Bachfest Leipzig
Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works
Discography - Part 2 |
Video Recordings from Corona days 2020 |
F2020-V1 |
Full Concert: "St John Passion" / "Johannespassion" after/nach J. S. Bach [V-4]
Johannes-Passion à trois 2.0 – Extended Version (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 2) [V-4] |

00:52: Anon: Motet Tristis est anima mea for 4 voices & continuo, once attributed to J. Kuhnau [5:13[
06:05: J.S. Bach: Johannes-Passion BWV 245, performed by a tenor, harpsichord, organ & percussion [80:05]
1:26:10: J. Handl (J. Gallus): Motet Ecce quomodo moritur for 4 voices & continuo [4:22] |
Thomaskantor Gotthold Schwarz |
Chorales sung with Bach choirs around the world- |
Tenor: Benedikt Kristjánsson
Elina Albach (Organ/Harpsichord); Philipp Lamprecht (Percussion)
Motets & Chorales in Johannes-Passion: Sopranos: Isabel Meyer-Kalis, Julia Sophie Wagner; Counter-tenor: David Erler; Tenor: Wolfram Lattke; Bass: Thomaskantor Gotthold Schwarz
Hartmut Becker (Violoncello); Mechthild Winter (Organ)
Sung chorales:
Mvt. 3(7): O große Lieb, o Lieb ohn alle Maße (CM: Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen)
Ottawa Bach Choir (Canada)
Mvt. 5(9): Dein Will gescheh, herr Gott, zugleich (CM: Vater unser im Himmelreich)
Chor & Orchester der J.S. Bach-Stiftung (Switzerland)
Mvt. 11(15): Wer hat dich so geschlagen (CM: Vater unser im Himmelreich)
Members of Thomanerchor Leipzig (Germany)
Mvt. 17(27): Ach großer König (CM: Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen)
Bachfest-Family-Chor: Soprano: Miriam Feuersinger (Austria); Counter-tenor: Reginald Mobley (USA); Tenor: Martin Petzold (Germany); Bass: Klaus Mertens (Germany)
Michael Maul (Violin, Germany); Rudolf Lutz (Keyboard, Switzerland); Ton Koopman (Organ, the Netherlands)
Mvt. 37(65): O hilf, Christe, Gottes Sohn (CM: Christus der uns selig macht)
Malaysia Bach Festival Singers and Orchestra |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Apr 10, 2020 |
Video / TT: 90:49 |
Recorded & filmed live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Idea & production: Steven Walter / PODIUM Esslingen; Concept: Benedikt Kristjánsson; Musical arrangement: Philipp Lamprecht, Elina Albach, Benedikt Kristjánsson; Production Easter 2020: Bachfest Leipzig.
(c) Bachfest Leipzig / MDR 2020. Booklet (Carus-Verlag).
This concept was in 2019 awarded the Opus Klassik Prize »Innovative concert of the year«.
Watch on YouTube:
Johannes-Passion BWV 245: Complete Work [90:49] | Extended Version [90:32] |
M1/1 |
Eröffnungskonzert / Opening Concert (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 1) [CV-1] |
00:48: J.S. Bach: Sinfonia in D major from Cantata BWV 29 [3:48]
04:36: Greetings: Burkhard Jung, Lord Mayor of the City of Leipzig
09:53: Prof. Dr. Michael Maul, Bachfest Artistic Director
17:58: J.S. Bach: Cantata Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir, BWV 29: Mvts. 2-8 [19:35]
37:33: Toccata & Fugue in D minor ("Dorian"), BWV 538 [19:35
50:21 »Wohlbestallte Kirchenmusik«: Thomaskantor Gotthold Schwarz and Michael Maul discuss what Bach's musical performance practice has in common with that in Corona times
1:03:19: J.S. Bach: Cantata Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen, BWV 11 [28:20] |
Thomaskantor Gotthold Schwarz |
(OVPP - No Choir) / Sächsisches Barockorchester |
Thomasorganist Ullrich Böhme
Sopranos: Marie Luise Werneburg [BWV 11], Julia Sophie Wagner [BWV 29], Isabel Meyer-Kalis; Altos: David Erler [BWV 11], Susanne Krumbiegel [BWV 29], Stefan Kahle; Tenors: Patrick Grahl [BWV 11], Tobias Hunger [BWV 29], Wolfram Lattke; Basses: Tobias Berndt, Thomaskantor Gotthold Schwarz [BWV 11]
Member of Thomanerchor Leipzig (11./12. Klasse) |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 13, 2020 |
Video / TT: 91:39 |
Recorded & filmed live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bachfest Leipzig & Rondeau Production in co-operation with Thomaskirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Rondeau Production.
