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Miguel Ángel Castro (Conductor)

Born: Chile

The Chilean conductor and composer, Miguel Ángel Castro Reveco, studied conducting under the tutelage of the renowned maestro Juan Pablo Izquierdo and is currently training with Pedro Pablo Prudencio in the Master's in Musical Performance at the Universidad de Chile. He graduated from the Bachelor's Degree in Musical Composition at the Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Chile in 2011, and at 21 years of age he became one of the youngest teachers to have worked at said university, where he has worked as a Professor of counterpoint, theory and musical literature in the Bachelor's Degree in Music Theory, Bachelor's Degree in Sound and Bachelor's Degree in Musical Performance, respectively.

Miguel Ángel Castro is currently a Conductor and professor of the subject of Ensemble Practice and is in charge of the Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Band and String Orchestra of the Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Chile. From 2016 to 2018, he participated in the nascent constitution of the Extension Directorate of the Universidad de O’Higgins, founding the Orquesta UOH and managing and conducting training courses, a diploma in Choral Conducting for music teachers in the region and a summer school.

Miguel Ángel Castro has also served as assistant director to maestro Eduardo Browne and has also been director and founder of the ISUCH and Duam orchestras and co-founder, together with the distinguished harpsichordist Lionel Party, of the early music ensemble Il Telescopio di Galileo. He has been guest director of the la Orquesta Sinfónica de la Universidad de la Serena, the Baroque music ensemble Boecio and the independent opera company Lírica disidente. Since 2019, he has been director of the Orquesta Juvenil de Pudahuel.

As a composer, prominent national performers have premiered his works in Chile and abroad, and his catalogue includes numerous solo and chamber music works for various groups. His compositions for youth orchestras have received recognition from Revista Atemus with a review of the music for the work Había una vez un principito, a story with music performed by the Orquesta Juvenil de Pudahuel.

Miguel Ángel Castro's work as a teacher also covers school education, being head of the music department of the Colegio Artístico Santa Teresa de Machalsince 2018, actively participating and playing a key role in the construction of one of the most modern school curricula in the context of Chilean artistic school education.

Miguel Angel Castro Reveco profile on LinkedIn, English translation by Aryeh Oron (August 2024)
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (August 2024)

Miguel Ángel Castro: Short Biography | Ensembles: Bach Santiago
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works

Links to other Sites

Miguel Angel Castro Reveco on LinkedIn

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Last update: Sunday, August 18, 2024 15:20