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Year 2009 |
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January 2009 |
John Pike wrote (January 3, 2009):
[Following the annonucement: The Bach Cantatas Website celebrates its 8th anniversary]
On the one hand I am not at all surprised by the popularity of the BCW. On the other hand, the SCALE of this popularity is just awesome. What a phenomenal achievement!
Yours in very great admiration |
Helga Schauerte [Organist] wrote (January 3, 2009):
[After adding her bio to the BCW]
Thank-you very much for this nice arrangement of the CV and the photos. <> |
Ed Myskowski wrote (January 4, 2009):
<> Congratulations on the ongoing success of BCW, <> |
Mrs. Jo Mergel wrote (January 5, 2009):
I was looking for information/biography for Dorothy Bond, having just watched "The Tales of Hoffman" (1951 movie with ballerina Moira Shearer). I was amazed - almost immobile - listening to this coloratura soprano sing in the movie. Wanting to learn more about her, I had to first look up various websites for The Tales of Hoffman movie, and then was fortunate to find one where they listed the names of the singers in this movie. Dorothy Bond was the voice for Moira Shearer's Olympia.
Have you been able to find out anything about Ms. Bond? I cannot believe that such a magical, angelic, awesome soprano voice is a person who isn't known (let alone famous!). I thought Joan Sutherland was the best coloratura but after hearing this glorious voice (Dorothy Bond), I would tell anyone who asked the question "Who was the greatest coloratura ever?" that it was the voice of this virtually unknown artist.
I just had to tell someone! I will end this and go back to searching for her (which you probably did). I hope I'm successful.
Thanks for reading this. I am glad ONE person anyway (YOU!) know about her. |
Thomas Wondrak wrote (January 5, 2009):
Dear Mr. Oron!
Happy new year! :-)
A few weeks ago I discovered Your site www.bach-cantatas.com. For me as a big fan of Bach's cantatas and especially of the trumpet parts I like Your site very much, because I could download and study the score of all cantatas. <>
I wish You all the best with Your absolutely great site! |
Kim Patrick Clow [BCML] wrote (January 11, 2009):
<> There is absolutely nothing like this list anywhere on the Internet that has a website so complete and informative-- it's what I call affectionately "the library of Alexandria for Baroque Music."
Thanks again! |
Shoshannah Brombacher , Ph.D [Painter - Brooklyn, New York, USA] wrote (January 13, 2009):
<> Your site inspired me to take up painting Bach again. |
Carol Lundergan [Secretary/Publicity Director - Kairos: A Consort of Singers] wrote (January 14, 2009):
[After adding their concerts to the Schedule]
Thank you kindly, Aryeh. I appreciate your help in promoting this amazing and timeless music - aren't we very, very blessed to have Bach in our lives? |
Kim Patrick Clow [BCML] wrote (January 15, 2009):
[Following the annonucement of Discography of J.F. Fasch's vocal works].
Thank you, thank you, thank you! That's fantastic Aryeh! I've shown the page to some Fasch specialist/friends and they're just as excited by that; it's greatly appreciated. |
Ariel E. Ramos [Argentina] wrote (January 16, 2009):
Thanks for your great site. <> |
Ariel E. Ramos [Argentina] wrote (January 17, 2009):
<> Regards, and thanks again for your great work, which is VERY useful. |
Lynne Harper [Providence, RI, USA] wrote (January 18, 2009):
<> As usual, I am enjoying the lively discussions on your wonderful, unique, website. In fact, I will use it as a 'text' for a 10 week class on the Cantatas which I will lead for a group of 'Lifelong Learners' (translate: older retired people!), this spring. I am working on the list of Cantatas to present to the class and am collecting more recordings of them based on the opinions/ recommendations of Cantata website members.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your dedication and for all those who share their knowledge with those like me, who are just learning. |
Ed Myskowski [BCML] wrote (January 20, 2009):
<> I mentined yesterday that I consider: BCW! Better than a book something of a motto. If I were not writing this stuff, I would be trying to write a book. The book I would be trying to write is Finnegans Wake: the sequel. Since FW is a circulatio, no sequel. I am thinking of calling it a tangential or an axial. All opinions welcome, at all times. That is the beauty of BCW! <> |
Sam Brannon wrote (January 25, 2009):
I very much enjoy the Bach Cantatas website of which you are webmaster. I am a music student at the Peabody Conservatory and am trying to locate some manuscripts to Bach's cantata BWV 60.