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [91:39] |
M1/2 |
Warm-Up mit Bach-Chorälen I / Warm-Up with Bach Chorales I (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 1) [V-6] |
00:04: Chorale Prelude Komm, Gott Schöpfer, heiliger Geist (I), BWV 631 [0:50]
00:54: Chorale Komm, Gott Schöpfer, heiliger Geist, BWV 370 [1:34]
02:28: Chorale Prelude Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten (I), BWV 642
04:19: Chorale So wandelt froh auf Gottes Wegen (CM: Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten) (Mvt. 10) from Cantata BWV 197 [1:47]
06:06: Chorale Prelude Dies sind die heilgen zehn Gebot (I), BWV 635
07:25: Chorale Dies sind die heilgen zehen Gebot, BWV 298 [1:50]
09:15: Chorale Prelude Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (I), BWV 639
11:29: Chorale Ich lieg im Streit und widerstreb (CM: Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ) (Mvt. 5) from Cantata BWV 177 [2:31]
13:36: Chorale Prelude Vater unser im Himmelreich (IV), BWV 737 [2:12]
15:48: Chorale Dein Will Gescheh‘ Allzeit (CM: Vater unser im Himmelreich) (Mvt. 5) from Johannes-Passion BWV 245 [2:12]
18:00: Chorale Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier (CM: Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein (II)) (Mvt. 6 (59)) from Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248/6 [0:49]
18:49: Chorale Prelude Nun freut euch, lieben Christen (I), BWV 734
21:03: Chorale Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier (CM: Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein (II)) (Mvt. 6 (59)) from Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248/6 [0:56]
21:59: Air (Mvt. 2) from Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major, BWV 1068, arranged for organ by Johann Gustav Eduard Stehle |
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Calmus Ensemble Leipzig |
Thomasorganist Ullrich Böhme
CEL: Soprano: Anja Pöche; Counter-tenor: Stefan Kahle; Tenor: Friedrich Bracks; Baritone: Ludwig Böhme; Bass: Manuel Helmeke |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 13, 2020 |
Video / TT: 37:39 |
Recorded & filmed live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bachfest Leipzig in co-operation with Thomaskirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Stagefox (Audio); Leipzig Fernsehen (Video)
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [26:52] |
M1/3 |
»Ein neues Lied« – Bach-Motetten / »A New Song« – Motets by Bach (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 1) [V-7] |
J.S. Bach:
00:29: Motet Komm, Jesu, Komm!, BWV 229 [8:56]
09:25: Motet Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden, BWV 230 [6:49]
16:14: Motet Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 [16:55] |
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Calmus Ensemble Leipzig |
CEL: Soprano: Anja Pöche; Soprano: Gesine Adler; Counter-tenor: Stefan Kahle; Counter-tenor: David Erler; Tenor: Friedrich Bracks; Tenor: Tobias Hunger; Baritone: Ludwig Böhme; Bass: Manuel Helmeke
Thomasorganist Ullrich Böhme |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 13, 2020 |
Video / TT: 33:09 |
Recorded & filmed live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bachfest Leipzig in co-operation with Thomaskirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Tobias Finke (Audio); Leipzig Fernsehen (Video).
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [33:09] |
M1/4 |
Wie eine Linie dunkelblauen Schweigens / As a line of dark blue silence (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 1) |
Eine musikalische Meditation / A musical meditation:
00:08: Giovanni Paolo Cima (c1570-1530): Sonata, from: Concerti ecclesiastici
10:08: Zuhören (Text by Carsten Hundt)
14:47: Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179): O quam mirabilis est
23:37: Herzensfrage (Text: »Das Herz« by Jānis Baltvilks, translation by Matthias Knoll)
25:30: J.S. Bach: Sarabanda, from: Partita for solo violin No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1004
31:14: Carsten Hundt: Neunhundertneunundneunzig, free after Prelude for lute in C minor, BWV 999 [6:21]
37:35: Anonymus: Iam sol recedit igneus
43:24: Klosterbruder
48:20: Wie eine Linie dunkelblauen Schweigens (Text: »Abend II« by Selma Meerbaum-Eisinger)
49:40: Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber (1644-1704): Passacaglia in G minor, from: 15 Rosenkranzsonaten und Passacaglia |
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Lambda |
Mareike Greb (Singer, Dancer); Carsten Hundt (Double-bass, Live electronics); Cosima Taubert (Violin) |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 13, 2020 |
Video / TT: 59:30 |
Recorded & filmed live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bachfest Leipzig in co-operation with Thomaskirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Stagefox (Audio); Leipzig Fernsehen (Video).
