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Roberto Manuel Zangari (Tenor, Choral Conductor)

Born: Praia a Mare, Calabria, Italy

The Italian tenor and choral conductor, Roberto Manuel Zangari, began his musical training as a pianist under the guidance of Condino and as a director with Donati. He graduated in choir direction at the Fondazione Guido d’Arezzo (October 2012-August 2015), where he studied with Berrini, Busto, Corti, Gary Graden, Donati, Luigi Marzola. He studied singing with Matteuzzi, Cinciripi, Sara Mingardo, Lia Serafini at the Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia, Roma (2017-2021).

As a choir singer, Roberto Manuel Zangari carries out an intense activity as part of top-level choral groups such as the Coro Giovanile Italiano, Coro e Orchestra Barocca dei Conservatori Italiani, Kristiansand Soloist Ensemble (Norway) under the direction of important directors such as Donati, Quarta, Gary Graden, Rasmussen. He has taken part in some of the most important choral festivals and reviews in the national and international scene, such as Europa Cantat (Pècs), Urbino Musica Antica (Urbino), MiTo Festival (Milano-Torino) and has won multiple awards at the international choral competitions of Tours and Varna, the most important of which is undoubtedly the prestigious victory, with UT Insieme Vocale-Consonante, at the European Gran Prix for Choral Singing 2016; he has been a singer of the Cappella Musicale Pontificia since April 2017.

As a solo tenor, Roberto Manuel Zangari collaborates regularly with first-rate institutions such as Concerto Romano and the Baroque orchestra “Furiosi Affetti”, and participates in festivals such as the Roma Festival Barocco and the Reate Festival 2018 (September-October), the year in which he sang live on Rai Radio Classica for the Christmas Concert. He made his opera debut within the CamerOpera project in the role of Pietro in La Sindrome, a contemporary opera by Conti, and continued by interpreting the Monteverdian roles of Orfeo in Orfeo and Telemachus in Ritorno di Ulisse. In addition to the purely vocal aspect, his training as a conductor often led him to take an interest in the philological one: this interest led him to write an essay on the figure of the ancient singer of the 16th-17th centuries, and to attend the Ornamentation and Diminution course with Gatti, organized by FIMA; his recording activity was also intense, which led him to record for Tactus, Brilliant and, as a soloist for the Cappella Musicale Pontificia, for Deutsche Grammophone.

As a choral conductor, Roberto Manuel Zangari has worked with the Corale Laurenziana “Casimiri” of the Duomo di Perugia and with the Ensemble Vocale della Compagnia Virtuosa (Pescara), with which he specialized in the performance of early music. He is currently artistic director of the Gruppo Vocale “Amemus”, of which he is also the founder, and of the “Coro Polifonico “Laudate Dominum”, both entities from his native town, Praia a Mare. He currently lives in Rome, Italy.

Roberto Manuel Zangari Website & Facebook profile
Photos 02-03: Üç Photoarianna
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (September 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Fabio Ciofini


[VV-1] (2024, Video): BWV 245

Links to other Sites

Roberto Manuel Zangari - Tenor, Choir Conductor (Official Website) [Italian/pasrtly Engligh]
Roberto Manuel Zangari on Facebook

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Last update: Tuesday, September 17, 2024 12:34