Recordings & Discussions of Other Vocal Works: Main Page | Motets BWV 225-231 | Mass in B minor BWV 232 | Missae Breves & Sanctus BWV 233-242 | Magnificat BWV 243 | Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 | Johannes-Passion BWV 245 | Lukas-Passion BWV 246 | Markus-Passion BWV 247 | Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248 | Oster-Oratorium BWV 249 | Chorales BWV 250-438 | Geistliche Lieder BWV 439-507 | AMN BWV 508-523 | Quodlibet BWV 524 | Aria BWV 1127 | Motet BWV 1165=Anh 159
Missa in G major BWV Anh 167
BWV Anh 167
German Title
Messe in G
Latin Title
Missa in G
English Title
Mass in G major
French Title
Attribution (not J. S. Bach): Johann Ludwig Bach (1677-1731) or Antonio. Lotti (1666-1714)
Latin Mass
Latin-5 | Translations
Voices: Chor I: S, A, T, B; Chor II: S, A, T, B Instruments: with Chor I: 2 violins, 2 violas, violone; with Chor II: 3 oboes, taille, violone, basso continuo
BGA: - | NBA: II/4 KB S. 57 | BC: | Zwang: - | First Published:
Complete Recordings
Apocryphal Bach Masses II (Apokryphe Werke 6): Masses · Magnificat · Cantata 150 · Sanctus [V-6]
3/2012 B+P+R NEW
J.L. Bach or A. Lotti: Missa in G major, BWV Anh 167 [13:31]
Wolfgang Helbich
Alsfelder Vokalensemble / Hannoversche Hofkapelle
Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam: Nele Gramß (soprano), Marnix de Cat (alto), Harry van Berne (tenor), Harry van der Kamp (bass) Soloquartet of the Hochschule für Künste Bremen: Manja Stephan (soprano), Johann Moritz von Cube (alto), Jan Hübner (tenor), Carsten Krüger (bass)
CPO 777561-2
Mar, May 2009
CD / TT: 58:17
Recorded at Festhalle of the Johannische Kirche, Blankensee, Germany. Buy this album at: CD: | | Music Download: | | | ClassicsOnline
The list of the recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (June 2012)
Johann Ludwig Bach: Short Biography | Cantata BWV 15 | Cantata Ja, mir hast du Arbeit gemacht, JLB-5 | Cantata Ich will meinen Geist in euch geben, JLB-7 | Cantata Die mit Tränen säen, JLB-8 | Cantata Mache dich auf, werde licht, JLB-9 | Cantata Er machet uns lebendig, JB-11 | Cantata Der Herr wird ein Neues im Lande erschaffen, JLB-13 | Cantata Die Weisheit kommt nicht in eine boshafte Seele, JLB-14 | Mass in C major, BWV Anh 25 | Mass in C minor BWV Anh 26 | Mass in E minor, BWV Anh 166 | Mass in G major, BWV Anh 167
Antonio Lotti: Short Biography | Missa Sapientiae in G minor | Magnificat in C major, BWV Anh 30 | Mass in G major, BWV Anh 167
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