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Hélène Ludolph
Recordings of Cantatas Recordings of Other Vocal Works
Hélène Ludolph - Short Biography
Recordings of Cantatas
Xerxes (Händel): Largo; 1 Pfingstkantate (Bach): Mein gläubiges Herze, frohlocke
Aria for Soprano Mein gläubiges Herze (Mvt. 2) from Cantata BWV 68 [3:39]
Soprano: Hélène Ludolph; Albert de Klerk (Organ) (?)
HMV C-4878
Mid 1940's
78 rpm
Recorded at EMI Studio No. 1, Abbey Road, London, England. Matrix Number: 2EA.6323-1 [Handel]; 2EA.6324 [Bach]. Listen on YouTube: Cantata BWV 68: Mvt. 2: Aria [S] [3:39]
The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (July 2017)
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