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Gopal Kambo (Tenor)

Born: 1998 - Chigwell, Essex, England.

The English tenor, Gopal Kambo, read music at St John’s College, Cambridge (2015-2018) with a first-class degree in Music and subsequently earned an MPhil in 2020. During that time he, he was a Choral Scholar in the renowned Trinity College Choir of Cambridge, with whom he sang daily services as well as undertaking frequent international tours, broadcasting and recording projects. He was also Assistant Musical Director of the Gentlemen of St John’s. In Cambridge, he enjoyed appearing frequently as a soloist and in consorts. Recently, he has sung solos in the termly J.S. Bach Cantata series at St John’s, the Kilgour Consort's Mass in B minor BWV 232 & Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248 (Evangelist) and in H. Purcell’s Hail, Bright Cecilia with the University’s Collegium Musicum and Chamber Choir. He has also enjoyed singing with Gesualdo Six and Tenebrae (Director: Nigel Short).

After graduation, Gopal Kambo worked as Graduate Analyst in the Thematic Research Division at GlobalData in London (October 2020-July 2021). Since January 2021, he has works as Analyst at PwC in London and since July 2023 he is Senior Associate there, M&A Strategy & Operation. Now, alongside working in finance in London, he maintains a career in singing, appearing as an oratorio soloist and consort singer as regularly as possible. In 2022, he was privileged to sing at the Platinum Jubilee and Funeral Services of HRH Queen Elizabeth II with the Choir of the Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace. In March 2023, he sang the Evangelist in J.S. Bach's Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 at All Saint's Church in Hertford with the Eboracum Baroque directed by Manvinder Rattan.

New Cambridge Singes (March 2019)
Gopal Kambo profile on LinkedIn
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (May 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Frankie Postles


TCMS [CV-2] (2019, Audio): BWV 106

Links to other Sites

Bach B Minor Mass - meet the soloists (New Cambridge Singers)
Gopal Kambo on LinkedIn
Gopal Kambo, Financial Advisor (University of Cambridge: Faculy of Music)

Biographies of Performers: Main Page | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Thursday, May 16, 2024 15:07