The provenance page for this cantata (http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Ref/BWV60-Ref.htm), written by Thomas Braatz, has lots of excellent infomation, but I would like to find its sources. <> |
Stephen Falk wrote (January 27, 2009):
[After adding new photo of Doda Conrad to his bio page]
That's great. <> |
Rev. Michael D. Costello [Cantor - Grace Lutheran Church and School, River Forest, IL, USA] wrote (January 28, 2009):
I use the Bach Cantatas Website frequently in doing research for our Bach Cantata Vespers series at Grace. Thank you for your work!
<> |
February 2009 |
William L. Hoffman [BCML] wrote (February 4, 2009):
I also think that BCW is the most significant, on-going, diverse forum of independent Bach scholars, students, enthusiasts, amateurs, baggage-handlers, opinion-ates, GDIs, and loyalists. I am especially aware of this as I read through various essays and BCW discussions and articles on the Great SMP. There is something for everyone, a moveable feast. Right now, I'm working on SMP topics involving genesis, spiritual sources, transformation, and provenance. They're ALL connected in such a monumental piece where genius takes its full measure and we can taste it. For me, it's all about bridging gaps and connecting dots
<> |
Pieter Dirksen [Harpsichord & Organ - Holland] wrote (February 5, 2009):
here is some material in the form of 2 brand new CDs for your wonderful website!
<> |
Paul T. McCain wrote (February 4, 2009):
[Following the announcement of the BGA Scores]
Many thanks Aryeh for this good news. |
Douglas Cowling wrote (February 4, 2009):
Wir danken dir! |
Drew (BWV846-893) wrote (February 5, 2009):
Many, many thanks -- this is such a gift. And a big improvement from the vocal & piano reductions.
Again, many thanks for your hard work, |
Julian Mincham wrote (February 5, 2009):
This is excellent. Well done for your persistance and work in downloaing the scores. I have been looking through some and comparinthem with my Barenreiter volumes. <> |
Paul Farseth wrote (February 6, 2009):
You are wonderful, Aryeh! |
Julian Mincham wrote (February 6, 2009):
[To Aryeh Oron] many thanks. |
Drew (BWV846-893) wrote (February 6, 2009):
<> Thank you, again, for your assiduous work in getting these scores on the BCW. It's wonderful to see the individual lines -- they help elucidate Bach's contrapuntal genius. |
Susan Oswell wrote (February 6, 2009):
Thanks again. <>
Best of luck with all your work on the web sites. |
Frits V. Herbold wrote (February 6, 2009):
Thanks Aryeh, the access to the BGA links is great news indeed! <> |
Harry W. Crosby [BCML] wrote (February 7, 2009):
The truth is that one of the virtues and attractions of B-C.com (and very much in response to the genius and dedication of its inventor, mentor, and manager, Aryeh Oron), is the diversity represented in those who "live here," posting questions, answers, opinions --- and, yes, challenging the opinions of others.
<> |
John Pike wrote (February 10, 2009):
<> including the moderator and producer of the Bach Cantatas Website (the world's best website) himself.<> |
Meidad Zaharia wrote (February 10, 2009):
[To John Pike] Thanks John,
Agreed Aryeh's site is one of the most amazing piece of work on the net!!!
<> |
Hubert Road wrote (February 10, 2009):
[Upon joining the BRML] The Bach Cantatas website has proven to be an invaluable educational
[Upon joining the BCML] Working my way through the Cantatas - the website has been a godsend. |
Yoël L. Arbeitman wrote (February 21, 2009):
<> Congratulations on the 70 new bios. It really is an invaluable resource. |
James Atkins Pritchard wrote (February 23, 2009):
<> May I take this opportunity to express my thanks for your wonderful website and lists. <> |
Davis Venderwall [Tenor, USA] wrote (February 24, 2009):
Nice site! <> |
March 2009 |
Guy Laffaille wrote (March 1, 2009):
The site bach-cantatas is quoted in Diapason, the number 1 of the classical music and of Hi-Fi in France.
I send you a copy of the article, with the home-page in the center of the article.
In the last paragraph, one can read that there are hopes to see good things on internet about music, on sites dedicated to a composer (tremendous bach-cantatas.com). |

Jérémie Marschalik wrote (March 1, 2009):
Thank you very much <> once again for your wonderful job on that Web site, |
Tobias Schölkopf [Tobi's Notenarchiv] wrote (March 2, 2009):
I visit your website very often, maybe as often as you visit my Bach website :-)
<> |
Helga Schauerte [Organist] wrote (March 4, 2009):
You are really doing good work with your website ! I like very much the link you put with the choral Jesu, meine Freude.
Thank-you very much. <> |
Dr Christian Veillet [Executive Director - Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope] wrote (March 6, 2009):
Thank you so much for a wonderful source of information on the bach cantatas. Being in the middle of nowhere on the Big island of Hawaii, having all of this at my fingertips is so precious!
