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Aryeh Oron

Aryeh's birthday today

Jane Newble wrote (January 18, 2001):

Thank you for all your wonderful work on the reviews every week, and for
the website! I hope you feel happier on your birthday than this week's cantata!!

Ehud Shiloni wrote (January 18, 2001):
Greetings from me too on your birthday! Many happy returns! I know that you wish to see more contributions from me and others as a birthday "present", and I promise to do my best this year. Keep up with your GREAT project!

Philip Peters wrote (January 18, 2001):
Happy birthday, Aryeh! May all your wishes come true.....

Pieter Pannevis wrote (January 18, 2001):
Es war so schoen dass er ein e-card von mir empfing pieter from holland !

Roy Reed wrote (January 18, 2001):
Happy Birthday, Aryeh, and thanks for the journey.

Yoël L. Arbeitman wrote (January 18, 2001):
Since it has all been said so well and inasmuch as "I don't know Aryeh from Adam" even though I have enjoyed his work very recently, what can I add? Only that apparently Jane has changed the orthography of "Es musz alles moeglich zu machen seyn" to "es muss alles moeglich zu machen seyn" Shall we change it to "es muß alles möglich zu machen seyn"? I don't know, but I mean it all in good spirit. Ad meah we-esrim!

Jim Groenveld wrote (January 18, 2001):
As it has been expressed quite firmly by now that it is your birthday today, I would like to congratulate you warmly with it. And I would like to use this opportunity to thank you for all your perfect contributions during the past year (and even longer than that as I have understood). I have read them with pleasure. I'm sorry to say that my time does not allow me to contribute that actively; my time is consumed by many different activities of which actively making music is my main spare time spending.

Regards - Jim (member, bass voice, of Holland Boys Choir with Leusink).

Chris Walley wrote (January 18, 2001):
Apologies for this last blank email (I think my son sent it before I finished it) I wanted to say to Jim Groeneveld how much I appreciated the Leusink set. Yes I know there are bits in that aren't to my taste (and of course not to others) but on balance, I think they are great. There is a life and energy to the performances that I appreciate and I feel that they are believable as 'church' cantatas rather than concert performances. I can listen to them and say, yes if they were performed in my church (assuming we spoke German) they would have been a very acceptable part of worship. Two other points; One; they are affordable: about a £100 sterling for a complete set! Two: they are finished; has anybody worked out when Suzuki and Koopman will finish their cycles on current rates? Yes, courtesy of this group I will now make a list of versions to supplement 'weak' recordings but I'm happy to have the Leusink set as an integral version to work from. So Jim pass on my thanks to the team.

And Happy Birthday to Aryeh too. Thank you for your erudition; may you have many, many more years of contribution here.

Much can be forgiven the Internet for groups like this!

Jane Newble wrote (January 18, 2001):
Yoel L. Arbeitman wrote:
< Jane has changed the orthography of "Es musz alles moeglich zu machen seyn" to "es muss alles moeglich zu machen seyn" >
and I didn't think anyone would notice... :o)

Aryeh Oron wrote (January 18, 2001):
Hi Jane, Ehud, Pieter and all the others, Thank you, Jane, for rememberig the event, and thanks to everybody who wrote to me for the nice greetings.

I am listening now to next week cantata - BWV 73. Altough this cantata cannot also be considered optimistic, it still have a splendid aria for tenor, with hope for joy in it - 'Ach, senke doch den Geist der Freuden dem Herzen ein' ('Ah, plant then the spirit of joy in the heart'). I agree with Ehud that the best present from the members in the BCML, would be having more members participating actively in the weekly cantata discussions.

Dyfan Lewis wrote (January 18, 2001):
Happy birthday Aryeh

And thank you for so much loving work. Thanks even for guiding me to the Roland Kirk list and thereby an excellent site for discount CD's in the US (

Thank you Jim for your part in the Leusink series and your fine postings It is amazing to me that such good music could have been distributed so widely at such a low price and I'm very proud to be in contact with people connected with it. Assembled my set from a variety of sources, personal courier to Dutch drug store and CD online discount stores in England, Germany and USA.

Will try to contribute more.

Love to all for a peaceful and inspiring 2001

Galina Kolomietz wrote (January 18, 2001):
Aryeh Oron wrote:
< I agree with Ehud that the best present from the members in the BCML, would be having more members participating actively in the weekly cantata discussions. >
Happy Birthday, Aryeh! Thanks for all your work. I'm one of those lurkers... I'll try to be more active!

Andrew Oliver wrote (January 19, 2001):
And I can only say that I agree with everything that has been said in connection with all the work Aryeh puts in to make this list a pleasure. Without him the list could fall apart easily. So thankyou Aryeh for your labour of love.

Harry J. Steinman wrote (January 19, 2001):
Happy everyday, Aryeh! Mazel tov!

Michael Kennedy wrote (January 19, 2001):
Hi Aryeh, Happy Birthday. I will celebrate you birthday by listening to Cantata BWV 29 (Herreweghe). Have a wonderful day.

Jill Gunsell wrote (January 19, 2001):
Happy Birthday, Aryeh!


"Wir danken dir, Aryeh, wir danken dir" - Kudos to the venerable Aryeh Oron

Ehud Shiloni wrote (December 30, 2003):
Hi Listmembers,

Now that we have come four complete annual cycles around, and Aryeh had laid his prodigious keyboard to rest with his posting of BWV 215, I sense that it is time to call on the great prose-writing qualities of all of you, and ask you to contribute some homage to our one-of-a-kind "Moderator cum Dynamo".

I am asking Aryeh to overcome any excessive modesty, and to set up a section on the BachCantatas website where such posts can accumulate for posterity.

