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Raimar Orlovsky
Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works


Recordings of Cantatas
Recordings of Other Vocal Works

Raimar Orlovsky - Short Biography
Concerto Melante - Short History


Recordings of Cantatas


Concerto Melante with cantatas by Bach and Telemann

J.S. Bach: Cantata Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr, zu dir, BWV 131 [23 min]
G.P. Telemann: Quartet for recorder, 2 viols & Basso continuo in G major, TWV 43:G10: Andante [3 min]
J. Christoph Bach: Ach, daß ich Wassers gnug hätte: lamento [9 min]
J. Christoph Bach: Wie bist Du denn, o Gott, lamento [13 min]
G.P. Telemann: Quartet for recorder, 2 viols and Basso continuo in G major, TWV 43:G10: Vivace [5 min]
G.P. Telemann: Cantata Du aber Daniel, gehe hin, TWV 4:17 [25 min]
Anon (attributed to Adam Drese): Nun ist alles überwunden, Aria from the Altbachisches Archiv (attributed to Adam Drese) [7 min]

Violin & Direction: Raimar Orlovsky

Concerto Melante

Soprano: Anna-Lena Elbert; Contralto: David Erler; Tenor: Johannes Gaubitz; Bass: Wolf Matthias Friedrich

Berliner Philharmonie: Digital Concert Hall

Jan 24, 2023

Video / TT: 88 min

Recorded & filmed live at the Philharmonie Berlin, Germany.
Watch on Berline Philharmoniker / Digital Concert Hall:
Full Concert, including: Cantata BWV 131 [88 min]

The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (March 2025)

Raimar Orlovsky: Short Biography | Ensembles: Concerto Melante
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works | Recordings of Instrumental Works

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Last update: Thursday, March 20, 2025 01:15