K-1 |
J.S. Bach: Goldberg-Variationen BWV 988 |

Goldberg Variations BWV 988 [47:41] |
Gerhard Kirchner (Harpsichord) [built in 1964 by Martin Scholz of Basel, Switzerland] |
Fono FSM-53226 EB
Fono FSM-112006/07 |
Mar 31, 1980 |
LP / TT: 47:41
2-LP / TT: |
Recorded in Lörrach, Baden-Württemberg., Germany. |
Recordings of Orchestral Works |
A-1 |
J.S. Bach: Die Kunst des Kanon |
Canonic variations on the Christmas hymn Vom himmel hoch, da komm ich her (II), BWV 769 []
Musical Offering BWV 1079: 10 Canons []
Die Kunst der Fuge BWV 1080: 4 Canons []
14 Canons on the first 8 fundamental notes of the aria from Goldberg Variations, BWV 1087 [] |
Gerhard Kirchner (Harpsichord) |
Octava OCT-8003 |
1982 |
LP / TT: |
Recorded in Lörrach, Baden-Württemberg., Germany. |
Recordings of Arrangements & Transcriptions |
T-1 |
Bach/Mozart: Inszenierungen fur Flöte und Cembalo |
Bach-G. Kirchner: Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B minor, BWV 1067, arranged for flute & harpsichord [] |
Waltraut Kirchner (Flute); Gerhard Kirchner (Harpsichord) |
Octava OCT-8010 |
1993-1994 |
CD / TT: |
Recorded at… |