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Roswitha Schmelzl (Soprano)

Born: 1975 - Mainburg, Bavaria, Germany.

The German soprano, Roswitha Schmelzl, received her first musical education in flute, piano and singing from her father Rudolf Schmelzl. After graduating from high school in Mainburg, she studied first music education at the der Hochschule für Musik und Theater München as well as English language and literature at the Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München. In 1997-1998 she was a visiting student at the Conservatory of Birmingham / UK as part of an Erasmus scholarship and deepened her singing training with Andrea Calladine. After the first state examination, she studied singing at the Hochschule für Musik München with Gabriele Kaiser. Her penchant for early music, and so she attended several courses with Lars-Ulrik Mortensen and Emma Kirkby. In April 2001, she won the 1st Prize and the Audience Award at the Biagio-Marini Wettbewerb in Neuburg an der Donau.

Roswitha Schmelzl sings regularly in renowned ensembles such as Gächinger Kantorei Stuttgart under Helmuth Rilling, Collegium Vocale Gent under Philippe Herreweghe and Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks. As a soloist she performs regularly with the Barockensemble Sans-Souci and La Chanterelle, and has performed with great success in oratorios and other works, from Monteverdi's Vespers and Heinrich Schütz, through J.S. Bach's oratorios, George Frideric Handel and H. Purcell, Felix Mendelssohn, to Francis Poulenc's Stabat Mater and Arthur Honegger's King David.

Roswitha Schmelzl performed at festivals such as the Europäischen Wochen Passau, Musiksommer zwischen Salzach und Inn, Schwarzenberger Schlosskonzerte, Mozart-Nacht Ingolstadt and the Blutenburger Schlosskonzerten, and in other venues in Munich, Starnberg, Bad Tölz, Regensburg, Straubing, Erlangen, Berlin,. Abroad, she has appeared already in Innsbruck, Birmingham, Venice, Ravenna, Porto; she was heard in Rome as part of the Euro Via Festival, in Washington and at the Early Music Festival Boston.

Since September 2005 Roswitha Schmelzl has in addition to her artistic activity, vocal coach of the Regensburger Domspatzen.

"Roswitha Schmelzl singt mit kristallklarer Diktion, ganz leicht perlenden Verzierungen und bruchlosem Wohllaut" - Musik im Museum, Donaukurier (March 3, 2009)

Roswitha Schmelzl Website & Musica Starnberg Website (2007), English translation by Aryeh Oron (January 2015)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (January 2015)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Konstantin Köppelmann


BWV 245 [2nd]

Links to other Sites

Roswitha Schmelzl - Sopran (Official Website) [German]
G.F. Händel - Israel In Egypt (Musica Starnberg) [PDF, German]

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Last update: Friday, June 14, 2024 08:51