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Il Gardellino (Instrumental Ensemble)

Founded: 1988 - Belgium

Founded in 1988, this Baroque ensemble Il Gardellino borrows its name from Antonio Vivaldi's concerto Il Gardellino (R90) for flute, oboe, violin, bassoon and basso continuo. The core of the ensemble consists of Marcel Ponseele (oboe), Jan De Winne (traverso), Shalev Ad-El (harpsichord), Ryo Terakado (violin), Mika Akiha (viola) and Hervé Douchy (violoncello). For concerts or recordings, they are joined by renowned musicians such as François Fernandez (violin and viola), Vittorio Ghielmi (viola da gamba) and several other wind players.

All of them enjoy a considerable reputation in the world of historical performances. They are leaders - and sometimes even co-founders - of ensembles such as the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, La Petite Bande, L'Orchestre des Champs-Elysées and Collegium Vocale Gent. Having spent many years in authentic practice, they master all the subtleties at their fingertips. However, as assembled in il Gardellino, they aim to make a difference and create something at the cutting edge.

While upholding J.S. Bach's works and especially his spirit as their guide, at the same time they wish to put him into a contrastive perspective. They juxtapose his works with those of his contemporaries whose repertoire is too often neglected. They play with our own contemporaries in the fields of contemporary music, jazz, world music, etc. During their tours, they invite writers, philosophers, cinematographers or video makers and weave a dialogue with other forms of artistic expression.

Having already accomplished some pioneering performances with jazz musicians (while playing on their period instruments of course), they plan future programs along more traditional lines which will include sacred vocal music as well as opera. After having performed and been highly praised at many festivals and concert halls in Europe, il Gardellino has been recently enjoying an ever increasing success in the USA, Israel, South America, and Japan. Many CD’s have been and will further be recorded for the labels Accent, Klara and Passacaille.

Members of Il Gardellino Vocal Ensemble:





Annelies Brants
Maria Valdmaa
Caroline Weynants
Inge Zutterman

Patrick Van Goethem
Damien Guillon
Margot Oitzinger
Cécile Pilorger
Joris Verschueren

Paolo Borgonovo
Vincent Lesage
Reinoud Van Mechelen
Kevin D. Skelton
Marcus Ullmann

Pieter Coene
Marco Radaelli
Lieven Termont
Bart Vandewege

Members of Il Gardellino Instrumental Ensemble:

Violins: Julien Chauvin, Annelies Decock, François Fernandez, Mayumi Hirasaki, Joanna Huszcza, Ryo Terakado
Viola: Mika Akiha, Kaat De Cock, François Fernandez
Cellos: Emmanuel Balssa, Hervé Douchy, Ira Givol
Viola da gamba: Vittorio Ghielmi, Ira Givol
Double-basses: Damien Guffroy, Korneel Lecompte
Recorders: Ruth Vankillegem, Patrick Denecker
Transverse Flute: Jan De Winne
Oboes: Marcel Ponseele, Ann Vanlancker
Bassoons: Laurent Lechenadec, Alain De Rijckere
Organ, Harpsichord: Shalev Ad-El, Bart Naessens, Guy Penson

Source: Il Gardellino Website
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (August 2010, March 2016)

Marcel Ponseele: Short Biography | Ensembles: Il Gardellino
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works | Recordings of Instrumental Works

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Alexander Grychtolic

Choir & Orchestra

[C-5] (2023, HRCD/MP3): BWV Anh 169

Jan De Winne [flute]


[O-2] (2017): Orchestral Suite No. 2 BWV 1067, Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 BWV 1050, Triple Concerto BWV 1044 for flute, violin, harpsichord & strings

Daniel Reuss


BWV 232 [2nd, Video]

Ryo Terakado


BWV 56, BWV 82, BWV 158, BWV 203 [w/ bass Dominik Wörner]

Links to other Sites

Il Gardellino (Official Website) [multi-lingual]

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Last update: Sunday, August 04, 2024 14:23