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Roel Vogel
Recordings of Cantatas Recordings of Other Vocal Works
Roel Vogel - Short Biography
Recordings of Cantatas
Bidden langs de snelweg
Cantata Allein zu Dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 33 []
Leeuwenbergh Vocaal ensemble / Leeuwenbergh Instrumentaal ensemble
Alto: Olga Werner; Tenor: Hans van Dijk; Baritone: Evert Jan Nagtegaal Pepijn Huizinga (Cello); Dianne Verdonk (Double-bass)
Nagtegaal Stemmen CD-4
Jul 21, 2012
CD / TT:
Recorded at Silo, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Listen on YouTube: Cantata BWV 33: Mvt. 2: Recitative [B] [1:12] | Mvt. 6: Chorale [2:16] Buy this album at: CD: Evert Jan Nagtegaal Website
The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (August 2014)
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