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María Jesús Pacheco Caballero (Soprano, Choral Conductor)

Born: Spain

The Spanish soprano and choral conductor, María Jesús Pacheco Caballero, studied at the Conservatorio "Hermanos Berzosa" in Cáceres, with the soprano Celia Sánchez del Río. She completed her vocal training with Francine Gouzes, José Ángel Émbil, María Coronada Herrera, Isabel Álvarez, Miguel Bernal, Jordi Ricart, Amaya Añúa, Jorge Enrique García and Cristina Bayón.

María Jesús Pacheco Caballero has been a member of, among others, the Ensemble Vocal de Montpellier, Coro Roland de Lassus, Schola René d’Anjou, or Coro de la Fundación Príncipe de Asturias, with which she has given concerts throughout Spain, Europe, Morocco, the USA, Peru, Bolivia and India, under the baton of maestro such as Enrique García Asensio, Pablo Heras-Casado, Víctor Pablo Pérez, Maximiano Valdés, Inma Shara, Thomas Röesner, Anne Manson, Salvador Mas, Daniel Reuss, Carlos Mena or Lluís Vilamajó. She has collaborated on numerous recordings and is currently a member of, among others, the Coro de Cámara de Extremadura, Coro de la Orquesta Ciudad de Granada, Coro de Cámara de Sevilla, Bach Accademia, Ottava Rima and the proyectoEle. She regularly collaborates with other vocal groups.

María Jesús Pacheco Caballero's repertoire as a soloist focuses on chamber music (Lied and mélodie) and Baroque music (J.S. Bach, Alessandro Scarlatti, Antonio Vivaldi, Charpentier, Monteverdi, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Purcell, Blow…).

A5 vocal ensemble Website (2024), English translation by Aryeh Oron (September 2024)
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (September 2024)

María Jesús Pacheco Caballero: Short Biography | Ensembles: Coro de Cámara de Sevilla
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Santiago Lusardi Gireli


Member of Coro de Cámara de Sevilla:
[C-1] (2012, Video): BWV 131
[C-2] (2012, Video): BWV 104, BWV 95, BWV 118
[C-3] (2013, Video): BWV 106, BWV 227, BWV 230

Links to other Sites

María Jesús Pacheco Caballero (A5 Vocal Ensemble) [Spanish]
María Jesús Pacheco Caballero on Facebook

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Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Sunday, September 15, 2024 03:22