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Carlo Putelli (Tenor)

Born: Rome, Italy

The Italian tenor, Carlo Putelli, completed his musical studies at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome. He then studied under the guidance of S. Bruscantini and R. Blake and at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, where he took care of the acquisition of the German vocal heritage with Rudolph Knoll, Wilma Lipp, Alessandro Misciasci and Iris Adami Corradetti, graduating in opera and Lieder singing.

In addition to his activity as Choir Artist in the prestigious Choir of the National Academy of Santa Cecilia, Carlo Putelli continues his solo activity singing with conductors such as Wolfgang Sawallisch, Carlo Maria Giulini, Christian Thielemann, Myung-Whun Chung, Temirkanov, Fabio Biondi, Alessandro De Marchi, Micheli, Fabio Maestri, Gerd Albrecht, Claudio Abbado and Pappano. In 2008 he was at the Utrecht-Fest with Fabio Biondi and Europa Galante. In 2009 he made his debut as Evangelist in J.S. Bach's Johannes-Passion BWV 245 conducted by Helmuth Rilling in Milan, a role he will often reprise in various productions throughout Europe. In 2010 he sang Ferrando in Cosi fan Tutte by W.A. Mozart and Dorvil in the Scala di Seta by Rossini with the Orchestra in Canto conducted by di Fabio Maestri.

In recent years, Carlo Putelli's music horizon expanded and led him to approach the most disparate musical repertoires, he dedicates himself with increasing commitment to modern and contemporary music, both as an interpreter and as a composer, collaborating with Luis Bacalov and founding the Ensemble “Labirinto” , a laboratory of voices that inaugurates its activity with the performance of the Berliner Messe by Arvo Pärt in a conference-concert by Mauro Mariani dedicated to the Estonian composer. Also in the contemporary context, we highlight Blue Tree, that he composed for the Vascello Theater, on texts by Joumana Haddad and Golan Haji, Ad Infinitum (in memory of Pasolini), used as a sound commentary for the documentary on Tonino delli Colli (Rai5), participation in Opfergang by H.W. Henze at the Royal Albert Hall in London, Luigi Dallapiccola's Prisoner in London and Birmingham, both under the direction of Antonio Pappano, and Miserere: a co-production between S. Cecilia and ‘Musica per Roma’, where he is among the four soloists of David Lang’s The little match girl Passion. His upcoming engagements are: Leonard Bernstein's Trouble in Tahiti, the reprise of the role of J.S. Bach's Evangelist, the release of Robert Schumann’s Dichterliebe with Mirco Roverelli on the piano and “Liederabend: Beethoven” with Enrico Maria Polimanti.

FH Management Website
Carlo Putelli profile on Facebook
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (September 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Fabio Ciofini


[VV-1] (2024, Video): BWV 245 [Evangelist]

Links to other Sites

Carlo Putelli Tenor (FH Management)
Carlo Puelli on Facebook

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Last update: Saturday, September 07, 2024 00:16