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Coro Canticum Novum (Choir)
Coro da Camera Canticum Novum (Chamber Choir)

Founded: 1986 - Italy

Founded in 1986, the Coro Canticum Novum has been conducted by Maestro Fabio Ciofini since 1994. The underlying theme of the choir’s activities has always been the utmost attention to timbre and an accurate interpretation of the musical text. In addition to the more classic and popular a cappella pieces, the repertoire includes a wide range of works for choir and orchestra, operas and many others. The W.A. Mozart's repetoire ranges from his early works to his more mature and demanding pieces, including the Requiem and Coronation Mass amongst others.

The Choir has taken part in various choral festivals and toured in Germany, France, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland and Greece, where between 2007 and 2009 it launched a collaboration with the Italian Embassy for the Greek affiliate of the Caritas charity.

The Choir has organised the Villa Solomei Festival since 1999, achieving critical acclaim and increasing success with audiences, attracting substantial numbers of Italian and international music lovers in the process. For these events, the Choir has performed pieces by Gabriel Fauré, Antonio Vivaldi, J.S. Bach, Orff, Haydn, Josef Rheinberger, Verdi and more. The 2006 Festival was dedicated entirely to W.A. Mozart, for the 250th anniversary of his birth. In 2009, the choir brought the musical tale The Lüneburg Variation to the theatre, based on the eponymous novel by Paolo Maurensig, working alongside an enchanting performance by the renowned Italian singer Milva.

In 2011, the Choir was accredited by the Ministry of Culture as an “Amateur Group of National Significance” as part of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the the Unification of Italy. In 2012 they performed the Passion of the Christ for the Musical Season of the Cucinelli Theatre with Opera II, featuring choreography by the N.U.D.A. network. They held two concerts in Sicily in April of that year.

In September 2013 they took part in the Umbrian Musical Festival, performing Stabat Mater by Haydn (1732-1809), which they recorded on CD for the Bottega Discantica classical music store in Milan, for whom they also recorded another two CD's for the catalogue: Gloria and Dixit Dominus by A. Vivaldi and Requiem KV 626 by W.A. Mozart, which is also available in an exclusive vinyl edition. Last June, for the Villa Solomei festival, they performed Misa Criolla by Ariel Ramírez (1921-2010), and repeated their performance for the 2014 Umbrian Music Festival and in Tokyo last October.

Members of Coro Canticum Novum:





Antognelli Mariagrazia
Baci Paci Antonella
Benedetti Marina
Bigerna Maria Stella
Bonaca Orietta
Guidobaldi Antonella*
Montecchiani Anullo Emiliana*
Olivetti Valeria
Picciafuoco Daniela
Poeta Chiara*
Porro Ceciia*
Rossetti Ilana

Alunni Esposto Sabrina
Bacaro Sabrina*
Benda Federica
Bianconi Gabriella
Cittadoni Lucia*
Cochetti Wanda
D’Ottavi Raimonda
Giulivi Francesca
Hihara Sachie*
Picciafuoco Enrica
Picciafuoco Patrizia
Raponi Paola*
Rastorgueva Victoria
Romani Emanuela
Sensi Maria Chiara

Batocchioni Paolo
Giacinti Giuseppe*
Gianni Angelo
Granci Ivano*
Mangiavillani Biagio
Massetti Cesare*
Paletta Lodovico
Panfili Ottaviano*

Bartolucci Lorenzo*
Bonaca Antonio
Ceccarelli Fabio*
Delle Grotti Lorenzo
Dozi Andrea*
Gasperini Ezio
Ottaviani Paolo
Poeta Francesco
Tintori Giovanni*

* Chamber Choir

Coro Canticum Novum Website
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (September 2024)

Fabio Ciofini: Short Biography | Ensembles: Coro Canticum Novum | Accademia Hermans
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works

Links to other Sites

Coro Canticum Novum (Official Website) [Italian/English]

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Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Saturday, September 07, 2024 00:15