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [59:30] |
M1/5 |
Motette / Motet (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 1) [C-4] |
00:11: Nicolaus Bruhns: Prelude in G major [unfortunately was not recorded in its entirety]
06:40: Greeting
10:03: Prelude to the community song
13:45: Community song Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten, EG 369
18:23: Reading
20:35: J.S. Bach: Cantata Siehe, ich will viel Fischer aussenden, BWV 88/1-3 [12:45]
33:20: Speech
45:40: J.S. Bach: Chorale Prelude Jesu, meine Freude (III), BWV 1105 [1:42]
47:22: Prayer, Lord's Prayer and Blessing
53:00: J.S. Bach: Cantata Siehe, ich will viel Fischer aussenden, BWV 88/4-7 [8:49] |
David Timm |
Cantores Lipsienses (Chorales) / Pauliner Barockensemble |
Soloists: Soprano: Marie Luise Werneburg; Alto: Susanne Krumbiegel; Tenor: Martin Petzold; Bass: Tobias Ay
CL (Chorales): Soprano: Elisabeth Mücksch; Alto: Maria Küstner; Tenor: Alexander Hemmann; Bass: Stefan Kringel
PBE: Birgit Schnurpfeil (Violin); Yumiko Tsubaki (Violin); Caroline Kersten (Viola); Ulrike Becker (Violoncello); Tilman Schmidt (Double-bass); Friederike Köhncke (Oboe d'amore); Annelie Matthes (Oboe d'amore); Anna-Maria Schmidt (Oboe da caccia); Nelly Sturm (Baroque Bassoon); Stephan Katte (Horn); Joannes Van Meensel (Horn); Christiane Bräutigam (Organ)
Pfarrer Martin Hundertmark; The Rev. Dr. Robert Moore; Lukas Euler (Organ) |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 13, 2020 |
Video / TT: 61:49 |
Recorded & filmed live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bachfest Leipzig in co-operation with Thomaskirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Tobias Finke (Audio); Leipzig Fernsehen (Video)
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [61:49] |
M1/8 |
Lecture Recital »zur Gemueths-Ergoetzung« / »for the amusement of the mind«, Bach Marathon Tag/Day 1 [K-5] |
J.S. Bach:
00:25: Partita No. 2 in C minor, BWV 826 [20:12]
20:37: Moderation
25:54: Partita No. 4 in D major, BWV 828 [29:56]
55:50: Moderation
59:43: Partita No. 6 in E minor, BWV 830 [32:42]
1:32:25 Moderation
1:36:20: Encore: Italian Concerto in F major, BWV 971/2. Adagio [5:06] |
Mahan Esfahani (Harpsichord) |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 13, 2020 |
Video / TT: 101:26 |
Recorded & filmed live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bachfest Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Tobias Finke (Audio); Leipzig Fernsehen (Video).
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [101:26] |
M1/9 |
Bach - Mit den Augen hören / Hear with your eyes (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 1) [C-1] |
00:27: Moderation: Susanne Haupt, Andrea Schmetzstorff & Anton Haupt explain the concept, it is translated by Elisa Otto (German sign language).
07:33: J.S. Bach: Cantata Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir, BWV 131 [23:53]
30:26: Moderation
31:40: J.S. Bach: Cantata Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich, BWV 150 [15:35]
47:15: Chorale Zwingt die Saiten in Cythara (CM: Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern) (Mvt. 4) from Cantata BWV 36 [12:23] |
Musical Director: Thomas Stadler |
SING and SIGN: Soprano/Director: Susanne Haupt; Alto: Stefan Kahle; Tenor: Christoph Pfaller; Bass: Anton Haupt
Andrea Schmetzstorff (Sign language soloist); Elisa Otto (Sign language interpreter)
SING and SIGN Orchester: Martin Jopp (Violin); Helga Schmidtmayer (Violin, Viola); Magdalena Schenk-Bader (Viola); Roberto De Franceschi (Oboe); Nora Hansen (Bassoon); Patrick Sepec (Violoncello); Jörg Meder (Violone); Thomas Stadler (Positive Organ)
BWV 36: The chorale is rehearsed together with the virtual audience under the direction of Susanne Haupt and Andrea Schmetzstorff, translated by Elisa Otto (German sign language) and Christoph Pfaller (English). The Sing & Sign Ensemble plays and the boy sopranos Heinrich Haupt and Mattis Grassmann join the singing as guests. |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 13, 2020 |
Video / TT: 59:38 |
Recorded & filmed live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bachfest Leipzig in co-operation with Thomaskirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Martin Linde (Audio); Thomas Beckmann (Video).
Presented by the Europäischen Stiftung der Rahn Dittrich Group für Bildung und Kultur. Supported by the Mitteldeutschen Barockmusik in Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen e.V. and the Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen.
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [59:38] |
M2/1 |
Warm-Up mit Bach-Chorälen II / Warm Up with Bach Chorales II (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 2) [C-1] |
J.S. Bach:
00:00: Prelude & Fugue in A minor ("The Great"), BWV 543
08:40 Intonation
08:54: Chorale Sing, bet und geh auf Gottes Wegen (CM: Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten) (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 93 [0:56]
09:50: Chorale Prelude Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten (II), BWV 647
12:43: Chorale Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten (Str. 7)
13:41: Intonation
13:53: Chorale Zion hört die Wächter singen (CM: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme) (Mvt. 4) from Cantata BWV 140 [1:40]
15:33 Chorale Prelude Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645
19:05: Chorale Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (Str. 3)
20:51: Chorale Prelude Jesu, meine Freude (I), BWV 610
23:15: Chorale Jesu, meine Freude (Str. 1 und 6) (Jesu, meine Freude) from Motet Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 [2:30]
25:45: Chorale Prelude Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, BWV 641
27:51 Chorale Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein (Str. 1 und 2), BWV 432
29:24: Intonation
29:33: Chorale Wo Soll Ich Fl Iehen Hin (CM: Wo soll ich fliehen hin / Auf meinen lieben Gott) (Mvt. 7) from BWV 5 [0:55]
30:28: Chorale Prelude Wo soll ich fliehen hin (I), BWV 646
32:04: Chorale Wo soll ich fliehen hin (Str. 11)
32:57: Intonation
33:08: Chorale Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren (Mvt. 5) (CM: Hast du denn, Jesu, dein Angesicht gänzlich verborgen) from Cantata BWV 137 [0:42]
33:50: Chorale Prelude Kommst du nun, Jesu, vom Himmel herunter, BWV 650
36:50: Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren (Str. 5) |
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Ensemble Amarcord |
Sebastian Heindl (Organ)
EA: Tenor: Wolfram Lattke; Tenor: Robert Pohlers; Baritone: Frank Ozimek; Bass: Daniel Knauft; Bass: Holger Krause |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 14, 2020 |
Video / TT: 37:39 |
Recorded & filmed live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bachfest Leipzig in co-operation with Thomaskirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Stagefox (Audio); Leipzig Fernsehen (Video).
