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Kathrin Ziegler (Soprano)

Born: Luckenwalde, Brandenburg, Germany

The German soprano, Kathrin Ziegler, received piano and singing kessons at the local Musikschule, and from 1991 to 1999 studied singing at the Hochschule für Musik "Hanns Eisler" in Berlin with Professor Norma Sharp. She particpated in performances as part of university projects, for example, Schubert’s Mass in E flat major, Felix Mendelssohn's oratorio Paulus, R. Strauss’s Elektra (5th Maid), Engelbert Humperdinck’s Hänsel und Gretel (Gretel), W.A. Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte (Papagena), W.A. Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro (Susanna). In 1997 she obtained degree as a teacher for early musical education and basic training.

In 1998, Kathrin Ziegler sang the role of Philomène in the opera Alexandre bis by B. Martinu at the Neuköllner Oper Berlin. In December 1998 she was engaged in Kleinen Revue at the Friedrichstadtpalast Berlin. In 1998 she graduated as a singing teacher.

Since 1999 Kathrin Ziegler is working as a freelance singer, with numerous engagements for oratorio and concert performances. She has participated in various chamber music ensembles and has given recitals. She has sung inter alia J.S. Bach’s Weihnachts-Oratorium (BWV 248) with Wolfgang Schöne (bass) in Göppingen/Württ (Klaus Rothaupt) and the Collegium Musicum Berlin (Manfred Fabricius), J. Haydn’s Schöpfung in Sindelfingen (Paul Bischoff), J.S. Bach’s Cantata BWV 75 with the Thomanerchor Leipzig. Concert tours have taken her to Poland, Romania and Italy.

Kathrin Ziegler Website (2004), English translation by Aryeh Oron (July 2012)
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (July 2012)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Gotthold Schwarz


[CR-2] (2003, Radio recording): BWV 75

Links to other Sites

Kathrin Ziegler - Sopran (Official Website) [German]

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Last update: Monday, June 03, 2024 12:40