Thanks again! |
Simon Wilks [London, England] wrote (March 6, 2009):
[Upon joining the BCML]
I've found the BC site invaluable while I've explored the cantatas over the last few years, and reckon the list will be interesting, too! |
Peter Croton [Lutenist & Guitarist, USA] wrote (March 13, 2009):
I noticed my profile on this page: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Bio/Croton-Peter.htm
and send you my thanks and appreciation! <> |
Claude Charton wrote (March 16, 2009):
Did you know that in the french monthly magazine Diapason (March edition), there are some words about BCW.
It's about Internet :
[...]there are sometimes community contributions (formidable bach-cantatas-com) [...].
Ther is a screen capture of BCW.
If you want, I can send to you a scan or the page or even the whole magazine...
Thanks for all !
Cordialement, |
Lori Schubert [Directrice générale - VivaVoce, Montreal, Quebec, Canada] wrote (March 25, 2009):
We are a chamber choir based in Montreal, Quebec. <>
And thank you for your site, which is excellent! |
Hannah Riddell [BMus Tutor and Lecturer in Academic Studies - Royal Academy of Music, London] wrote (March 25, 2009):
St John Passion translation
[To Francis Browne]
I was wishing to inform you that we used your translation of the St John Passion for a recent performance. I can assure you that you were properly acknowledged and the Bach cantatas website was cited as set out in your notice on the website.
The translation you have made and provided on the site was a huge benefit and is a generous contribution to scholarship and to the practical needs of performers. I am certainly very grateful. The only alteration I made was to include the music for the chorales, as the audience sang all chorales throughout, and sadly to remove the German as space did not allow for it.
Many thanks for your translation! |
Roeland Gerritsen [programmamaker Radio 4 - Dutch classical radio] wrote (March 26, 2009):
<> your (by the way: very good, informative, much appreciated) website. |
Julia Kammler wrote (March 27, 2009):
<> I'm very sold on your website! |
April 2009 |
Frits van Laeken Herbold [Brazil] wrote (April 4, 2009):
<> And as always, thanks again for the excellent site! Best Regards from Brazil, |
Christian Dehn Bang [Denmark] wrote (April 8, 2009):
I’m a very frequent user of your fantastic website www.bach-cantatas.com. I’m also the leader of a professional Danish Baroque Instrumental and Vocal ensemble with some of the best baroque performers from Copenhagen and Malmö. This ensemble has specialised in Bach Cantatas and we have linked to your website on our new website www.enghavebarok.dk
<> |
Yvonne Cairns [Denmark] wrote (April 11, 2009):
I have found your Biographies (& pictures) on the Bach Cantatas website very helpful. <> |
Alexandra Glynn [Minnesota, USA] wrote (April 15, 2009):
<> Thank you for your kindness in doing the bach-cantatas website. It is one of the best places on the web. |
Sw Anandgyan wrote (April 18, 2009):
<> I've added a picture for the ever-amazing Bach Cantatas Website. |
Hooman Behdad wrote (April 21, 2009):
My beloved father Ferderick Guthrie has passed away on 6.12.2008.
My name is Hooman Behdad. I would like to honor you because of your contribution to my Dad. I would like to support you in your work.
Please let me know if there is a way for me to contribute.
I want to thank you again very much. |
Hooman Behdad wrote (April 21, 2009):
<> I appreciate your work |
May 2009 |
Marc Tinga [Groningen, Netherlands] wrote (May 3, 2009):
First of all I'd like to say:
You have a great site! There's so much to find for any admirer of Bach's music!
<> |
Gatze Harm Bauke Draijer [Sturgis, Saskatchewan, Canada] wrote (May 4, 2009):
I was so pleased to discover your site and also find someone whom I believe is a distant relative of mine: Jelle Draijer. He could also be my twin...
I come from immigrant parents from Friesland in the Netherlands and we have long called ourselves a musical family. I have degrees in Liturgical Music, Organ and Voice. Naturally your site is very appealing to me and well done. I have about 50 Bach cantatas on CD myself. I completely understand your enthusiasm. Thank you for your fine work.