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [37:39] |
M2/2 |
Kammermusik von Vater & Söhnen / Chamber music by the father & his sons (Bach Marathon Tag/Day 2) |
00:35: W.A. Mozart: Adagio & Fugue in D minor, KV 404a/1, for violin, viola & violoncello
Fugue after WTC1: Fugue No. 8 in E flat minor, BWV 853 after J.S. Bach
07:49: J.S. Bach: Sarabande from Suite for solo cello No. 3 in C major, BWV 1009
12:05: W.A. Mozart: Adagio & Fugue in G minor, KV 404a/2, for violin, viola & violoncello
Fugue after WTC 2: Fugue No. 14 in F sharp minor, BWV 883 by J.S. Bach
17:16: J.S. Bach: Sarabande from Suite for solo cello No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1008
21:20: W.A. Mozart: Adagio & Fugue in F major, KV 404a/3, for violin, viola & violoncello
J.S. Bach: Fugue after WTC 2: Fugue No. 13 in F sharp major, BWV 882 by J.S. Bach
26:30: J.S. Bach: Sarabande from Suite for solo cello No. 1 in G major, BWV 1007
29:38: Johann Christian Bach: Quintet in D major, Op. 11 No. 6, Warb B 75, for flute, oboe, violine, viola & violoncello: Allegro – Andantino – Allegro assai |
Director: Peter Bruns |
Members of Mendelssohn Kammerorchester Leipzig |
Dóra Ombodi (Flute); Pavel Kondakov (Oboe): Yuka Tanabe (Violin); Friedemann Ramsenthaler (Viola); Bernadett Mészáros (Hasrpsichord); Peter Bruns (Violoncello) |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 14, 2020 |
Video / TT: 43:31 |
Recorded & filmed live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bach-Archiv Leipzig in co-operation with Thomaskirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Tobias Finke (Audio); Leipzig Fernsehen (Video).
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [43:31] |
M3/1 |
Warm Up mit Bach Chorälen III / Warm Up with Bach Chorales III (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 3) [C-1] |
J.S. Bach:
00:05: Prelude & Fugue in B minor, BWV 544: Prelude [5:57]
06:02: Chorale Prelude Wo soll ich fliehen hin (I), BWV 646 [1:39]
07:41: Chorale Wo Soll Ich Fl Iehen Hin (CM: Wo soll ich fliehen hin / Auf meinen lieben Gott) (Mvt. 7) from BWV 5 [1:34]
09:15: Chorale Prelude Allein Gott in der Hoh' sei Ehr' (IX), BWV 717 [2:53]
12:08: Chorale Gutes und die Barmherzigkeit (CM: Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr) (Mvt. 5) from Cantata BWV 112 [1:52]
14:00: Chorale Ertöt uns durch dein Güte (CM: Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn) (Mvt. 6) from Cantata BWV 96 [1:51]
15:51: Chorale Prelude Herr Christ, der einig Gottes Sohn (I), BWV 601 [1:22]
17:13: Chorale Prelude Erschienen ist der herrliche Tag, BWV 629
18:07: Chorale Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag (CM: Erschienen ist der herrlich Tag) (Mvt. 4) from Cantata BWV 67 [1:10]
19:17: Chorale Prelude Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten (IV), BWV 691 [1:10]
20:27: Chorale Sing, bet und get auf Gottes Wegen (CM: Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten) (Mvt. 7) from Cantata BWV 88 [1:44]
22:11: Chorale Prelude Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, BWV 720 [3:14]
25:25: Chorale Das Wort sie sollen lassen stahn (CM: Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott) (Mvt. 8) from Cantata BWV 80 [2:13] |
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Ensemble Nobiles |
Nikolaikantor Lucas Pohle (Organ)
EN: Tenor: Paul Heller; Tenor: Christian Pohlers; Baritone: Benjamin Mahns-Mardy; Bass: Lukas Lomtscher; Bass: Lucas Heller |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 20, 2020 |
Video / TT: 27:38 |
Recorded & filmed live at Nikolaikirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bach-Archiv Leipzig in co-operation with Nikolaikirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Carsten Hundt (Audio); Leipzig Fernsehen (Video).
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [27:38] |
M3/3 |
Chaconne (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 3) |
J.S. Bach:
00:09: Chaconne (Mvt. 5) from Partita for solo violin No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1004 [17:59]
18:08: Chaconne (Mvt. 5) from Partita for solo violin No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1004, arranged for violine & piano Robert Schumann [16:57] |
Sebastian Breuninger (Violin); Michael Schönheit (Fortepiano) [Blüthner, 1857] |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 20, 2020 |
Video / TT: 35:05 |
Recorded & filmed live at Nikolaikirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bach-Archiv Leipzig in co-operation with Gewandhaus zu Leipzig and Nikolaikirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Carsten Hundt (Audio); Leipzig Fernsehen (Video).
