen in Erfurt, Marburg, Bad Hersfeld, and Frankfurt / M. and with the Stuttgarter Hymnus-Chorknaben under KMD Hanns-Friedrich Kunz at the Stiftskirche in Stuttgart.

Reiner Geißdörfer is a lecturer at the Hochschule für Evangelische Kirchenmusik in Bayreuth.

Current CD on ArsVivendi label: Komm süßer Tod ; texts by H. Haberkamm and songs from J.S. Bach Schemellischen Gesangbuch.

Reiner Geißdörfer Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (January 2008)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (January 2008)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Tobias Hiller


BWV 232, BWV 248/1-3

Christoph Emanuel Seitz


BWV 232

Links to other Sites

(c) 2007 Reiner Geißdörfer Sänger Tenor (Official Website) [German]

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Last update: Monday, August 19, 2024 05:33