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Marta Paklar (Soprano)

Born: September 27, 1990 - Tallinn, Estonia

The Estonian soprano, Marta Paklar (Marta Valdmaa), studied at Georg Otsa nimeline Tallinna Muusikakoo in Tallinn, and at Tallinna Lilleküla Gümnaasium in Tallinn. She received her bachelor’s degree in Early Music Singing at Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag in the Netherlands (2016), where she studied with Maria Acda and historical performance specialists Peter Kooy, Jill Feldman, Pascal Bertin, Robin Blaze and Michael Chance. She is currently continuing her studies with Professor Angelika Luz. at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Stuttgart, Germany. She has also participated in several master-classes with renowned singers and coaches, including Lynne Dawson, Emma Kirkby, Daniel Taylor, Elsina Jansen and Michael Chance.

Marta Paklar is known for her uniquely clear and bright colour of voice. She is rapidly acquiring a reputation as both a soloist and ensemble singer, working regularly with a number of ensembles including Nederlandse Bachvereniging (Director: Jos van Veldhoven), Nieuw Nederlands Vocaal Ensemble (Director: Béni Csillag), Floridante and Studio Vocale.

Solo performances have included Filia's role in Carissimi's Jephte with Jos van Veldhoven; J.S. Bach’s Cantata Mein Herze schwimmt in Blut (BWV 199) with Jaap ter Linden; Alessandro Grandi’s Haec est arbor dignissima and Giovanni Legrenzi’s Dialogo delle due Mariae with Nederlandse Bachvereniging and Jos van Veldhoven; Christian August Jacobi’s Weihnachtskantate with Susan Williams; Antonio Vivaldi’s Dixit Dominus with Peter Van Heyghen; W.A. Mozart's Missa Brevis (K.259) with Endrik Üksvärav; J.S. Bach’s Cantata Gott, der Herr, ist Sonn und Schild (BWV 79), the Mass in A major (BWV 234), and the Mass in F major (BWV 233) with Toomas Siitan. She married Sten Valdmaa on August 2, 2014 and currently lives in Stuttgart, Germany.

Marta Paklar profile on Facebook
The Artist (September 2017)
Photo 02: Gunnar Laak
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (December 2016); Marta Paklar (September 2017)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Jean-Loup Gagnon


Video (2015):BWV 36

René Jacobs


Member of Nederlandse Bachvereniging:
NBV-AOB [AB-245] (2021, Video): BWV 245, 1725 version [2nd recording, Ancilla]

Václav Luks


Member of Nederlandse Bachvereniging:
NBV-AOB [AB-198] (2020, Video): BWV 198

Stephan MacLeod


Member of Nederlandse Bachvereniging:
NBV-AOB [AB-225] (Video, 2016): BWV 225
NBV-AOB [AB-226] (Video, 2016): BWV 226
NBV-AOB [AB-228] (Video, 2016): BWV 228
NBV-AOB [AB-229] (Video, 2016): BWV 229
NBV-AOB [AB-A159] (Video, 2016): BWV 1165=Anh 159

Hans-Christoph Rademann


Member of Nederlandse Bachvereniging:
NBV-AOB [AB-45] (Video, 2023): BWV 45
NBV-AOB [AB-127] (2-23, Video): BWV 127

Shunske Sato


Member of Nederlandse Bachvereniging:
NBV-AOB [AB-8] (2023, Video): BWV 8
NBV-AOB [AB-21] (2021, Video): BWV 21
NBV-AOB [AB-80] (2022, Video): BWV 80
NBV-AOB [AB-97] (2022, Video): BWV 97
NBV-AOB [AB-103] (2021, Video): BWV 103
NBV-AOB [AB-109] (2021, Video): BWV 109
NBV-AOB [AB-117] (2022, Video): BWV 117
NBV-AOB [AB-135] (2021, Video): BWV 135
NBV-AOB [AB-192] (2022, Video): BWV 192

Jos van Veldhoven


Member of Nederlandse Bachvereniging:
NBV-AOB [AB-245] (2017, Video): BWV 245 [2nd recording, Ripieno]

Links to other Sites

Marta P akler - Soprano (Official Website) [English/Estonian]
Marta Valdmaa (Marta Paklar) on Facebook

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Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Tuesday, May 28, 2024 15:49