<> |
Rachel Nicholls [Soprano, England] wrote (May 7, 2009):
What an amazing site. <> |
Robert King Ltd [Robert King Ltd] wrote (May 12, 2009):
[After updating Robert King bio page]
Many thanks. We are currently working on a "links" page for Robert King's website and we will definitely include a link for your excellent site in that listing. Keep up your great work for Herr Bach! |
Patsy Moore [West Berkshire, England] wrote (May 15, 2009):
Last year I had the pleasure of singing Bach's Cantata 4, Christ lag in Todesbanden, and our conductor commented that it was very unusual for every movement of one of hicantatas to be based on a single chorale melody. She said that she thought there was only one other constructed in the same way, but didn't know if that was really the case, and didn't know the name or number of any other. I just had a quick look at the valuable Bach Cantatas Web site which I have consulted from time to time to gain more information, but couldn't see an obvious way to find this out other than looking at the information for each cantata. Can you help me?
I run an adult learners' orchestra, with no minimum standard (people are welcome to join as soon as they are brave enough!) and often use Bach's wonderfully rich legacy of chorale settings with them. At the moment we are working on Komm, heilige Geist / Nun, werther Geist, in the settings from Cantatas 59 and 175. Everyone has had a chance to play each of the voice parts in an octave appropriate to their instrument before we put the whole thing together. |
Paolo Zaia [Italy] wrote (May 23, 2009):
<> Congratulations for your fan activity. Bach-Cantatas is one of my best websites I prefer. Thank you very much for all your efforts. |
Marilynn Stark [Composer - Music Compositions by Composer Marilynn Stark] wrote (May 28, 2009):
<> I appreciate your fine site, and I would like to thank you for it. |
June 2009 |
Liona Boyd [Guitarist - Liona Boyd - Classical Guitar] wrote (June 6, 2009):
Thanks for featuring me on your site! <> |
Brett Gross wrote (June 7, 2009):
<> I love the sight! |
Bernd Haegemann wrote (June 14, 2009):
<> Thanks for your great work & best wishes |
Marilynn Stark [Composer -
Music Compositions by Composer Marilynn Stark] wrote (June 15, 2009):
<> Thank you for helping give knowledge of Bach to the Internet for others to gain. I must spend time at your Website. |
Christopher Brunelle [Assistant Professor of Classics - St. Olaf College, Northfield MN 55057 USA] wrote (June 16, 2009):
<> Many thanks for your excellent website and for your timely response. |
Ed Jeter [BRML] wrote (June 16, 2009):
Thanks Aryeh, your comprehensive and hard work is always appreciated. <> |
Evan Cortens wrote (June 24, 2009):
[Following the revised discography of Mass in B minor BWV 232]
This all looks excellent, thanks so much for your work! <>
All best and thanks again, |
July 2009 |
Florin Alexander Neumann wrote (July 2, 2009):
Bach Cantatas is a great site, and you've been doing wonderful work.
Thank you.
<> |
Javier Ferreira wrote (July 8, 2009):
Many thanks for this excellent site.
<> |
Craig Sapp [Stanford University] wrote (July 9, 2009):
Reading through the great information on your website, I noticed a small factual error in the article:
<> |
Bryce Westervelt [Tenor - Holiday, FL, USA - Bryce Westervelt] wrote (July 14, 2009):
I am hoping that you might be able to help me out. I'm Bryce Westervelt, a professional singer. I have been a huge fan of the bach cantata site for a number of years as it is an invaluable reference for me, from scores to recordings to commentary. <> |
Loreen McMillan [Topeka, Kansas] wrote (July 20, 2009):
I have had a wonderful experience over the last week reading your website, the biography of Barry McDaniel in particular, and then linking to be able to listen to some of Mr McDaniel’s recordings.
<> |
Eleanor wrote (July 21, 2009):
I was just researching Gustav Mahler for a project and came across your page at http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Lib/Mahler-Gustav.htm. <>
Thanks & keep up the good work!! |
Camille Rancière [Le petit Festival] wrote (July 24, 2009):
I use very often your great website and have just noticed the "concert" chapter.
We organize a music festival in Brittany (west of France) <> |
Michel Merlin [Versailles, France] (July 27, 2009):
I appreciate much www.bach-cantatas.com and often use them. Generally very well researched, thought, and written.
So I suggest you to rewrite that 1st paragraph [of a certain bio] this way: <> which would be at the same time, shorter, clearer, more unambiguous, while just as precise - and I must say, more in line with the usual quality of the site.
I hope this (tiny) suggestion helps you and in any way I want to thank you warmly for the great, detailed, precise, accurate, sensible information you are constantly bringing to music lovers. |
Joanna Zygan [Poland - The Hilliard Ensemble Unofficial FanSite] wrote (July 29, 2009):
First of all - thank you for your wonderful bach-cantatas website, I am a Bach fan and have been visiting your website quite often. I am also a very big admirer of Hilliard Ensemble's vocal art and I found the information about them on your website slightly out-of-date. Most of the Hilliard links appear to be dead or don't work properly, so I dare to give you some amendments / replacements list:
I hope the above information is useful to you and it would be nice if you could possibly update the Hilliard links (and perhaps also their biography). |
August 2009 |
Florian Heyerick [Graupner Project 2010 - searchable digital catalogue & other information] wrote (August 2, 2009):
would it be possible to include a link to my Graupner-website on the graupner-page of your wonderful Bach-site?
