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Jörg Bräunig
Recordings of Cantatas Recordings of Other Vocal Works
Jörg Bräunig - Short Biography Chursächsische Philharmonie - Short History
Recordings of Cantatas
Recordings of Other Vocal Works
Bach: Messe in h-Moll BWV 232
Mass in B minor BWV 232
Vocalkreis ' 93 / Chursächsische Philharmonie (on historical Baroque instruments)
Soprano I: Monika Mauch; Soprano II: Maria Jonas, Maria Fleischhauer (Confiteur); Alto: Dorothea Zimmermann; Tenor: Michael Schaffrath; Bass: Steffen-Christian Piltz; Bass: Sebastian Richter
Chursächsische Philharmonie
2-CD / TT:
Recorded live. Buy this album at: Chursächsische Philharmonie
J.S. Bach: Weihnachtsoratorium, Kantaten 1-3
Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248/1-3
Ephoralchor Auerbach/Vogtl. / Chursächsische Philharmonie (on historical Baroque instruments)
Recorded at Tonstudio Richter. Buy this album at: Chursächsische Philharmonie
The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (March 2009)
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