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Henry Wing (Tenor)

Born: June 21, 1931 - Washington, DC, USA
Died: November 18, 2018 - Havenwood Heritage Heights, Concord, New Hampshire, USA

The American tenor, Henry J. Wing, Jr., was the only son of Henry J. Wing, Sr. and Esther L. Wing. He grew up in Stamford, Connecticut and earned Bachelor's and Masters' degrees in Music from Oberlin Conservatory of Music. After serving in the Army Signal Corps in Germany, he obtained a Ph.D. in Musicology from Boston University.

Henry Wing taught at Colby Junior College (now Colby Sawyer College), Elmira College, and, for 26 years, at the University of New Hampshire. Teaching voice and music history, choral conducting, and singing professionally were his specialties. He was tenor soloist at Trinity Church in Boston, Massachusetts and St. Paul's Church in Concord, New Hampshire. For 30 years he directed the Rockingham Choral Society in the Seacoast. He also was Music Director of many theater works including Broadway hits and Gilbert and Sullivan favorites. More recently he directed the Triple H Singers at Havenwood Heritage Heights for six years.

Henry Wing loved his family, his music, and those he made music with. He enjoyed time at the family camp on Horn Pond in Acton, Maine, traveling abroad and in the USA as well as playing pocket billiards, and reading. Before coming to Concord he was an active member of First Parish Church in Dover, New Hampshire. He died died on November 18, 2018, at Havenwood Heritage Heights in Concord, at the age of 87.


Henry J. Wing Jr. Obituary on
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (August 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Fritz Wallenberg


[BS-101] (1969, Audio): BWV 21

Links to other Sites

Haenry J. Wing Jr. (

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Last update: Friday, August 30, 2024 08:42