<> |
Marie-Luise Bender [Dresden, Germany] wrote (August 4, 2009):
again some updates for your great homepage:
<> |
Francis Browne wrote (August 4, 2009):
<> If there is anyhting I can do that lightens your task, please let me know. Your industry and devotion to Bach continues to astonish me - long may you and Bach continue. |
Joanna Zygan [Poland - The Hilliard Ensemble Unofficial FanSite] wrote (August 13, 2009):
I am really impressed by the long existence of your BCW, it's a rare treasure and I hope it will live forever!
<> |
Russell Telfer [BCML] wrote (August 19, 2009):
Evan made another point:
< In googling around, it seems that this BCW is the only good resource for this information, and we have an opportunity to make it complete, even if it's not 100% on topic... >
I think you're right. To support your contention, consider a provincial library, probably in any country of the world. Go and see what they've got in the way of Bach scholarship. Grove. It probably stops at 1928, or 1949, or if you're lucky, 1971. As if I've written in earlier posts, I think the collective wisdom that accumulates on the internet will, in time, surpass the learning of previous centuries' polymaths. In the mean time, for me at least, BCW is The Oracle in the old Greek sense. |
Hartwig Molzow [Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesbibliothek - Biographisches Lexikon, Kiel, Germany] wrote (August 20, 2009):
thanks for your message. - In my own recent e-mail I forgot to express my appreciation for your great work. |
Walter Riemer [Fortepiano, Austria] wrote (August 25, 2009):
<> I'm still impressed by the great work you are doing with you website! |
Mike Meacock (Arton) [BaroqueMusic.org, BaroqueCDs.com] wrote (August 31, 2009):
Wow, the BCW gets bigger by the day! A wonderful reference source.
<> |
September 2009 |
Tone Wik [Soprano, Norway] wrote (September 2, 2009):
[After adding her bio to the BCW]
Thank you! Very nice, because if you look up some artists name at google, the www. bach-cantatas.com comes up very soon!
<> |
Stephan Rusconi [Switzerland] wrote (September 10, 2009):
Thank you very much for the bach-cantatas site. <> |
John Pike wrote (September 13, 2009):
[Following the annoncement of Goldberg Variations Discography - Version 3]
What an extraordinary labour of love.
Congratulations! |
Kevin Sterling wrote (September 13, 2009):
This is a brilliant, engaging, and highly useful discography. No better work to have lavished all this energy on than the Goldbergs. Many thanks, Aryeh, for your work. |
Meidad Zeharia wrote (Sep13, 2009):
I wonder if you have such pages for The Art Of Fugue and Musical Offering?
Thanks Aryeh...
P.S. Any chance for Israeli meeting for a lecture or special editions? |
Anne (Nessie) Russell wrote (September 13, 2009):
Wow! Thank you for this list Aryeh.
Funny, I was looking up some Bach recordings on EMusic awhile ago and I found a couple of new ones. I was going to check the web page to see if you had them but I didn't get around to it.
I don't see them on your new list.
David Wright released his piano recording on Jan.1 2007. Ronald Hawkins on May of 2009. I am not sure what instrument(s) he used. It says under style - Chamber Music.
I downloaded a few of David Wright's variations and they are very good.
The David Wright album was by Zum Records/The Orchard. The Ronald Hawkins was put out on MSR Classics/IODA. |
Francis Browne wrote (September 13, 2009):
[Following the annoncement of Goldberg Variations Discography - Version 3]
<> I am amazed as always by your industry over the Goldberg Variations -where and when will you call a halt? |
Barbara Graeser [Switzerland] wrote (September 13, 2009):
[After updating and expanding Wolfgang Graeser page]:
Sincere thanks for your brilliant article about Wolfgang Graeser!
<> |
John and Carol wrote (September 16, 2009):
Hello Sir, I love your websites. <> |
Jon Arnold wrote (September 20, 2009):
Thanks for the website! <> |
David Erler [Counter-tenor, Germany] wrote (September 21, 2009):
I recognized that there is a biography of myself on your Bach Cantatas Website. Thank you for that!
<> |
Robert King [The King's Consort, UK] wrote (September 24, 2009):
<> And finally, you will be pleased to see our new website has (as you requested, and we were very pleased to supply!) a link to your splendid Bach website.