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [35:05] |
M3/5 |
Israelsbrünnlein (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 3) |
Johann Hermann Schein:
00:07: O Herr, ich bin dein Knecht
03:34: Freue dich des Weibes deiner Jugend
07:24: Die mit Tränen säen
11:04 Andreas Gryphius: Einsamkeit
12:45 Andreas Gryphius: Morgen Sonnet
14:16 Andreas Gryphius: Abend
Johann Hermann Schein:
16:01: Dennoch bleibe ich stets an dir
19:12: Wende dich, Herr, und sei mir gnädig
23:18: Ich bin jung gewesen
26:52: Hermann Hesse: Gestutzte Eiche
28:10: Rainer Maria Rilke: Das Marien-Leben, Die Darstellung Mariae im Tempel
31:10 Brüder Grimm: Die Sterntaler
Johann Hermann Schein:
33:58: Der Herr denket an uns
38:16: Siehe an die Werk Gottes
41:23: Unser Leben währet siebnzig Jahr
45:11: Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff: Komm, Trost der Welt
46:41: Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff: Abend
48:31: Claus Harms: Dennoch
Johann Hermann Schein:
49:44: Herr, lass meine Klage
52:52: Was betrübst du dich, meine Seele
58:09: Lehre uns bedenken |
Gregor Meyer |
Opella Musica |
Narrator: Axel Thielmann
Soprano: Isabel Schicketanz; Soprano: Heidi Maria Taubert; Alto: Susanne Langner; Tenor: Tobias Hunger; Bass: Friedemann Klos
Tillmann Steinhöfel (Violone); Gregor Meyer (Positive Organ) |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 20, 2020 |
Video / TT: 62:35 |
Recorded & filmed live at Nikolaikirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bach-Archiv Leipzig in co-operation with Nikolaikirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Carsten Hundt (Audio); Leipzig Fernsehen (Video).
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [62:35] |
M3/8 |
Bei Bach zu Hause / At Bach's Home (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 3) [V-22] |
J.S. Bach:
00:30: Pièce d'orgue (Fantasia) in G major, BWV 572 [7:11]
07:41: Moderation
11:37: Sacred Song Dir, dir, Jehova, will ich singen, BWV 452 [1:37]
13:10: Sacred Song Jesu, meines Glaubens Zier, BWV 472 [1:53]
15:03: Chorale Prelude Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten (IV), BWV 691
16:42: Sacred Song Brunnquell aller Güter, Herrscher der Gemüter, BWV 445 [1:39]
18:49: Sacred Song Kommt, Seelen, dieser Tag, BWV 479 [1:21]
20:10: Moderation
23:50: Aria in G major (Keyboard aria in G major, BWV 988/1?)[???]
Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel:
Aria for Soprano Bist du bei mir, BWV 508 (AMN II/25) [???]
J.S. Bach:
30:30: Sacred Song Beschränkt, ihr Weisen dieser Welt, BWV 443 [2:32]
33:02: Sacred Song Nur mein Jesus ist mein Leben, BWV 490 [2:21]
35:23: Sacred Song Jesu, meines Herzens Freud, BWV 473 [2:23]
37:46: Sacred Song Seelenweide, meine Freude, BWV 497 [0:56]
38:32: Sacred Song Jesu, Jesu, du bist mein, BWV 470 [2:38]
41:10: Moderation
Dietrich Buxtehude:
43:34: Fugue in C major, BuxWV 174
46:35: Auf meinen lieben Gott, BuxWV 179
J.S. Bach:
50:26: Recitative Ich habe genug from Cantata BWV 82/2 (AMN II/34) [1:06]
51:32: Aria Schlummert ein, ihr matten Augen from Cantata BWV 82/3 (AMN II/38) [6:54]
58:20: Moderation
1:00:52: Aria So oft ich meine Tobackspfeife in G minor, BWV 515a (AMN II/20a) [3:16]
1:04:08: Aria Willst du dein Herz mir schenken (Aria di Giovannini), BWV 518 (AMN II/37) [3:04]
1:07:12: Sacred Song Der Tag ist hin, die Sonne gehet nieder, BWV 447 (encore) |
Bass: Klaus Mertens; Harpsichord, Organ: Ton Koopman
Moderation: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Peter Wollny |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 14, 2020 |
Video / TT: 37:39 |
Recorded & filmed live at Nikolaikirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bach-Archiv Leipzig in co-operation with Nikolaikirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Tobias Finke (Audio); Onstage Mobile App (Video).
