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Gotthold Schwarz
Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works


Recordings of Cantatas
Radio Recordings of Cantatas
Recordings of Other Vocal Works
Recordings under other conductors, see: Short Biography

Gotthold Schwars - Short Biography
Thomanerchor Leipzig - Short History
Gewandhausorchester Leipzig - Short History


Recordings of Cantatas


Bachfest Leipzig 2015 · Ausgewählte Höhepunkte [F-2015]

Cantata Herr Jesu Christ, wahr’ Mensch und Gott, BWV 127 []

Gotthold Schwarz

Thomanerchor Leipzig / Staatskapelle Weimar

Soprano: Cornelia Samuelis; Tenor: Tobias Hunger; Bass: Matthias Vieweg

Bach-Archiv Leipzig (Kamprad)

Jun 17, 2015

2-CD / TT: 135 min

Recorded live in the frame of Bachfest Leipzig 2015, at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Buy this album at:
2-CD (2016): Bach Museum Leipzig: Shop


Bach: Cantata BWV 33, 17, 99


Cantata Allein zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 33 [21:28]
Cantata Wer Dank opfert, der preiset mich, BWV 17 [15:05]
Cantata Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan, BWV 99 [17:39]

Gotthold Schwarz

Thomanerchor Leipzig / Sächsisches Barockorchester

Soprano: Julia Sophie Wagner; Counter-tenor: Stefan Kahle; Tenor: Wolfram Lattke; Bass: Tobias Berndt

Accentus Music: ACC-30471

Oct 2018

CD / TT: 55:02

Recorded at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Buy this album at:
CD (2019): |

Radio Recordings of Cantatas


J.S. Bach: O heiliges Geist- und Wasserbad, BWV 165 (MDR-Figaro-Reihe Kantate)


Cantata O heiliges Geist- und Wasserbad, BWV 165 [16 min]

Gotthold Schwarz

Thomanerchor Leipzig / Gewandhausorchester Leipzig

Soprano: Heike Maria Kumlin (as Heike Kumlin); Alto: Alexandra Röseler; Tenor: Martin Krumbiegel; Bass: Gotthold Schwarz

MDR Figaro

Jun 14, 2003

MC / TT: 16 min

Recorded at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany,. Broadcast by MDR Figaro on Jun 6, 2004.
Copy: Zentralbibliothek-Mediathek Archiv Fon-TKD-C 2441.
Source: SLUB Dresden



J.S. Bach: Die Elenden sollen essen, BWV 75

Cantata Die Elenden sollen essen, BWV 75 [38 min]

Gotthold Schwarz

Thomanerchor Leipzig / Gewandhausorchester Leipzig

Soprano: Kathrin Ziegler; Alto: Susanne Krumbiegel; Tenor: Martin Petzold; Bass: Matthias Weichert

MDR Figaro

Jun 21, 2003

MC / TT: 38 min

Recorded at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany,. Broadcast by MDR Figaro on Jun 13, 2004.
Copy: Zentralbibliothek-Mediathek Archiv Fon-TKD-C 2445.
Source: SLUB Dresden.
Listen on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 75: Complete Cantata [34:01]


Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn, BWV 23


Cantata Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn, BWV 23 [20 min]

Gotthold Schwarz

Concerto Vocale Leipzig / Sächsisches Barockorchester.

Soprano: Adelheid Vogel; Alto: Annette Markert; Tenor: Markus Brutscher; Bass: Andreas Scheibner

MDR Figaro


MC / TT: 20 min

Recorded at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany,. Broadcast by MDR Figaro on Feb 26, 2006.
Copy: Zentralbibliothek-Mediathek Archiv Fon-TKD-C 2841.
Source: SLUB Dresden


Konzert der Reihe "Johann Sebastian Bach und seine Städte" vom MDR Musiksommer 2009