Sorry to give you a bit of work, but your website is such an important one that we want it to be fully accurate! |
Barbara Graeser [Switzerland] wrote (September 26, 2009):
Shana Tova !
I hope it is not too late to wish it...
And thank you again - I really do appreciate it very much that you took your precious time to write this article.
In Switzerland nobody seems to know about Graeser and the "Kunst der Fuge".
Thank you!
Sincerely and Shalom ! |
Lev Levitin wrote (September 26, 2009):
I would like to thank you for the amazing work you are doing in running the bach-cantatas database.
<> |
Robert King [The King's Consort, UK] wrote (September 26, 2009):
[after updating The Kings's Consort pages]
Superb work! <> Everything else seems to work really well.
Many thanks, and bravo again for your amazingly informative website. |
Michael Costello [Bach Cantata Vespers at Grace Lutheran Church in River Forest, IL, USA] wrote (September 27, 2009):
<> Thanks so much for your continued work! |
Kim Patrick Clow wrote (September 27, 2009):
<> Thank you again for all your hard work, I really appreciate it. |
Kim Patrick Clow wrote (September 27, 2009):
[Regarding the Discography of Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel's Vocal Works]
OH yes, I think that's absolutely fantastic! My music editor and publisher Brian Clark is a BIG fan of Stölzel's music (as I am). I am working on preparing some Stölzel cantatas from Hamburg. One of them is absolutely beautiful, it features flutes, which I love! The only issue is that the score in some sections was damaged during World War 2, in fact I think a lot of materials in Hamburg (not just Stölzel) vanished. |
October 2009 |
Dr. Beverly Serra-Brooks , DMA & NCTM [Pianist, USA] wrote (October 6, 2009):
Thank you!!! You have done a remarkable job with your Bach website and thank you for including me.
You have done such a great job, I am referencing your site to all my students & colleagues.
Viva la musica, |
Aggelos Tsompanidis [Greek] wrote (October 7, 2009):
I see that the project of Bach orchestral transcriptions is proceeding smoothly!
Keep up the good work!!!
<> |
Peter Baekgaard [Arranger, Denmark] wrote (October 8, 2009):
[After adding a list of his organ transcriptions: http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Arran/OT-Baekgaard.htm]
Thank you very much for the work you have done!
<> |
Stefan Pehrson [Göteborg, Sweden] wrote (October 10, 2009):
<> All the best and Thank You for your valuble site! |
Nancy Nickel [Director of Music - Bach Cantata Vespers at St. James, Oregon, USA] wrote (October 13-14, 2009):
Thank you for providing this resource to Bach fans literally everywhere!
Thank you for your amazing work in behalf of Bach’s music. |
Edward Jeter [Little Rock, AR, USA] wrote (October 15, 2009):
I have not been very active on list lately, but continue to following others. I want to thank you in particular for the exhaustive work you have done in cataloging the recordings made of J.S. Bach.
<> |
Michael Woge wrote (October 19, 2009):
<> toda raba for all your JSB-avoda ! |
Carol Lundergan [Publicity Director - Kairos: A Consort of Singers, NY, USA] wrote (October 19, 2009):
[After creating pages for Kairos: A Consort of Singers]
Aryeh, this sounds wonderful - thank you so much for all of your hard work.
Thanks again - this is wonderful. The pages look great! |
Albert Jan Becking [Bachkantaten in der Predigerkirche, Basel, Switzerland] wrote (October 23, 2009):
<> thank you again for doing all this very helpful work! |
Stephan MacLeod [Gli Angeli Genève, Switzerland] wrote (October 25, 2009):
[Following the new section on the Bach Cantatas Website - Bach Festivals & Cantata Series]
<> Let me know if there is anything else you could need from me to feed that new section of your amazing website.
<> |
Dr. Beverly Serra-Brooks DMA [USA] wrote (October 25, 2009):
<> I always appreciate your site, Thanks! |
Eduardo Fresco Barbeito wrote (October 25, 2009):
<> Thanks. The web "bach-cantatas" is very interesant! Congratulatios! |
November 2009 |
Julia Vincent [Artistic Director - Bachwochen Thun-Amsoldingen] wrote (November 6, 2009):
<> It’s an interesting website. <> |
Christoph Drescher [Christoph Drescher, festival director and general manager - Thuringia Bach Festival] wrote (November 6, 2009):
<> Thanks for your interest - and your assistance in bringing Bach and his music to an international audience! |
Bernhard Warmuth wrote (November 9, 2009):
[After updating Boris Carmeli bio page]
thank you so much for your answer and the correction, which you did so fast. Mrs. Sonja Moser, his former wife, was amazed about that. <> |
John O'Hagan [Bray, Co Wicklow, Ireland] wrote (November 9, 2009):
P.S. Congratulations on your superb multi-part site: I have just come across it via the link from the wikipedia entry for Bryden Thomson. We have fond memories of "Jack" (as he was affectionately known) here in Ireland, but I wouldn't previously have connected him with Bach cantatas!