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [62:35] |
M4/1 |
Warm-Up mit Bach-Chorälen IV / Warm-Up with Bach Chorales IV (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 4) [C-1] |
00:05: David Timm: Contrapunctus II – My Credo
J.S. Bach:
04:52: Chorale Prelude Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten (III), BWV 690
07:05: Chorale Wer weiß, wie nahe mir mein Ende! (CM: Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten) (Mvt. 6) from Cantata BWV 166 [1:50]
08:55: Chorale Prelude Ach wie nichtig, ach wie flüchtig, BWV 644
10:01: Chorale Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig (CM: Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig) (Mvt. 6) from Cantata BWV 26 [1:08]
11:09: Chorale Prelude Vater unser im Himmelreich (I), BWV 636 [1:38]
12:47: Chorale Vater unser im Himmelreich (CM: Vater unser im Himmelreich) (Mvt. 5) from Cantata BWV 90 [1:58]
14:45: Chorale Prelude Christus, der uns selig macht (I), BWV 620 [1:59]
16:44: Chorale Christus, der uns selig macht (CM: Christus, der uns selig macht) (Mvt. 15) from Johannes-Passion BWV 245 [1:55]
18:39: Chorale Prelude Christ lag in Todesbanden (I), BWV 625 [1:21]
20:00: Chorale Wir essen und leben wohl (CM: Christ lag in Todesbanden) (Mvt. 8) from Cantata BWV 4 [2:04]
22:04: Chorale Prelude Nun danket alle Gott, BWV 657 [4:38]
26:42: Chorale Nun danket alle Gott, BWV 386 [2:56] |
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Sjaella |
Universitätsmusikdirektor David Timm (Organ)
Sjaella: Soprano: Viola Blache; Soprano: Franziska Eberhardt; Mezzo-soprano: Marie Charlotte Seidel; Alto: Helene Erben; Alto: Luisa Klose |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 21, 2020 |
Video / TT: 29:38 |
Recorded & filmed live at Nikolaikirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bach-Archiv Leipzig in co-operation with Nikolaikirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Carsten Hundt (Audio); Leipzig Fernsehen (Video).
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [29:38] |
M4/2 |
Champagner aus Noten / Champagner from music scores (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 4) |
J.S. Bach:
00:06: Ouverture (Mvt. 1) from Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B minor, BWV 1067 [6:26]
06:32: Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D major, BWV 1050 [23:06] |
Michael Schönheit |
Merseburger Hofmusik |
MHM: Mathias Kiesling
(Transverse Flute); Eva Salonen (Violin); Almut Schlicker (Violin); Katharina
Dargel (Viola); Andreas Vetter (Violoncello); Ulla Hoffmann (Double-bass); Michael
Schönheit (Harpsichord) |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 21, 2020 |
Video / TT: 26:41 |
Recorded & filmed live at Nikolaikirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bach-Archiv Leipzig in co-operation with Nikolaikirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Carsten Hundt (Audio); Leipzig Fernsehen (Video).
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [26:41] |
M4/3 |
Gottesdienst / Service (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 4) [O-11] |
00:16: J.S. Bach: Prelude & Fugue in A minor ("The Great"), BWV 543: Prelude [3:08]
03:24: Greeting: Vikarin Susanne Linke (German), The Reverend Robert Moore (English)
07:41: Liturgical greeting: Pfarrer Bernhard Stief
08:01: Community song Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren, EG 289
13:05: Kyrie – Gloria: Pfarrer Bernhard Stief
13:54: Daily prayer: Pfarrer Bernhard Stief
14:54: Reading: Lukas 15, 1–10: Vikarin Susanne Linke (German), The Reverend Robert Moore (English)
19:23: Hallelujah
20:03: Community song Jesus nimmt die Sünder an, EG 353
23:18: Sermon (Part I): Pfarrer Bernhard Stief
32:06: J.S. Bach: Cantata Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder, BWV 135 [13:16]
45:22: Sermon (Part II): The Reverend Robert Moore
53:45: Community song Ich steh vor dir mit leeren Händen, Herr«, EG 382
57:10: Creed: Pfarrer Bernhard Stief
58:44: Intercession and Lord's Prayer: Vikarin Susanne Linke (German), The Reverend Robert Moore (English)
1:03:53: Blessing: Pfarrer Bernhard Führer (German), The Reverend Robert Moore (English)
1:05:10 J.S. Bach: Prelude & Fugue in A minor ("The Great"), BWV 543: Fugue |
Ton Koopman |
(OVPP - No Choir) / Merseburger Hofmusik |
Pfarrer Bernhard Stief; Vikarin Susanne Linke; The Rev. Dr. Robert Moore
Nikolaikantor Lucas Pohle (Orgel)
Soprano: Gesine Adler; Counter-tenor: David Erler; Tenor: Patrick Grahl; Bass: Klaus Mertens
MHM: Markus Müller (Oboe); Anna-Maria Schmidt (Oboe); Eva Salonen (Violin); Almut Schlicker(Violin); Katharina Dargel (Viola); Andreas Vetter (Violoncello); Ulla Hoffmann (Double-bass); Alexander Golde (Bassoon); Cornelia Osterwald (Organ Continuo)
Ton Koopman (Organ) |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 21, 2020 |
Video / TT: 71:25 |
Recorded & filmed live at Nikolaikirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bach-Archiv Leipzig in co-operation with Nikolaikirche Leipzig.
Technical Realisation: Tobias Finke (Audio); Onstage Application (Video).
2nd recording of Cantata BWV 135 by T. Koopman.
