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Shalom Ronli-Riklis
Recordings of Cantatas Recordings of Other Vocal Works
Shalom Ronli-Riklis - Short Biography
Recordings of Cantatas
The Art of William Wolff
Cantata Ich habe genug, BWV 82, sung in Hebrew, text by Ephrain Dror [23:04]
Ramat-Gan Chamber Orchestra (as Ramat-Gan Orchestra)
Bass-Baritone: William Wolff
Musique Internationale CN-626
LP, MC / TT:
Recorded in Geneva, Switzerland. Listen on Judaica Sound Archives: Cantata BWV 82: Complete Cantata [23:04]
The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (February 2016) Thanks to contributors: David Fddwm (February 2016)
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Last update: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 06:57