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Alberto Spadarotto (Baritone)

Born: Vicenza, Italy

The Italian baritone, Alberto Spadarotto, studied alongside the classical studies, began at a young age the study of the piano with Imer Barbieri. Subsequently passionate about singing and classical voice, he graduated in opera singing at the Conservatorio of Verona under the guidance of Professor Paula Fornasari Patti. He made his debut as a soloist in Venice, Ferrara, Padua, Verona and Vicenza in some productions of the Conservatories of Rovigo and Verona. From 2006/2007 to 2010 he followed artistic improvement courses at the Accademia Kairòs in Verona. In November 2013 he ranked first among those eligible for the audition, organized by the Fondazione Teatro La Fenice di Venezia of Venice, for Aggiunti del Coro (Bass Section), with which, in December of the same year, he made his debut in L.v. Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 conducted by Lorin Maazel. He is currently improving with the mezzo-soprano Nadiya Petrenko.

Alberto Spadarotto made his debut as a soloist in various works in the field of sacred (among others, Magnificat in D major (BWV 243), Weihnachts-Oratorium (BWV 248), Matthäus-Passion (BWV 244), Johannes-Passion (BWV 245) and Mass in B minor (BWV 232) by J.S. Bach; Messiah by George Frideric Handel; Requiem by W.A. Mozart; Stabat Mater and Petite Messe Solennelle by G. Rossini; The Crucifixion by J. Stainer; Requiem by Gabriel Fauré; Johannes Paulus Secundus by L. Signorini; Necdum habetis fidem? by L. Fattambrini; Requiem in memoriam by M. Dones and M Taralli) and secular music (including Dido and Aeneas and King Arthur by H. Purcell; La Zingaretta by L. Leo; La Serva Padrona by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi; Le nozze di Figaro and Don Giovanni by W.A. Mozart; Ivan Susanin by C.A. Cavos, Il Barbiere di Siviglia by G. Rossini, L'Elisir d'amore and Don Pasquale by G. Donizetti, Rigoletto by G. Verdi, Peter and the Wolf by S. Prokofiev, The Telephone by G. Menotti; Procedura Penale by L Chailly; Eight Songs for a Mad King by Peter Maxwell Davies; Aventures by G.S. Ligeti, Pinocchio and La Regina delle Nevi by P. Valtinoni, 1915-1918 La guerra delle donne by L. Signorini, Cantata della Guerra by P. Valtinoni, La leggenda del saggio Artaban by D. Clapasson and O. De Carli)), also in the context of concert series organized by the Conservatorio "A. Pedrollo" of Vicenza.

Approaching the world of choral singing from a very young age, Alberto Spadarotto has collaborated as a chorister and soloist with various ensembles, including the Coenobium Vocale di Piovene Rochhette (Vi) (Director: Maria Dal Bianco), RossoPorpora Ensemble and Ensemble De Labyrintho (Director: Walter Testolin), Accademia del Concerto (Director: M. Fipponi), Laboratorio vocale e strumentale Il Teatro Armonico (Director: Maria Dalla Vecchia), Coro e orchestra A. Palladio (Director: E. Zanovello) and Lydian Sound Orchestra (Director: R. Brazzale).

In 2007 and 2009, in collaboration with the Coenobium Vocale, he took part in the recording of the musical works Cantate (containing unpublished works by D. Clapasson and P. Ugoletti), Oltremare and the audiobook called Cappuccetto Rosso, a musical fairy tale written by O. De Carli and set to music by the Aosta Valley composer D. Clapasson. In December 2010 he made his debut in the role of Geppetto in Pinocchio by Valtinoni at the Bassano Opera Festival, while in April 2011 he made his debut in the role of Cornacchia in La Regina delle Nevi by P. Valtinoni at the Teatro Comunale Città in Vicenza, as part of the 2010-2011 concert season of the Società del Quartetto di Vicenza.

Alberto Spadarotto holds lectures and concert lessons on the Opera for various associations and local groups, and vocal workshops for choral ensembles. He also deals with the presentation and animation of numerous musical events, both in the classical and modern fields. He is a teacher of opera singing and music theory at the Istituto Musicale Veneto Città di Thiene, where he is also active as director of the school's classical choral workshops. He also teaches at and at the Scuola di Musica PantaRhei in Vicenza. Since the Academic Year 2016-2017 he has been Professor of Music Theory within the three-year professional qualification course in Music Therapy at the Centro Studi Musicoterapia Alto Vicentino in Thiene. In the Academic Year 2019-2020 he is one of the teachers of the Academy for vocal preparers for the "Piergiorgio Righele" choir, organized by Asac Veneto.

Asiago Festival Website
Corale le Voci dei Berici Website
Istituto Musicale Veneto Website
Festival Vicenza in Lirica Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (December 2019)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (December 2019)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Favio Cusinato


[CV-3] (2011, Audio): BWV 11, BWV 243

Luigi Pagliarini


[V-2] (2019, Video): BWV 245 [Jesus]

Margherita Dalla Vecchia


[C-2] (2015, Video): BWV 140
[V-2] (2016, Audio): BWV 244 [2nd recording, Jesus]

Links to other Sites

Spadarotto Alberto (Asiago Festival) [Italian]
Alberto Spadarotto baritono (Corale le Voci dei Berici) [Italian]
Istituto Musicale Veneto: Corsi de Canto Lirico [Italian]
Alberto Spadarotto (Festival Vicenza in Lirica) [Italian]

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Last update: Monday, July 01, 2024 10:51