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Bach in Arts
Bach Statues, Monuments, Memorials & Plaques |
Memo-0427 |
Type: |
Bach Statue |
Title: |
Sculpture, Musical Instruments, Biblical Imagery, Portraits of Bach, Handel, Haydn and Mozart, and Statues of Euterpe and Melpomene Photograph |
Description: |
A four storey building in the Italian Renaissance style, with modern groundfloor shop frontage. The first floor has pilasters between the bays, they are carved with reliefs of musical instruments. The capitals are carved with the heads of Handel (1685-1759), Bach (1685-1750), Mozart (1756-1741) and Haydn (1737-1806). Between the pilasters each bay has a frieze of a biblical scene associated with music. They depict, the Fall of Jericho, David playing the harp before Saul, and the Ark entering the Holy City. The entablature has a frieze carved with reliefs of foliage and musical instruments. Above this is an elaborate parapet with central attic window projecting upwards with a round arch. At the outer corners of the parapet are statues of Euterpe, the Goddess of Music and Muse of Lyric Poetry, and Melpomene, the Goddess of Poetry and the Muse of Tragedy. |
Measures: |
Creator: |
Sculptor: John Lea
Architect: Loxton, Samuel
Year of unveiling: 1898
Location: 29 Bridge Street, London, England; on former Taylor's Music Shop |
Comments: |
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N/A |

Source/Links: Public Monument and Sculpture Association
Contributor: Teddy Kaufman (December 2007) |
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