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Gaby Benalil
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Recordings of Cantatas
J.S. Bach BWV 170 Gaby Benalil
Cantate BWV 170: Mvt. 1: Aria Vergnügte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust [5:20] Weihnachts-Oratoriom BWV 248/1: Mvt. 4 (4): Aria for Alto Bereite dich Zion [4:51]
Contralto: Gaby Benalil Mike McHugh (Piano: Conductor); Roberta Arruda (Violin); Olga Home (Violin II) [BWV 248]; David Chavez (Viola); Roman Chavez (Cello)
Uploaded: Mar 15, 2011
Video / TT: 5:20
Recorded & filmed at… Watch on YouTube: Cantata BWV 170: Mvt. 1: Aria [5:20] | Weihnachts-Oratoriom BWV 248/1: Mvt. 1: Aria [4:51]
The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (February 2014)
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