Cantata Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, BWV 9 []
Johann Christoph Bach [13]: Motet for 5 voices Der Mensch, vom Weibe geboren []
Cantata Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht mit deinem Knecht, BWV 105 []
Cantata Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn!, BWV 157 []
Johann Michael Bach [14]: Motet Ich weiß, dass mein Erlöser lebt []
Cantata Es ist dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist, BWV 45 []

Gotthold Schwarz

Bach Consort Leipzig

Soprano: Miriam Meyer; Soprano: Gesine Adler; Alto: Susanne Krumbiegel; Tenor: Markus Brutscher; Bass: Gotthold Schwarz

MDR Figaro

Jul 20, 2009

2-CD / TT: 99 min

Recorded at Kirche Divi Blasii, Mühlhausen, Thuringia, Germany. Broadcast by MDR Figaro on Sep 12, 2009.
Copy: Zentralbibliothek-Mediathek Archiv Fon-SCD-C 20888.
Source: SLUB Dresden


Thomanerchor Leipzig | Eröffnungskonzert Bachfest Leipzig 2017 (MDR Kultur 09.06.2017)


J.S. Bach:
00:01:42: Toccata & Fugue in F major, BWV 540 [8:34]
00:10:16: Chorale Prelude Wir glauben all an einen Gott (I), BWV 680 [9:01]
00:19:17: Cantata Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, BWV 80 [27:56]
Felix Mendelssohn:
00:47:13: Symphony No. 2 in B major (Sinfonie-Kantate "Lobgesang")

Thomaskantor Gotthold Schwarz

Thomanerchor Leipzig; ThomasSchulChor / Händelfestspielorchester Halle; Staatskapelle Halle

Thomasorganist Ullrich Böhme (Organ)
Soprano: Katja Stuber; Mezzo-soprano: Marie-Claude Chappuis; Tenor: Martin Petzold; Bass: Henryk Böhm
Michaela Hasselt (Harpsichord); Stefan Altner (Continuo Organ)

MDR Kultur

Jun 9, 2017

Audio / TT: 114:31

Recorded live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany. Openning concert of Bachfest Leipzig 2017.
Listen on YouTube:
Complete Concert [114:31]
Cantata BWV 80: Complete Cantata [24:13; Korean sub-titles]


Eröffnungskonzert / Opening Concert (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 1) [F2020-M1/1]


00:48: J.S. Bach: Sinfonia in D major from Cantata BWV 29 [3:48]
04:36: Greetings: Burkhard Jung, Lord Mayor of the City of Leipzig
09:53: Prof. Dr. Michael Maul, Bachfest Artistic Director
17:58: J.S. Bach: Cantata Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir, BWV 29: Mvts. 2-8 [19:35]
37:33: Toccata & Fugue in D minor ("Dorian"), BWV 538 [19:35
50:21: »Wohlbestallte Kirchenmusik«: Thomaskantor Gotthold Schwarz and Michael Maul discuss what Bach's musical performance practice has in common with that in Corona times
1:03:19: J.S. Bach: Cantata Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen, BWV 11 [28:20]

Thomaskantor Gotthold Schwarz

(OVPP - No Choir) / Sächsisches Barockorchester

Thomasorganist Ullrich Böhme
Sopranos: Marie Luise Werneburg [BWV 11], Julia Sophie Wagner [BWV 29], Isabel Meyer-Kalis; Altos: David Erler [BWV 11], Susanne Krumbiegel [BWV 29], Stefan Kahle; Tenors: Patrick Grahl [BWV 11], Tobias Hunger [BWV 29], Wolfram Lattke; Basses: Tobias Berndt, Thomaskantor Gotthold Schwarz [BWV 11]
Member of Thomanerchor Leipzig (11./12. Klasse)

Bach-Archiv Leipzig

Jun 13, 2020

Video / TT: 91:39

Recorded & filmed live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bachfest Leipzig & Rondeau Production in co-operation with Thomaskirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Rondeau Production.
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [91:39]


