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Marie Seidler (Mezzo-soprano)

Born: Germany

The German mezzo-soprano, Marie Seidler, studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London where she graduated with distinction; and completed her concert exams at the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt with Professor Hedwig Fassbender. She is a winner of the Internationalen Wettbewerbs für Liedkunst der Hugo-Wolf-Akademie Stuttgart and the Trude-Eipperle-Rieger Preises. She also holds a scholarship of the Richard-Wagner-Stiftung. In 2013 she was selected as a young artist at the Britten-Pears-Festival in Aldeburgh. In 2018 the German Opernwelt nominated her as young artist of the year.

From 2016 to 2019 Marie Seidler was part of the ensemble at Stadt-theater Gießen. Her roles include Flora in G. Verdi’s La Traviata (September 2016-May 2017), Annio in W.A. Mozart's La Clemenza di Tito (November 2015-January 2016), Olga in P.I. Tchaikovsky’s Eugen Onegin (September-December 2015), Dorabella in W.A. Mozart's Così fan tutte (March-June 2017), Cherubino in W.A. Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro (December 2018-June 2019), Bostana in P. Cornelius’ Der Barbier von Bagdad (January-June 2017), et al. Oberon by C.M. v. Weber and the operetta Herbstmanöver by E. Kálmán were recorded by the German label Oehms Classic.

Guest engagements have taken Marie Seidler to several opera houses, such as Staatstheater Mainz, Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik, Göttinger Händelfestspiele and the Oper Frankfurt am Main, as well as Opera Aachen. In 2019-2020 she returned to Staatstheater Mainz as Fjodor in Mussorgski's opera Boris Godunow. In 2019 she sang the title role in George Frideric Handel's Ottone at the Early Music Festival in Innsbruck. In 2021 she made her debut with W.A. Mozart's Sesto in La Clemenza di Tito Pfalztheater Kaiserslautern under the direction of Daniele Squeo (October 2020-January 2021) and the role of Arsamene in G.F. Handel's Xerses (January-July 2022). She was most recently heard in Robert Schumann's Genoveva as Margaretha at the Tonhalle Düsseldorf (June 2023) and at the Dresdner Musikfestspiele, among others. In 2023-2024 she will make her debut with the role of Charlotte in J. Massenet's Werther at the Den Jyske Opera in Aarhus (February -March 2024) and can be heard as a dryad at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice (June 2024).

Marie Seidler established herself as a welcome guest on the concert podium, including performances at King’s place, at the Händel Festival in London under the guidance of Laurence Cummings, at the Schleswig-Holstein festival, at the Boulez Saal et al. She sang extracts of Gustav Mahler's Knaben Wunderhorn Lieder in Nancy (France) with the Orchestre Lyrique and was invited to the Eppaner song festival under the patronage of Brigitte Fassbaender as well as to the Schubertìada in Barcelona and Vilabertran together with Wolfram Rieger. In 2020 she gave her debut at the “Schubertiade” festival in Hohenems. She performed with the Hamburger Symphoniker in the Laeiszhalle (L.v. Beethoven's Egmont, November 2021), with the alto part of Felix Mendelssohn's Elias in Moscow under the direction of Maxim Emelyanychev (May 2021) and in J.S. Bach's Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 in Lausanne under the direction of Aapo Häkkinen (November 2021). Recitals took her, among others, together with the pianists Wolfram Rieger, Marcelo Amaral and Daniel Heide to the Schubertiads in Hohenems and Vilabertran, to the Schubertwoche in the Berlin Boulezsaal, to Barcelona, London and to the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival. In September 2023, she appeared as a soloist in Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 8 under the direction of Neeme Järvi. She will also make her debut as alto soloist in Verdi's Requiem alongside Camilla Nylund in November 2023.

In March 2021 her debut CD “Tief von fern” was released together with the pianist Götz Payer and in January 2022 a recording of Arnold Schoenberg’s “Das Buch der hängenden Gärten” was released together with Toni Ming Geiger.

Marie Seidler Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (November 2023)
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (November 2023)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Christoph Spering


[C-9] (2022, 2-CD/MP3): CD-1: BWV 94
[C-10] (2023, 3-CD/MP3): BWV 101, BWV 114, BWV 133, BWV 139

Links to other Sites

Marie Seidler (Official Website) [German]
Marie Seidler on Operabase
Marie Seidler (SPEKTRAL)

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Last update: Monday, July 01, 2024 10:51