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [71:25] |
M4/4 |
Trauer in Freude verwandeln / Sadness turned into joy (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 4) [C-4] |
00:05: J.S. Bach: Cantata Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten, BWV 202 [19:59]
20:04 Johann Philipp Kirnberger: Trio in G minor for flute, violin & basso continuo [9:15]
29:19: J.S. Bach: Cantata Non sa che sia dolore, BWV 209 [20:37] |
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Camerata Bachiensis |
Soprano: Viola Blache
CB: Roberto De Franceschi (Oboe/Transverse Flute); Anne Kaun (Violin); Uwe Ulbrich (Violin); Magdalena Schenk-Bader (Viola); Katharina Holzhey (Violoncello); Julia Chmielewska-Ulbrich (Harpsichord) |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 21, 2020 |
Video / TT: 49:56 |
Recorded & filmed live at Nikolaikirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bach-Archiv Leipzig in co-operation with Nikolaikirche Leipzig. broadcast at the same time by MDR KULTUR and MDR KLASSIK.
Technical Realisation: Carsten Hundt (Audio); Leipzig Fernsehen (Video).
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [49:56] |
M4/6 |
J.S. Bach: Messe in h-Moll / Mass in B minor (Bach Marathon, Tag/Day 4) [V-1] |
Mass in B minor BWV 232, arranged for 2 sopranos, alto, tenor, bass, trumpet, kettledrums, transverse flute, oboe, bassoon, strings & Basso continuo by Gregor Meyer [98:57] |
Gregor Meyer |
(OVPP - No Choir) / Camerata Lipsiensis |
Ælbgut: Sopranos: Isabel Schicketanz, Angelika Lenter; Tenor: Benjamin Glaubitz; Counter-tenor: Stefan Kunath; Bass: Martin Schicketanz
Camerata Lipsiensis: Dóra Ombodi (Flute); Xenia Löffler (Oboe); Györgyi Farkas (Bassoon); Rupprecht Drees (Trumpet); Daniel Schäbe (Timpani); Birgit Schnurpfeil (Violin); Yumiko Tsubaki (Violin); Caroline Kersten (Viola); Ulrike Becker (Violoncello); Tilman Schmidt (Double-bass); Stefan Maass (Lute); Gregor Meyer (Positive Organ)
Dona nobis pacem: Malaysia Bach Festival Singers (Director: David Chin): Sopranos: Chew Shi Yun, Rachel Kwok, Esther Ting, Wei En Chan; Counter-tenors: Chia Wee-Kiat, Sze Ern Hong; Tenors: Okawa Tan, Wong Soong Hong, Ang Tze Yu; Basses: Caleb Woo, Bryan Sim |
Bach-Archiv Leipzig |
Jun 21, 2020 |
Video / TT: 98:57 |
Recorded filmed live at Nikolaikirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.
Recorded by Bach-Archiv Leipzig in co-operation with the Nikolaikirche Leipzig. Broadcast by MDR Kultur and MDR Klassik.
Technical Realisation: Tobias Finke (Audio); OnStage Application (Video).
Watch on YouTube:
Mass in B minor BWV 232: Complete Work [98:57] | singalong version / conductor's cam [101:11] | Dona nobis pacen [3:00] |
V3 |
In memoriam – concert on the 270th anniversary of J. S. Bach’s death [CV-2] |
08:00: J.S. Bach: Chorale Prelude Vor deinen Thron tret ich hiermit (I), BWV 668 [3:55]
11:55: Begrüßung / welcome address: Prof. Dr. Michael Maul (Bach-Archiv Leipzig)
24:05: Johann Christoph Bach [13]: Motet for five-part choir & basso continuo Der Gerechte, ob er gleich zu zeitlich stirbt [5:05]
29:10: Johann Schelle: Cantata for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, four-part choir, strings & basso continuo Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir [10:27]
39:37: Moderation
42:13: Johann Ludwig Bach [3/72]: Motet for six-part choir and basso continuo Unsere Trübsal die zeitlich und leicht ist, JLB 33 [5:13]
47:32: Dietrich Buxtehude: Cantata for 2 sopranos, alto, tenor, bass, strings & basso continuo Gott, hilf mir, BuxWV 34 [15:44]
1:03:16: Johann Michael Bach [14]: Motet for five-part choir & basso continuo Ich weiß, dass mein Erlöser lebt [2:09]
1:05:25: Moderation
1:07:49: J.S. Bach: Cantata for soprano, alto, tenor, bass, four-part choir, oboe, strings and basso continuo Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir, BWV 131 [22:21]
1:30:10: J.S. Bach: Chorale Prelude Vor deinen Thron tret ich hiermit (I), BWV 668, performed with four-part choir, instruments & basso continuo (Arrangement by Benjamin Dreßler) [9:10] |
Thomaskantor Gotthold Schwarz |
Leipziger Cantorey / Sächsisches Barockorchester |
Leipziger Cantorey: Sopranos: Mai Kato*, Friederike Holzhausen, Theresia Taube, Elisabeth Espig; Alto: Klaudia Zeiner*, Marlen Herzog, Cornelia Rosenthal, Sibylle Scholz; Tenors: Christopher B. Fischer, Stephan Scherpe*, Yongkeun Kim; Basses: Gun-Wook Lee*, Florian Günther, Michael Gransee
SBO: Markus Müller (Oboe); Katharina Arendt (Violin); Eva Salonen, (Violin, Viola); Gundula Rauterberg (Viola); Hartmut Becker (Violoncello); Frithjof-Martin Grabner (Double bass)
Johannes Unger (Organ)
* Soloists in BWV 131 |
YouTube |
Jul 28, 2020 |
Video / TT: 99:15 |
Recorded live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany. Braodcast live at by Deutschlandfunk Kultur and streamed live by Rondeau Productions.