But I'm glad I've seen your site - I have a music-listener's interest in Bach cantatas - like many others, I suspect, I have been led to their full range via the very cheap Brilliant Classics CD set, which I am now happily supplementing by other recordings. I will now inform my choice in even greater depth by studying your site! And as to the canatas themselves: unfortunately I can't read music, so much of the written material is beyond me. I do have an interest in Bach generally, but only one or two books, notably Christoph Wolff's 2001 "The Learned Musician". The longest other piece I have on the cantatas is a 30+ page essay of 1938 by W.G. Whittaker "A Pilgrimage through the Church Cantatas of J.S. Bach" (in a volume of his collected essays, reprinted in 1970). Probably hopelessly discredited by more recent studies? Even so, I now bitterly regret passing up a set of his two-volume big bon the cantatas in a local library discard sale about twenty years ago ......
My first detailed familiarity with any of the cantatas was with No 78, which for many years was - perhaps still is - on the syllabus for the terminal exam in music in our second-level schools system here in Ireland When my daughter was studying it in the late 1990s I got a CD of it to help her. As it happens, the one I got - the only one in the shop at the time - turned out to be a cracker : the vintage mid-1950s version conducted by Prohaska, on a Vanguard double CD with Nos 4, 106 and 140. Probably hopelessly inauthentic, but what life, especially the exhilarating "Wir eilen .." duet! Years later, (inverted?) nostalgia prompted me to snap up an LP of the same performance (with 106) in a charity shop sale - it sounds even more (in)authentic through the crackles!
Sorry for taking up your time with these meanderings, and I do look forward to digging in to your wonderful site! |
Laurent Houmeau [Classissima, Paris] wrote (November 12, 2009):
<> BCW is a remarkable website, a Reference. Also, thank you very much. <> |
Francis Browne [Conductor, Germany] wrote (November 15, 2009):
<> Your work on transcriptions and festivals looks very useful. Over the years I've come to accept that you will never rest content but always find something more to add to the website. |
Martin Lutz [Conductor, Germany] wrote (November 16, 2009):
thanks for all your engagement in the Bach Cantatas Website! Thanks for listing me and Wiesbaden Bach Festival too.
<> |
Yoël L. Arbeitman wrote (November 18, 2009):
[Following the additions of pages for Charles Ives' borrowings from Bach]
This accumulation of Bach matters that you assemble is truly amazing, Aryeh.
Great stuff, |
Lindsay Arnstrong [Aristic Director - Orchestra of St Cecilia, Dublin, Ireland] wrote (November 18, 2009):
Thank you very, very much for your E-mail. You do Bach and all of us a priceless and invaluable service. <> |
Ed Myskowski wrote (November 19, 2009):
<> Nice work with the discographies, I continue to think this will be one of the most enduring aspects of BCW, and it certainly is the one which led me to find you. A mixed blessing for you, perhaps, but I am trying not to be too rowdy. <> |
Jean-Pierre Kains [Chorale Royale Protestante de Bruxelles, Belgium] wrote (November 23, 2009):
<> Thank you, and again congratulations for the website! |
Uta Mattern [Stellv. Geschäftsstellenleitung, Bachwoche Ansbach GmbH] wrote (November 24, 2009):
<> Thank you very much for the fast editing and publishing of our festival on your website, which is really informative and interesting
With best wishes from Ansbach |
Johanna Gross [Bach Biennale Weimar] wrote (November 24, 2009):
thank you very much for your kind email. We appreciate your exceptional engagement for BACH! We are very pleased to get registered at your website. Following you will find the necessary and correct information of our festival.
Thank you so much indeed again!
All the best and kind regards from the Bach-town Weimar, |
Julian Mincham wrote (November 24, 2009):
[Following the announcement of Orchestral Arrangements/Transcription]
Aryeh Fantastic-- a hell of a lot of work there. <> |
Uta Mattern [Stellv. Geschäftsstellenleitung, Bachwoche Ansbach GmbH] wrote (November 25, 2009):
<> Thanks again!
With best wishes and continued success for your homepage |
Ian Howell [Counter-tenor, Philadelphia, PA, USA - Ian Howell] wrote (November 30, 2009):
Thank you so much for including information about me on your bach cantatas website. I would like to request that you update the bio, discography, and photos to reflect a more 'current' me.
