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Gabriel Liboiron-Cohen (Tenor)

Born: May 1987 - Oakland, California, USA

The American tenor, Gabriel Liboiron-Cohen, is a recent graduate with a Master’s degree in Operatic Studies from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music (September 2012-May 2014), and studies with the venerable Cesar Ulloa. He is the recipient of several awards including the Thelma Dry, Opera in the Schools award at the Holt Scholarship Competition, and was a finalist in the Dorothy Van Waynen Competition. He continued his studies in Oakland. His influences include, but are not limited to Pavarotti, Fritz Wunderlich, Vickers, and Jonas Kaufmann.

Recent performances have taken him to Notre Dame de Paris, the Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter’s Basilica of the Vatican. Having performed locally for years, Gabriel Liboiron-Cohen has taken part in many choirs including the Pacific Mozart Ensemble, and has performed as a soloist with the Belcanto Choir, The CSU East Bay Choirs, and the Pacific Choir. He then moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he worked at New Mexico School of Music (since December 2016) and was Apprentice at Opera Southwest (since September 2017). In 2019, he marrired Lara Cohen.

Gabriel Liboiron-Cohen obtained his Doctor of Audiology, Au.D., Audiology/Audiologist from cUniversity of the Pacific (August 2021-May 2024). He worked as Audiology Extern (July 2023-July) and currently as Doctor of Audiology (since July 2024) at Berkeley Hearing Center in Berkeley, California. As a former professional opera singer, he brings a unique and valuable perspective to my work as a hearing loss, balance disorder and tinnitus specialist.

Oakland Symphony Website
Gabriel Liboiron-Cohen profiles on Facebook & LinkedIn
Photos 04-05: Shea Perry; Photo 06: Kevin McGladdery
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (September 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




David Morales


[VV-1] (2016, Video): BWV 232

Links to other Sites

Gabriel Liboiron-Cohen - Tenor (Oakland Symphony)
Gabriel Liboiron-Cohen on Facebook
Gabriel Liboiron-Cohen on LinkedIn

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Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Sunday, September 22, 2024 10:33