Here is my own:

Aryeh - you have accomplished a truly Herculean task, both with your weekly Cantatas reviewes and with your fantastic website.

Members of BCML - here are some figures as food for thought:

I estimate Aryeh's time-input at 30 hours per week. At 52 weeks times four years, we are looking at over 6,200 hours of loving labor. Thinking in terms of monetary value, taking into account a Computer Executive pay, and figuring time and a half for overtime [which most of the hours qualified for] and double-time for weekends, I am looking at a figure in excess of $ 275,00 in value [you may blink twice, but I don't think I am off the mark, and I may have actually underestimated the true figure]. That means that each of us 350 or so members, have received an individual free gift from Aryeh, valued at $800. Each and every one of us.

Of course, the monetary value of Aryeh's accomplishment is only a trivial matter. What counts most is the cultural value of the results of this incredible input. For me, Aryeh now ranks with Forkel, Agricola and CPE as a great preserver of the legacy of Bach's music in general and the Cantatas in particular.

Bravo, Aryeh!

A happy 2004 to all of you.

Kirk McElhearn wrote (December 30, 2003):
Ehud Shiloni wrote:
< Of course, the monetary value of Aryeh's accomplishment is only a trivial matter. What counts most is the cultural value of the results of this incredible input. For me, Aryeh now ranks with Forkel, Agricola and CPE as a great preserver of the legacy of Bach's music in general and the Cantatas in particular.
Bravo, Aryeh! >
I'll second that! Hear, hear!

Jean Pierre Grivois wrote (December 31, 2003):
[To Ehud Shiloni] I agree fully with what has been written by Ehud Shilony. Aryeh merits also to be put on the same rank as Spitta, like him he has perfectly understood how to use the of his time.

Thank you Aryeh, and have another happy year 2004 "ad majorem Bachi gloriam":
JP Grivois, France

Paul Farseth wrote (December 31, 2003):
[To Ehud Shiloni] Well put, Ehud ...

and Thank You!!! to Aryeh.


Tribute to Aryeh

Peter Bloemendaal wrote (February 20, 2005):
Since it may have got overlooked in an earlier mailing, I would like to submit my ittle ode to Aryeh in sonnet form more prominently. It speaks for itself.

Tribute to the Web Master

What can I do to show my gratitude?

If I were Bach I'd write you a cantata,

with trumpets, flutes and organ obbligato,

but without him it would not do you good.

You've served Apollo and the muses well

in ways beyond their fair imaginations,

creating music bonds across the nations

through words inspired by the master's spell.

No internet award, no on line praise

would quite express what joy you've given us

letting us listen, comment and discuss,

to honour Bach and put him on the dais.

Yet, raising Bach's throne to our hearts' content,

You've built yourself a lasting monument.

Philip Peters wrote (February 20, 2005):
[To Peter Bloemendaal] Mijn compliment. En dat in een vreemde taal.

Ehud Shiloni wrote (February 20, 2005):
[To Peter Bloemendaal] AMEN!!

Thomas Shepherd wrote (February 20, 2005):
Lent & Sonnet for Aryeh

Peter Bloemendaal wrote:
< Since today is Sunday Sexagesima I listened to BWV 18, the fascinating "Gleich wie der Regen und Schnee vom Himmel fällt", so appropriate for the present weather conditions in Holland, though the sun has just come out. >
We've been in church today celebrating 2nd Sunday in Lent. There's not much Bach written for the this time of the church's year and I've not quite given up Bach for Lent - although my family think this would be an excellent discipline!

Thank you, incidentally for your wonderful little poem for Aryeh- he thoroughly deserves the plaudits. I guess that JSB would have been a touch anxious about the line " to honour Bach and put him on the dais." Surely he would maintain that his art was a gift and points back to the God who made his compositions possible? The name Gardiner has adopted for his record company - Soli Deo Gloria - properly reminds us of this!

Uri Golomb wrote (February 21, 2005):
First of all, let me take this opportunity to add my signature to the recent Ode
to Aryeh., and its lists, are indeed marvellous achievements!

Rianto Pardede wrote (February 23, 2005):
Actually, I almost gave up writing something about BWV 182 just because I didn't think I had anything of interest to add to the whole discussions (considering the limited recordings I have). But, upon reading Neil's observation I finally have something to start with. And remembering Peter's Ode to Aryeh, I decided to give this one a go, however short it is.

Thank's to Aryeh, and to all of you.

Aryeh Oron wrote (February 23, 2005):
[To Peter Bloemendaal] Thanks for the nice gesture and to all the others who have responded. This is indeed encouraging.


Happy belated birthday to Aryeh

Jane Newble wrote (January 24, 2009):
Oh vey, there was me thinking it was the 28th.... And it's almost as important as Bach's birthday...:o) I am sure Bach would agree.

Anyway, although it comes a week late, I hope you will have a great year, Aryeh, and may there be lots to follow!

I can't think of anyone who has put so much work, sweat, and (hopefully not too many) tears in Bach. Where would we be without you?

A great big thank you from Scotland!!

Jean Laaninen wrote (January 24, 2009):
[To Jane Newble] And from the US. Best birthday wishes from here.

John Pike wrote (January 24, 2009):
I too add my birthday greetings to Aryeh, with very many thanks for all the truly remarkable things he has done for the promotion of Bach's music and for all those who love it.

Ed Myskowski wrote (January 24, 2009):
>I too add my birthday greetings to Aryeh, with very many thanks for all the truly remarkable things he has done for the promotion of Bach's music and for all those who love it.<
Which (i.e., how many) birthday is it? Some of us think it is not worth counting until three score. In fact at least one of us for sure (if it is not illegal to share this off-list secret) think Old Dude status begins at four score.

Aryeh Oron wrote (January 25, 2009):
Thanks you all for the nice greetings.

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