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Tasmin Simmill (Mezzo-soprano)

Born: September 1965 - England

The English mezzo-soprano, Tamsin Simmill, began her career singing traditional Anglican church repertoire. She obtained her Master of Arts degree in in French + Italian from Somerville College, Oxford University (1984-1988), and took degree in Mediaeval Studies from London. As a student at Oxford University, she toured in Denmark, Germany, Jakarta, and Hong Kong; sang and recorded professionally with Emma Kirkby and the Consort of Musicke, the Academy Consort with Anthony Rooley; the choir of St. George's, Hanover Square (London) with Denis Darlow; the National Irish Chamber Choir with Colin Mawby; and Dublin Grand Opera. She premiered works by Arvo Pärt in France with the Western Wind Ensemble and Hilliard Ensemble; and, with the Finzi Singers and Paul Spicer, premiered vocal works by modern British composers, recording on the Chandos label.

Tamsin Simmill moved to the USA in 1999. She has performed with the Duke Chapel Vespers Ensemble, the Vocal Arts Ensemble of Durham, and Duke Collegium Musicum, and is a familiar figure on local concert platforms. She was a co-director of Isabella - a 5-voice women's a cappella vocal ensemble which was twice invited to perform at Piccolo Spoleto Festival in Charleston, South Carolina. She is a charter member of the North Carolina Symphony Chamber Choir and of the Raleigh Bach Soloists. She has performed as a soloist at Chapel of the Cross, and is a guest singer with the North Carolina Baroque Chamber Orchestra and with El Fuego, a group specializing in Spanish and New World Baroque music. In the past 2 decades (since 1999) she has continued as a professional ensemble singer and soloist, specializing in Baroque and Renaissance music.

Since 2001, Tasmin Simill is also Owner of PowerfulGoodHealing in Durham, North Carolina, offering many modalities to assist in healing from a wide range of issues.

Bits & pieces from various sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (January 2025)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Kelly Nivison


[C23-12] (2023, Video): BWV 248/2/ Mvt. 6 [15] + Chorale

Links to other Sites

Tasmin Simmill on LinkedIn
Tasmin Simmill on Facebook

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Last update: Wednesday, January 08, 2025 06:03