An evorganized by Kirchgemeinde St. Thomas in co-operation with Bach-Archiv Leipzig, supported by Stadt Leipzig. With friendly help by Neue Bachgesellschaft e. V., Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Stiftung Leipzig and Vereinigung der Freunde des Bach-Archivs e. V.
Sound Engineer: Martin Staffe; Audio Supervisor: Stefan Antonin; Visual Engineer: Christian Kempiak; Dome Camera Operator: Daniel Meier; Technical Director & Streaming: Clemens Hörlbacher; Director: Moritz Hils.
(p) 2020 Rondeau Production.
Watch on YouTube:
Complete Concert [99:15] | Complete Concert [99:10] |
F2023-26 |
Bach: Cantatas BWV 65, 73, 81, 190.1 | Philippe Herreweghe & Collegium Vocale Gent [U-11]
No 26 Best of the Annual Cycle of Cantatas 1 [U-11] |

00:00: Opening
00:58: Welcome of conductor Philippe Herreweghe and the Collegium Vocale Gent by Michael Maul, artistic director of the Bachfest Leipzig
01:36: Interview with Philippe Herreweghe on the four Bach cantatas
15:14: Cantata Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen, BWV 65 [15:18] TB
30:32: Cantata Herr, wie du willt, so schicks mit mir, BWV 73 [14:51] STB
45:23: Cantata Jesus schläft, was soll ich hoffen, BWV 81 [17:17] ATB
62:40: Cantata Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 190.1 [18:18] ATB |
Philippe Herreweghe (Director) |
Collegium Vocale Gent |
Soloists: Soprano: Aisling Kenny [BWV 73]; Counter-tenor: Alex Potter [BWV 81, 190]; Tenor: Benedict Hymas [BWV 65, 73, 81, 190]; Bass: Peter Kooij [BWV 65, 73, 81, 190]
Choir: Sopranos: Annelies Brants, Anna-Sophie Brosig, Magdalena Podkościelna; Altos: Daniel Folqué, Cécile Pilorger, Bart Uvyn; Tenors: Graham Cooper, Peter Di-Toro, Patrik Horňák; Basses: Philipp Kaven, Robert van der Vinne, Bart Vandewege
Orchestra: Violins 1: Christine Busch, Meng Han, Maria Roca; Violins 2: Dietlind Mayer, Marieke Bouche, Paul Bialek; Violas: Deidre Dowling, Kaat de Cock; Cellos: Hanna Flekova, Harm-Jan Schwitters; Double-bass: Miriam Shalinsky; Oboes: Jasu Moisio, Takahiro Kitazato, Thimotée Oudinot; Recorders: Bart Coen, Koen Dieltiens; Bassoon: Julien Debordes; Trumpets: Alain de Rudder, Arne van Eenoo, Yorick Roscam; Horns: Thomas Friedländer, Franziska Jacknau; Organ: Maude Gratton; Timpani: David Dewaste |
YouTube |
Jun 10, 2023 |
Video / TT: 80:58 |
Recorded & filmed live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, in the frame of Bachfest Leipzig 2023. Streamed live by DW Classical Music.
3rd recording of Cantata BWV 73 by P. Herreweghe.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantatas BWV 65, 73, 81, 190: Full Concert, including Complete Cantatas [80:58] | Full Concert, including Complete Cantatas [80:58] |
C1 |
Bach: Cantatas BWV 4.2, 66.3, 37, 104 | Ton Koopman & Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir [O-12] |

00:00: Welcome of conductor Ton Koopman and the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir by Michael Maul, Artistic Director of the Bachfest Leipzig
00:55: Interview with Ton Koopman on the Bach cantatas Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4.2 and Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen, BWV 66.3
07:44: J.S. Bach: Cantata Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4.2 [22:30]
30:14: J.S. Bach: Cantata Erfreut euch, ihr Herzen, BWV 66.3 [29:57]
1:01:11 Interview with conductor Ton Koopman on the Bach cantatas Wer da gläubet und getauft wird, BWV 37 and Du Hirte Israel, höre, BWV 104
1:14:01: J.S. Bach: Cantata Wer da gläubet und getauft wird, BWV 37 [17:23]
1:31:24: J.S. Bach: Cantata Du Hirte Israel, höre, BWV 104 [23:25] |
Ton Koopman (Conducting & Organ) |
Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir |
Performers: Soprano: Elisabeth Breuer; Counter-tenor: Maarten Engeltjes; Tenor: Tilman Lichdi; Bass: Klaus Mertens |
YouTube |
Jun 11, 2023 |
Video / TT: 114:49 |
Recorded live at Thomaskirche, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, in the frame of . Bachfest Leipzig 2023. Streamed live by DW Classical Music.
2nd recording of Cantata BWV 4 by T. Koopman.
2nd recording of Cantata BWV 37 by T. Koopman.
2nd recording of Cantata BWV 66 by T. Koopman.
2nd recording of Cantata BWV 104 by T. Koopman.
Watch on YouTube:
Cantatas BWV 4, 66, 37, 104: Full Concert, including Complete Cantatas [114:49] |
The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (August 2020 - June 2023) |
Bachfest Leipzig : Main Page | Recordings of Vocal Works: Part 1 | Part 2 |