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Vadym Yatsenko (Choral Conductor, Bass)

Born: April 19, 1994 - Kyiv, Ukraine

The Ukraininian choral conductor and bass singer, Vadym Yatsenko, is a prize-winner of Ukrainian Contest of Choral Conductors. He studied at Kyiv National Music Academy named after P. Tchaikovsky (faculty of choral conducting, class of professor Ye. Savchuk).

Vadym Yatsenko sang in choir «Kyiv» and conducted chamber choir «Intermezzo» in Kyiv (since May 2015). He conducted vocal ensemble «Esthetic Voice» in Kyiv (since 2013). Since April 2018 he has been Chief Choirmaster at Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet. He is a founder of LvivOpera Chamber Choir. Since August 2023, he is also Artistic director «Homin» choir at Lviv Organ Hall; and since September 2023 Chief Choirmaster at Lviv National Opera. He was a chorus master of W.A. Mozart's opera Don Giovanni and I. Nebesnyi's Fox Mykyta (Lviv National Opera, 2018, 2020), G. Puccini's Turandot by (2020), D. Bortnyansky's Falcon and Alcid by (2021). He currently lives in Lviv, Ukraine.

Lviv National Opera Website
Vadym Yatsenko profile on Facebook
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (September 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Ivan Ostapovych


[CV-1] (2024): BWV 235

Links to other Sites

Vadym Yatsenko (Lviv National Opera)
Vadym Yatsenko on Facebook

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Last update: Sunday, September 15, 2024 03:22