Born: c1710 - Mühlbach, near Chemnitz1, or Neudörfchen, near Frankenberg2, Saxony, Germany
Died: February 211 or 222, 1782 - Schmölln, Thurnigia, Germany |
Gottlieb Daniel Naumann was a German organist. He was born the son of Father: Daniel Naumann (catechist and schoolmaster in Mühlbach1 or Neudörfchen2). He stayed (probably with school attendance) in Mühlbach and (from 1725) in Chemnitz. He attended the Thomasschule in Leipzig (as an external?); enrolled at the University of Leipzig on March 27, 1734; and was a pupil of J.S. Bach there. In April 1740 he succeeded another J.S. Bach's pupil, Bernhard Dieterich Ludewig as organist at Schmölln.
Gottlieb Daniel Naumann's lessons with J.S. Bach were mentioned in the presentation letter for his employment in Schmölln in 1740. In connection with an unsuccessful application for Kantor and service organist in Brehna in 1737, it is said that he was a member of a Collegium Musicum in Leipzig - probably of J.S. Bach.
References: Koska: A-35 |
1. Oxford Composer Companions J.S. Bach (Editor: Malcolm Boyd, OUP, 1999)
2. Bernd Koska: Bachs Privatschüler in Bach-Jahrbuch 2019, English translation by Aryeh Oron (May 2020)
Contributed by Aryeh Oron (June 2014, May 2020) |
Sources: Dok II, Nr. 473; C.A. Bahn, Historische Nachrichten von dem im Meißnischen Ober-Ertzgebürge an der Zschopau liegenden Franckenberg und Sachsenburg, Schneeberg 1755, S. 272; J. Löbe und E. Löbe, Geschichte der Kirchen und Schulen des Herzogthums Sachsen-Altenburg mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ortsgeschichte, Bd. 2: Enthaltend die Stadt- und Landephorien Schmölln und Ronneburg, Altenburg 1887, S. 53; Löffler 1936, S. 115; Löffler 1953, Nr. 42; Koska, Bachs Thomaner (wie Fußnote 15), S. 50f. |