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Recordings & Discussions of Cantatas: Main Page | Cantatas BWV 1-50 | Cantatas BWV 51-100 | Cantatas BWV 101-150 | Cantatas BWV 151-200 | Cantatas BWV 201-224 | Cantatas BWV Anh | Order of Discussion
Discussions of General Topics: Cantatas & Other Vocal Works | Performance Practice | Radio, Concerts, Festivals, Recordings

Cantata BWV 51
Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen!
Discography - Part 3

Complete Recordings 1960-1969

< Complete Recordings 1950-1959

Complete Recordings 1970-1979 >


J.S. Bach: Cantata No. 51 [C-2]


Cantata BWV 51 []

Johannes Zentner

Orchestra of the Bachfest (7th International Bachfest Mainz 1962)

Soprano: Maria Stader; Trumpet: Heinz Zickler

SWR Baden Baden

Broadcasted: May 29, 1962

Tape / TT:

Performed at the 7th Internationales Bachfest in Mainz, Germany.
This concert was recorded and boadcasted by SWF (Suedwestfunk), Baden-Baden, which is now SWR Baden Baden, Germany. There is no recording from this concert, but there exist rips for the concert. It might exist still in the Radio archives (SWR Baden-Baden).


Charles Munch conducts Live 1956 [C-1]


Cantata BWV 51 []

Charles Munch

Boston Symphony Orchestra

Soprano: Bethany Beardslee; Roger Voisin (Trumpet)

Disco Archivia 1361
Vibrato VHL-269

1956 (or Jul 6, 1962 ?)

CD / TT:

Recorded at Tanglewood, Massachusetts, USA. Concert broadcast WGBH, mono. Charles Munch has conducted the work with the BSO on July 4 & 5, 1959 and July 6, 1962. These two concerts at Tanglewood were recorded by radio.
Source: Discographie Générale de Charles Munch (78 Experience) [PDF]
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CD: Limited Edition Historic CDs: Charles Munch


Archive Recordings: Season of 1962 [C-1]


Cantata BWV 51 [18:51]


String ensemble

Soprano: Adele Addison; Robert Nagel (Trumpet)

Aspen Music Festival

Jul 25, 1962

CD / TT: 62:54

Recorded live at the Aspen Amphitheater, Aspen Music Festival, Aspen, Colorado, USA.
Source: WorldCat Libraries (OCLC Number: 61326973)


Eleanor Steber - Syracuse Music Festival Vol. 2: J.S. Bach: Cantata No. 51, "Jauchzet Gott in Allen Landen”; J.P. Rameau: Cantata, "Le Berger Fidéle" [C-1]


Cantata BWV 51 [YT: 17:53]

Igor Kipnis (Harpsichord & Direction) [Rutkowski & Robinette harpsichord, 1961)

The Igor Kipnis Baroque Ensemble

Soprano: Eleanor Steber
Ronald Anderson (Trumpet); Sonya Monosoff, Lilla Kalman (Violins); Bernard Zaslav (Viola); Sterling Hunkins (Cello); Edwin Biltcliffe (Organ)


Early 1962

LP / TT:

Recorded during Syracuse Music Festival at General Theological Seminary, New York City, New York, USA.
Listen on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 51: Complete Cantata [17:53]


J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D · Cantata No. 51 [L-9]
Teresa Stich-Randall
Teresa Stich-Randall sings Bach Solo Secular Cantatas & Mozart Exsultate Jubilate
Hommage a Teresa Stich-Randall

Cantata BWV 51 [19:56 / 20:50]

Karl Ristenpart

Chamber Orchestra of the Saar

BWV 51: Soprano: Teresa Stich-Randall; Trumpet: Maurice André

Club francais du disque 305
Nonesuch H-71011
Accord 149052
Le Chant du Monde

Mar 3-10, 1963

LP / TT: 48:06
CD / TT:
CD / TT: 57:00
CD / TT:

Recorded in Saarlouis, Saarland, Germany.
2nd recording of Cantata BWV 51 by T. Stich-Randall.
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Accord CD 1: |
Accord CD 2:


Bach: Cantata No. 51; Suite No. 1 in C for Orchestra [C-1]


Cantata BWV 51 [YT: 19:23 / 18:31]

Thomas Dunn

The Festival Orchestra of New York

Soprano: Judith Raskin; Robert Heinrich (Trumpet)
Isidore Cohen, Gerald Tarack (Solo Violins); Alexander Kouguell (Cello); Albert Fuller (Harpsichord)

Decca DL-10089

Sep 11-12, 1963

LP / TT:

Recorded in New York City, New York, USA.
Listen on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 51 [19:23]: Part 1 [7:23] | Part 2 [4:26] | Part 3 [7:34] || Complete Cantata [18:31]


Bach: Kantate BWV 51 Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen, Hans Heintze+Adele Stolte 1963 [CR-51]

Cantata BWV 51 [18:40]

Hans Heintze

Bremer Bach-Orchester

Soprano: Adele Stolte; Rudolf Köpp (Trumpete)



Audio / TT:

Recorded in Bremen, Germany.
Listen on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 51: Complete Cantata [18:40]


Holland Festival 1965 [C-1]

Cantata BWV 51: Aria I ; Recitative ; Aria II []

Bernard Haitink

Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam

Soprano: Elly Ameling; Unknown player (Trumpet)

Radio Nederland RN-518/520

Jun-Jul 1965

3-LP / TT:

Recorded at the Holland Festival of Arts 1965, the Netherlands.
1st recording of Cantata BWV 51 by E. Ameling.