Thank you so much for your time, and for the service you provide to the music community. |
December 2009 |
Ian Howell [Counter-tenor, Philadelphia, PA, USA - Ian Howell] wrote (December 1, 2009):
[After updating his bio page on the BCW]
Wow! I'm amazed at how quickly you got back to me.
Thank you so much for updating the pages. <> |
Tobias Bigger [Pianist, Finnentrop, Germany] wrote (December 1, 2009):
Recently, I came across your Bach Cantatas website and was impressed by its usefulness for a search of recorded works and a bit surprised to see my own Brioso CD recording listed there.
Many thanks for your valuable work, and best wishes to you and the Bach website. |
Dr. Tamara Schmiege [Artistic Director, St. Luke's Episcopal Church Bach Festival] wrote (Dec ember 2, 2009):
This is wonderful! Thank you so much for all of the work you have done on this website and thank you for including St. Luke's! I will provide you some more information and jpeg's just as soon as I can.
Thanks again! |
Sw Anandgyan wrote (December 4, 2009):
[After implementing a suggested correction]
You are the best Aryeh! |
Kim Patrick Clow wrote (December 5, 2009):
[Following the announcements of BCW: New Section - Bach Festivals & Cantata Series]
Aryeh, you NEVER cease to amaze me with the information you provide on the BCW. Thank you so much for this. |
Jesús Iragui wrote (December 8, 2009):
Desde hace años admiro y utilizo su web sobre las cantatas de Bach, web ejemplar e impresionante que recomiendo a todo el que puedo. Entre otras cosas, ahora ya aparece toda la obra de Bach traducida a los principales idiomas, también al español (¡somos unos 450 millones de hispanohablantes, incluido Israel!). Y es justamente este extremo lo que motiva este e-mail:
<> |
Edwin Morrison [Lexington, SC, USA] wrote (December 13, 2009):
I want to thank you for this excellent website and tell you how important it is to me. It is a tremendous source of information for devotees of Johann Sebastian Bach's great music. I reference your site frequently and am so please with the breath of it's content.
The Background Information section is very useful to me personally because I am not Lutheran and it greatly enhances my knowledge of their traditions. |
Peter Lorenz wrote (December 20, 2009):
You have all this wonderful information about the Bach Cantatas and their recorded history and no way to listen to them. <> |
Rachel M, Pickering (UK) wrote (December 23, 2009):
Firstly please let me say how much I value the Bach Cantatas website. I’m doing my 3rd year university dissertation on Bach cantatas and organ chorale preludes and am finding the information on your website absolutely invaluable. I did a Bach module in my 2nd year where I also used the site. It is a fantastic piece of work.
Many thanks again , Rachel |
Paul Johnson [BCML] wrote (December 27, 2009):
[Upon joinin the BCML] This is just an email to say 'hello' and to introduce myself. I have been reading the Cantatas website for a number of years now - it's a great source of information - and decided to join this mailing list. I am a regular listener to the music of JSB and listen often to the cantatas - recently I have tried to be more systematic about listening to them for the liturgical days for which they were written (which is good at this time of year because the cantatas for the first, second and third days of Christmas are both bountiful and tremendous). I live in England, and am a Sociologist. I have no professional connection with music, being just an 'amateur listener', so I am not sure I will have anything profound to add to the discussion!
Anyway, hello! And very merry Christmas. |
Carlos Bertão [Brazil] wrote (December 29, 2009):
At first, congratulations for the marvelous site. It's really a reference work about the Bach music and many people use it with great response to know Bach music better.
I would like to help the Portuguese speaking people to have a better matrial to understand the texts of the cantatas. I've seen in your site, there's an excelent contributiomade by Leonardo Santos and Rodrigo Maffei Libonati. But, otherwise, there's a lot of work to do to have a compllete translation of the cantatas. I would like very much to send you my own translation of the cantatas that don't have a Portuguese translation in your site.
It's possible? |
Jason Raphael wrote (December 29, 2009):
Wonderful Website
Your website is superb. Could you include an entry for Wolfgang Windgassen and Rita Streich? |
Albert Jan Becking [Bachkantaten in der Predigerkirche] wrote (December 30, 2009):
<> With your site, you are doing a great job for the "Cantata Community" -
thank you!
With best wishes for the new year |
John Pike wrote (December 31, 2009):
[Following the announcement of Guide to Bach Tour - New Version]
Wonders never cease. A very happy New Year to all Bach lovers. |
David Hitchin wrote (December 31, 2009):
Thank you for all of your work on this site. |