In memoriam – concert on the 270th anniversary of J. S. Bach’s death [F2020-V3]


08:00: J.S. Bach: Chorale Prelude Vor deinen Thron tret ich hiermit (I), BWV 668 [3:55]
11:55: Begrüßung / welcome address: Prof. Dr. Michael Maul (Bach-Archiv Leipzig)
24:05: Johann Christoph Bach [13]: Motet for five-part choir & basso continuo Der Gerechte, ob er gleich zu zeitlich stirbt [5:05]
29:10: Johann Schelle: Cantata for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, four-part choir, strings & basso continuo Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir [10:27]
39:37: Moderation
42:13: Johann Ludwig Bach [3/72]: Motet for six-part choir and basso continuo Unsere Trübsal die zeitlich und leicht ist, JLB 33 [5:13]
47:32: Dietrich Buxtehude: Cantata for 2 sopranos, alto, tenor, bass, strings & basso continuo Gott, hilf mir, BuxWV 34 [15:44]
1:03:16: Johann Michael Bach [14]: Motet for five-part choir & basso continuo Ich weiß, dass mein Erlöser lebt [2:09]
1:05:25: Moderation
1:07:49: J.S. Bach: Cantata for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, four-part choir, oboe, strings and basso continuo Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir, BWV 131 [22:21]
1:30:10: J.S. Bach: Chorale Prelude Vor deinen Thron tret ich hiermit (I), BWV 668, performed with four-part choir, instruments & basso continuo (Arrangement by Benjamin Dreßler) [9:10]

Thomaskantor Gotthold Schwarz

Leipziger Cantorey / Sächsisches Barockorchester

Leipziger Cantorey: Sopranos: Mai Kato*, Friederike Holzhausen, Theresia Taube, Elisabeth Espig; Alto: Klaudia Zeiner*, Marlen Herzog, Cornelia Rosenthal, Sibylle Scholz; Tenors: Christopher B. Fischer, Stephan Scherpe*, Yongkeun Kim; Basses: Gun-Wook Lee*, Florian Günther, Michael Gransee
SBO: Markus Müller (Oboe); Katharina Arendt (Violin); Eva Salonen, (Violin, Viola); Gundula Rauterberg (Viola); Hartmut Becker (Violoncello); Frithjof-Martin Grabner (Double bass)
Johannes Unger (Organ)
* Soloists in BWV 131


Jul 28, 2020

Video / TT: 99:15

Recorded live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany. Braodcast live at by Deutschlandfunk Kultur and streamed live by Rondeau Productions.
An event organized by Kirchgemeinde St. Thomas in co-operation with Bach-Archiv Leipzig, supported by Stadt Leipzig. With friendly help by Neue Bachgesellschaft e. V., Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Stiftung Leipzig and Vereinigung der Freunde des Bach-Archivs e. V.
Sound Engineer: Martin Staffe; Audio Supervisor: Stefan Antonin; Visual Engineer: Christian Kempiak; Dome Camera Operator: Daniel Meier; Technical Director & Streaming: Clemens Hörlbacher; Director: Moritz Hils.
(p) 2020 Rondeau Production.
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [99:15] | Complete Concert [99:10]

The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (July 2012 - June 2024)
Thanks to contributors: Rainer Harald (June 2024)

Gotthold Schwarz: Short Biography | Ensembles: Thomanerchor Leipzig | Gewandhausorchester Leipzig
Bach Discography: Recordings of Vocal Works: Recordings of Cantatas | Recordings of Other Vocal Works

Thomaskantors: Desription and Chronological List | Ensembles: Thomanerchor Leipzig | Gewandhausorchester Leipzig
General Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Bach Cantata Series: Thomaskirche Leipzig: Church Services, Motets & Concerts
Table of Recordings by BWV Number

Conductors of Vocal Works: Main Page | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Singers & Instrumentalists


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Last update: Monday, June 03, 2024 14:35