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Ömer Aziz Kayhan
Recordings of Cantatas Recordings of Other Vocal Works
Ömer Aziz Kayhan - Short Biography
Recordings of Cantatas
Eastman Bach Cantata Series: Cantatas 10 & 20 [C22-3]
Cantata Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 20 [28:35]
(OVPP - No Choir) / Instrumental ensemble
Soprano: Xiaoge Zhang; Mezzo-soprano: Madelin Morales; Tenor: Andrés Ramírez Román; Bass: Holden Turner Abreal Whitman (Violin I); Artur Korotin (Violin II); Ally Keller (Viola); Amarilli Severa (Cello); Aaron Tan (Organ); Alexis Wilson (Oboe I); Ernest Chau (Oboe II); Eric Lofgren (Trumpet)
Apr 16, 2023
Video / TT: 68:05
Recorded & filmed live at Glory House International, Rochester, New York, USA, in the frame of Eastman School of Music: Bach Cantata Series. Watch on YouTube: Cantata BWV 20: Complete Cantata [28:35] Watch on Facebook: Full Concert: Cantatas BWV 10, 20 [68:05]
The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (April 2023 - May 2023)
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