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Klesie Kelly (Soprano)

Born: Kentucky, USA

The American soprano and voice teacher, Klesie Kelly [Klesie Kelly-Moog], studied voice in Germany with Bettina Björgsten, Helmut Kretschmar and Günther Weißenborn.

More active in concert than on the opera stage, Klesie Kelly has collaborated with conductors such as Moshe Atzmon, Wolfgang Gönnenwein, Erich Leinsdorf, Bruno Maderna and Hiroshi Wakasugi. In 1971, she appeared at the Mozartsaal of the Konzerthaus in Vienna, singing Lieder by Purcell, Schubert and Strauss, among others, accompanied by Norman Shetler. She recorded songs by composers including W.A. Mozart, Robert Schumann, Wolf and Zemlinsky with pianist Werner Genuit. In 1977, she recorded evening songs and love songs (Abendlieder, Liebeslieder und Romanzen) with tenor Ian Partridge, accompanied by instrumental soloists including Hermann Baumann (horn), Dieter Klöcker (clarinet), Karl-Otto Hartmann (bassoon) and again Genuit. The selection of rarely performed chamber music includes Schlummerlied (slumber song) by Benedict Randhartinger (Germany) for soprano, tenor, horn and piano, Franz Lachner's Seit ich ihn gesehen (after Chamisso) for soprano, clarinet and piano, and his Laute Liebe (noisy love) for soprano, bassoon and piano.

In Wiesbaden, Klesie Kelly sang with the choir Rheingauer Kantorei, both in 1979 Felix Mendelssohn's oratorio Elias with the Radiosinfonieorchester Frankfurt alongside the bass-baritone Erich Wenk in the title part, and in 1980 Arthur Honegger's König David, with Claudia Eder and Gerd Nienstedt as the narrator.

Klesie Kelly was Professor of Voice at the Musikhochschule Köln from 1986 to 2014. She gave vocal workshops at Musikhochschule in Hannover, Würtzburg, Trossingen and Köln. She has taught master-classes in Europe and Korea. Several of her students have been awarded at international competitions and are members of leading opera companies in Europe. She has been a guest professorship at the Musikhochschule in Frankfurt am Main in Germany since September 2020. Among the many singers who have studied with her and/or attended her master-classes are: Julia Barthe (Soprano), Banu Böke (Soprano), Maya Boog (Soprano), Stephan Boving (Tenor), Larissa Bretscher (Soprano), Anke Briegel (Soprano), Sonja Bühler (Soprano), Miriam Burkhardt (Soprano), Valerio Contaldo (Tenor), Sybille Diethelm (Soprano), Nina Romy Dörfler (Soprano), Marion Eckstein (Contralto), Juan Carlos Echeverry (Tenor), Claude Eichenberger (Mezzo-soprano), Maxmilian Fieth (Tenor), Stephanie Firnkes (Mezzo-soprano), Sabine Goetz (Soprano), Julie Grutzka (Soprano), Helena Günther (Soprano), Marie Heeschen (Soprano), Almut Hellwig (Soprano), Judith Hoff (Soprano), Anna Hofmann (Soprano), Jasmin Maria Hörner (Soprano), Vasiljka Jezovšek (Soprano), Anja-Maria Kaftan (Soprano), Julia Klein (Soprano), Julia Kleiter (Soprano), Sophie Klussmann (Soprano), Johanna Knauth (Soprano), Agnes Knoop (Soprano), Katharina Konradi (Soprano), Almut Krumbach (Soprano), Wiebke Lehmkuhl (Contralto), Katharina Leyhe (Soprano), Ulrike Maria Maier (Soprano), Elisabeth Menke (Soprano), Rebekka Stolz (Mezzo-soprano), Barbara Ochs (Mezzo-soprano), Christiane Oelze (Soprano), Gudrun Sidonie Otto (Soprano), Antigone Papoulkas (Mezzo-soprano), Elisa Rabanus (Soprano), Judith Rautenberg (Mezzo-soprano), Angelika Reinhard (Soprano), Anna Lucia Richter (Soprano), Christiane Rittner (Soprano), Christiane Rost (Soprano), Cornelia Samuelis (Soprano), Cornelia Sander (Mezzo-soprano), Barbara Schedel (Soprano), Tina Scherer (Soprano), Corinna Scheurle (Mezzo-soprano), Ingeborg Schilling (Soprano), Anne-Carolyn Schlüter (Mezzo-soprano), Sara Schneyer (Soprano), Vera Schönenberg (Soprano), Julian Schulzki (Bass), Simone Schwark (Soprano), Christoph Schweizer (Baritone), Sandra Stahlheber (Contralto), Annika Stegger (Soprano), Isabella Stettner (Soprano), Michael Terada (Baritone), Lydia Teuscher (Soprano), Dorothee Tsalos (Soprano), Bernd Valentin (Baritone), Ania Vegry (Soprano), Birgit Wegemann (Soprano), Angelika Wied (Mezzo-soprano).

Wikipedia Website (September 2015)
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (November 2015, May 2024)

Recordings of Bach Cantatas & Other Vocal Works




Rudolf Pohl


[CR-5] (1975, Radio recording): BWV 5
[CR-86] (1974-1975?, Radio recording): BWV 86
[CR-132] (1974-1975?, Radio recording): BWV 132

Helmuth Rilling


BWV 244 ( 2013, Video) [6th recording]

Gerhard Wilhelm


[CR-21] (1974, Radio recording): BWV 21
[CR-76] (1973, Radio recording): BWV 76
[CR-122] (1973, Radio recording): BWV 122

Links to other Sites

Klesie Kelly (Wikipedia).

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Last update: Sunday, August 04, 2024 14:23