Music Examples: Cantatas BWV 1-224 | Other Vocal BWV 225-524, 1081-1127 | Instrumental BWV 525-1080 | Bach's Contemporaries | Videos of Performances of Bach’s Works | Realizations of Bach’s Works using Various Tuning Systems | Sources | Explanation
Chorale BWV 377 Mach's mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Güt Realizations
Realization of Chorale BWV 377, using Well-Tempered Tuning*
* The "Wohltemperierte Tuning" is described in: The Esoteric Keyboard Temperaments of J. S. Bach by Charles Francis (2005) [PDF]
Source: Charles Francis (January 2013) Contributor: Charles Francis (January 2013)
Chorales BWV 250-438 Recordings | General Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Chorales in Bach's Vocal Works: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Hidden Chorale Melody Allusions | Passion Chorale Individual Recordings: Hilliard - Morimur | Chorales - N. Matt | Chorales - H. Rilling | Preludi ai Corali - Quartetto Italiani di Viola Da Gamba References: Chorales BWV 250-300 | Chorales BWV 301-350 | Chorales BWV 351-400 | Chorales BWV 401-438 Texts & English Translations of Chorales: Sorted by Title Chorale Melodies: Sorted by Title | 371 4-Part Chorales sorted by Breitkopf Number | Explanation MIDI files of the Chorales: Cantatas BWV 1-197 | Other Vocal Works BWV 225-248 | Chorales BWV 250-438 Articles: The Origin of the Texts of the Chorales [A. Schweitzer] | The Origin of the Melodies of the Chorales [A. Schweitzer] | The Chorale in the Church Service [A. Schweitzer] | Choral / Chorale [C.S. Terry] | The History of the Breitkopf Collection of J. S. Bach’s Four-Part Chorales [T. Braatz] | Chorale Melody Allusions in Bach's Vocal Works [T. Braatz] Hymnals used by Bach | Abbreviations used for the Chorales | Links to other Sites on the Chorales
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Last update: January 9, 2013 20:24:57 -->