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Accademia Barocca Lucernensis (Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble)

Born: 2014 - Luzern. Switzerland

Youthfully fresh, colorful, emotionally charged and spirited interpretations of works from days long past are the trademark of the Accademia Barocca Lucernensis (= ABL), founded in 2014 by the Spanish orchestra conductor Javier Ulises Illán and cultural manager and singer Martin Caduff. Since the beginning, the ensemble's focus has been on Baroque vocal music, with the ensemble now consisting of a core group of soloists, a choir and a Baroque orchestra of young professional musicians and singers. True to historically informed performance practice, the Accademia Barocca Lucernensis play on historical instruments and in a historical mood. The Accademia Barocca Lucernensis offers their concerts in different cities in Switzerland, with works by the likes of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Antonio Vivaldi, Dietrich Buxtehude, Tomaso Albinoni, Johann Adolf Hasse, Alessandro Scarlatti or Jan Dismas Zelenka.

In recent years, the Baroque ensemble has performed Baroque music from all regions of Europe, with music from Venice, Naples as well as Dresden and Leipzig taking center stage. In April 2019 the ensemble released its debut album “Zelenka – Hasse: Sacred Music for Dresden Cathedral” with sacred works by J.D. Zelenka and J. A. Hasse released under the Pan Classics label. The ensemble has been nominated in two categories for the internationally renowned classical music award OPUS Klassik 2019.

In March 2020 the ensemble with J.S. Bach's Johannes-Passion BWV 245 celebrated its debut in the concert hall of the KKL Lucerne. This concert was also recorded by Radio SRF 2 Kultur and broadcast on Radio NDR Kultur, Rai Radio 3 and Radio SRF 2 Kultur.

Members of Vokal-Ensemble:





Julia Doyle (Soloist)
Sara Jäggi (Soloist)
Maja Bader (Soloist)
Gunhild Lang-Alsvik
Jenny Högström
Marianne Knoblauch
Carmit Natan
Eva Maria Soler Boix
Mirjam Striegel

Marie Henriette Reinhold (Soloist)
Jan Börner (Soloist)
Susanne Andres
Ana Maria Fonseca Núñez
Tobias Knaus
Désirée Mori
Ursina Patzen
Lea Pfister-Scherer
Lisa Weiss

Remy Burnens (Soloist)
Richard Resch (Soloist)
Raphaël Bortolotti
Zacharie Fogal
Arndt Krüger
Joël Morand
Anders Veiteberg

Daniel Ochoa (Soloist)
Lisandro Abadie (Soloist)
Alexandre Beuchat (Soloist)
José Coca Loza (Soloist)
Jonas Atwood
Yves Brühwiler
Serafin Heusser
Luis Neiva
Peter Strömberg

Members of Barock-Orchester:

Violins: Elena Abbati, Natalie Carducci, Lukas Hamberger, Andrés Murillo, Coline Ormond, Paula Peréz, Claudio Rado, Marta Ramirez, Daphné Schneider, Anna Troxler, Katia Viel, Lathika Vithanage, Rahel Wittling
Violas: Matthias Jäggi, Jamiang Santi, Giovanni Simeoni, Sara Gomez Yunta, Katia Viel
Violas d’amore: Katia Viel, Sara Gomez Yunta
Oboes: Bettina Simon, Priska Comploi, Bénédicte Wodey
Transverse Flutes: Nadja Camichel, Luis Martínez Pueyo
Violas da gamba: Mathilde Gomas, Bruno Hurtado, Alex Jellici, Lina Manrique, Christoph Prendl
Violones: Elisabeth Forster Büttner, Leonardo Bortolotto, Fred Walter Uhlig
Violoncellos: Kristina Chalmovska, Carlos Leal, Nicola Paoli, Carla Rovirosa
Lutes: Pablo FitzGerald, Simon Linné, Miguel Rincón
Bassoons: Andrew Burn, Giulia Genini
Organ / Harpsichord: Andrea Buccarella, Matías Lanz, Andreas Westermann


Accademia Barocca Lucernensis Website, English translation by Aryeh Oron (October 2023)
Photo-11: Patrick Hürlimann; Photos 12-16: Ingo Hoehn
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (October 2023)

Javier Ulises Illán: Short Biography | Ensembles: Accademia Barocca Lucernensis
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works




Links to other Sites

Accademia Barocca Lucernensis (Official Website) [German]
Accademia Barocca Lucernensis page on Facebook

Biographies of Performers: Main Page | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Monday, July 01, 2024 10:51