Bach: Kantate BWV 51 Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen, Kurt Thomas, Elly Ameling [CR-51]

Cantata BWV 51 [18:55]

Kurt Thomas

Collegium Musicum des WDR

Soprano: Elly Ameling; Edward H. Tarr (Trumpet)


1965 (?)

Audio / TT:

Recorded at... Tape recording from the radio.
2nd recording of Cantata BWV 51 by K. Thomas.
2nd recording of Cantata BWV 51 by E. Ameling.
Listen on YouTube:
Cantata BWV 51: Complete Cantata [18:55]


Bach: Cantata No. 199 "Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut"; Cantata No. 51 "Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen" [C-2]


Cantata BWV 51 [20:18]

Antonio Janigro

Orchestra dell'Angellicum di Milano

Soprano: Margherita Rinaldi; Helmut Hunger (Trumpet)

Musical Heritage Society 889

1965-1967 ?

LP / TT: 50:07

Recorded by Angelicum Dischi: Italy.


J.S. Bach: Solo-Kantaten Nr. 51, Nr. 202 [L-3]
Agnes Giebel Sings Bach Cantatas BWV 51, 202 & 209 [C-6]


Cantata BWV 51 [17:17]

Jaap Schröder

Concerto Amsterdam

Soprano: Agnes Giebel
Maurice André (Trumpet); Jaap Schröder & Jacques Holtman (Violin); Anner Bylsma (Violoncello); Gustav Leonhardt (Organ Positiv)

Telefunken SAWT-9513
Teldec 217211

Jan 17-21, 1966

LP / TT: 38:47
CD / TT: 64:48

Recorded at Hervormde Kerk, Bennebroek, Holland.
2nd recording of Cantata BWV 51 by A. Giebel.
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CD: | |


Archive recordings: Season of 1969 [C-5]


Cantata BWV 51 [17:08]

John Nelson

Aspen Chamber Symphony

Soprano: Benita Valente; Robert Nagel (Trumpet)

Aspen Music Festival

Aug 8, 1969

CD / TT: 63:45

Recorded live at the Aspen Amphitheater, Aspen Music Festival, Aspen, Colorado, USA.
1st recording of Cantata BWV 51 by J. Nelson.
Source: WorldCat Libraries (OCLC Number: 70862397)


A. Scarlatti: Sur le Sponde del Tebro; J.S. Bach: Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen [L-1]
Carole Bogard, soprano: Baroque Cantatas & Arias [C-1]


Cantata BWV 51 [17:15 / 17:14]

John Moriarty

Chamber Orchestra of Copenhagen

Soprano: Carole Bogard
Armando Ghitalla (Trumpet); Eyvind Sand Kjelsen (Solo Violin); Lars Holm Johanssen (Cello); James Weaver (Harpsichord)

Cambridge Records CRS-2710
Parnassus PACD-96-020


LP / TT: 41:15
CD / TT: 75:14

Recorded in Copenhagen, Denmark.
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CD: | |

< Complete Recordings 1950-1959

Complete Recordings 1970-1979 >

The list of recordings was compiled by Aryeh Oron (September 2001 - December 2022)
Thanks to Contributors: Sw Anandgyan (July 2004); Thomas Braatz (September 2001); John Carroll (July 2006, October 2006); Rainer Harald (December 2019 - January 2020); Bradley Lehman (March 2004); Rodrigo Maffei Libonati
(December 2001); Christian Moll (November 2009); Riccardo Nughes (July 2003); Philip Peters (September 2001); Walter Roth (May 2002, March 2004, June 2004, October 2013, May 2015); Marcus Song (September 2001); Tor Tveite (September 2001); Johan van Veen (September 2001)

Cantata BWV 51: Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen! for 15th Sunday after Trinity / ‘et in ogni tempo’ (1730)
Details | Discoraphy: Complete Recordings: 1900-1949 | 1950-1959 | 1960-1969 | 1970-1979 | 1980-1989 | 1990-1999 | 2000-2009 | 2010-2019 | 2020-2029 | Recordings of Individual Movements
Discussions: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10

Recordings & Discussions of Cantatas: Main Page | Cantatas BWV 1-50 | Cantatas BWV 51-100 | Cantatas BWV 101-150 | Cantatas BWV 151-200 | Cantatas BWV 201-224 | Cantatas BWV Anh | Order of Discussion
Discussions of General Topics: Cantatas & Other Vocal Works | Performance Practice | Radio, Concerts, Festivals, Recordings


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Last update: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 15:04