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Cinzia Prampolini (Soprano)

Born: Italy

The Italian soprano, Cinzia Prampolini, graduated in Renaissance and Baroque singing with Cristina Miatello at the Conservatorio F. E. dall' Abaco di Verona in 2013 and is currently attending the two-year Baroque singing course. She studies vocal technique with Patrizia Callegarini in Verona. From the age of 6 until 1996 she sang in the children's choir "Corale Puccini" in Sassuolo. From 1996 to 2002, she studied opera singing under the guidance of various teachers at the Conservatorio di Parma A. Boito and at the Conservatorio di Bologna G. B. Martini. From 2003 to 2007 she studied Baroque singing with the contralto singer Michele Andalò. She completed her third year of opera singing at the Conservatorio di Modena Orazio Vecchi, privately in 2008 followed by Michele Andalò. You studied Renaissance Polyphony at the Scuola Civica di Milano with Diego Fratelli. From 2007 to 2009 she studied Celtic and classical harp under the guidance of Davide Burani.

At the beginning of 2016, Cinzia Prampolini founded the medieval music group EmbÈ with Sara Mancuso, making use of the collaboration of other musicians such as Andrea Inghisciano, Anais Chen, Mario Parravicini, Lorenzo Parravicini. She sings the vocal parts of the Vocale Altàir group with a repertoire that ranges from the Middle Ages to the contemporary, with arrangements of some popular songs. She participates in the Rhythm and Improvisation Workshop for Harp with Lincoln Almada and Vincenzo Zitello.

Cinzia Prampolini participated in the summer course of ancient music in Urbino following the course of "Musica medievale" with Claudia and Livia Caffagni performing in the final show of the course "Le Roman du Fauvel". With "Alia Musica" she participates in "Laboratorio Internazionale Permanente" on vocal and sacred music in the Middle Ages on Hildegard von Bingen held by Claudia Caffagni in Parma. She attended "il XXXIII curso Internacional de Musica antigua de Daroca" in Daroca (Spain) with Cristina Miatello. She collaborated as a singer with the Venetian medieval music group: La Frottola and with the Laus Veris group. With the Ensemble "Resvellies vous" she performed as a soloist in an all-round program on Guillaume Du Fay directed by Claudia Caffagni of Reverdie in Trigonale in Austria, for Grandezze e Meraviglie, in Trieste and Gorizia and finally for the "Dicastelloincastello" series in Trentino.

Cinzia Prampolini performed as a soloist in Maurice Duruflé's Requiem for the "Settimana chorale di Cles" accompanied by the Blumine Ensemble directed by Caterina Centofante. With the Schola Gregoriana Benedetto XVI of Bologna she performed as a soloist two concerts with the Psalms of Adriano Banchieri. With the Corale Monteverdi di Cles she performed as a soloist in M. Duruflé's Requiem. With Adiastema per Cantar di Pietre at the Chiesa di Biasca in Switzerland she performed the Messa di Nostre Dame by Machaut accompanied by the Drum Head Percussion Ensemble. With the L'Accademia di Musica Antica di Rovereto directed by Romano Vettori she sang in the Musica Antica e Musica Sacra del Conservatorio "C. Monteverdi" di Bolzano, Orchestra Barocca e Coro della Mitteleuropa music by Heinichen and Pasqui. She sang Orlando di Lasso's Missa pro defunti for 4 voices with the J.Quartet in the Chiesa di Santo Stefano a Bologna. She performed with the "Calliope Ensemble" Paolo Fonghetti's Lamentations in ancient notation for Easter, Banchieri's Psalms with natural trumpet and organ interludes. With "L'Armonico Tributo", an ensemble of ancient instruments, she performed as a soloist.

His repertoire ranges from the Middle Ages to the Baroque, and then moves on to contemporary music, as a soloist but also within vocal groups.

Cinzia Prampolini has been teaching voice for many years; first in Bologna in two choirs, then he moved to Trentino where she carried out his activity in Cles with the Corale Monteverdi and in Val di Sole. Since 2017 she has directed the "Presanella" male choir of Vermiglio. Since 2012 she has been Artistic Co-Director of the Arte nell'Arte, Affreschi Sonori in Val di Sole.

Laus Veris Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (June 2024)
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (June 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Favio Cusinato


[CV-3] (2011, Audio): BWV 11, BWV 243

Links to other Sites

Cinzia Prampolini (Laus Veris) [Italian]
Cinzia Prampolini on Facebook

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Last update: Monday, July 01, 2024 00:18