Cantata BWV 173
Erhöhtes Fleisch und Blut
Cantata BWV 173a
Durchlauchtster Leopold
English Translation [German-English] |
Cantata BWV 173:
Event: Solo Cantata for Whit Monday [2nd Day of Pentecost]
Readings: Epistle: Acts 10: 42-48; Gospel: John 3: 16-21
Text: Anon |
BWV 173a
Durchlauchtster Leopold |
BWV 173
Erhöhtes Fleisch und Blut |
Cantata BWV 173a
Most Serene Highness Leopold |
Cantata BWV 173
Exalted flesh and blood |
1 |
1. Recitative [Soprano] |
1. Recitative [Tenor ] |
Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo |
Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo |
Durchlauchtster Leopold,
Es singet Anhalts Welt
Von neuem mit Vergnügen,
Dein Köthen sich dir stellt,
Um sich vor dir zu biegen,
Durchlauchtster Leopold! |
Erhöhtes Fleisch und Blut,
Das Gott selbst an sich nimmt,
Dem er schon hier auf Erden
Ein himmlisch Heil bestimmt,
Des Höchsten Kind zu werden,
Erhöhtes Fleisch und Blut! |
Most Serene Highness Leopold,
the world of Anhalt sings
anew with pleasure,
your Köthen presents itself to you
to bow before you,
Most Serene Highness Leopold. |
Exalted flesh and blood
which God himself accepts,
to which already here on earth
salvation from heaven is appointed,
to become a child of the Highest,
exalted flesh and blood. |
2 |
2. Aria [Soprano] |
2. Aria [Tenor] |
Flauto traverso I/II e Violino I all' unisono, Violino II, Viola, Continuo |
Flauto traverso I/II e Violino I all' unisono, Violino II, Viola, Continuo |
Güldner Sonnen frohe Stunden,
Die der Himmel selbst gebunden,
Sich von neuem eingefunden,
Rühmet, singet, stimmt die Saiten,
Seinen Nachruhm auszubreiten! |
Ein geheiligtes Gemüte
Sieht und schmecket Gottes Güte.
Rühmet, singet, stimmt die Saiten,
Gottes Treue auszubreiten! |
Happy hours of golden sunshine,
that are made by heaven itself
and appear again now,
praise, sing, tune the strings
to spread abroad his lasting fame! |
A sanctified nature
sees and tastes God’s goodness.
Praise sing, tune the strings
to spread abroad God’s faithfulness! |
3 |
3. Aria [Bass] |
3. Aria [Alto] |
Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo |
Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo |
Leopolds Vortrefflichkeiten
Machen uns itzt viel zu tun.
Mund und Herze, Ohr und Blicke
Können nicht bei seinem Glücke,
Das ihm billig folget, ruhn. |
Gott will, o ihr Menschenkinder,
An euch große Dinge tun.
Mund und Herze, Ohr und Blicke
Können nicht bei diesem Glücke
Und so heilger Freude ruhn. |
Leopold’s excellence
Gives us now much to do.
Mouth and heart, ear and eyesight
Cannot be still before the good fortune
that justly follows him. |
God wants, o you children of mankind,
to do great things for you.
Mouth and heart, ear and eyesight,
cannot be still before this good fortune
and joy so holy. |
4 |
4. Aria (Duetto) [Bass, Soprano] |
4. Aria (Duetto) [Bass, Soprano] |
Flauto traverso I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo |
Flauto traverso I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo |
Unter seinem Purpursaum
Ist die Freude
Nach dem Leide,
Jeden schenkt er weiten Raum,
Gnadengaben zu genießen,
Die wie reiche Ströme fließen. |
So hat Gott die Welt geliebt,
Sein Erbarmen
Hilft uns Armen,
Daß er seinen Sohn uns gibt,
Gnadengaben zu genießen,
Die wie reiche Ströme fließen. |
Beneath the purple border of his robe
there is joy
after sorrow,
to everyone he grants wide scope
to enjoy the gifts of his grace
that flow like copious streams. |
God has so loved the world,
his compassion
helps us in our poverty,
so that he gives his son to us,
to enjoy the gifts of his grace
that flow like copious streams |
Soprano :
Nach landesväterlicher Art
Er ernähret,
Unfall wehret;
Drum sich nun die Hoffnung paart,
Daß er werde Anhalts Lande
Setzen in beglückten Stande. |
Sein verneuter Gnadenbund
Ist geschäftig
Und wird kräftig
In der Menschen Herz und Mund,
Daß sein Geist zu seiner Ehre
Gläubig zu ihm rufen lehre. |
As a sovereign father of his country should
he gives support,
defends from misfortune;
therefore our hopes now join together
that he will establish the land of Anhalt
in a fortunate state. |
His renewed covenant of mercy
is active
and becomes mighty
in the hearts and mouths of men,
so that in his honour his spirit
teaches how to call on him in faith. |
Both :
Doch wir lassen unsre Pflicht
Froher Sinnen
Itzt nicht rinnen,
Heute, da des Himmels Licht
Seine Knechte fröhlich machet
Und auf seinem Zepter lachet. |
Both :
Nun wir lassen unsre Pflicht
Opfer bringen,
Dankend singen,
Da sein offenbartes Licht
Sich zu seinen Kindern neiget
Und sich ihnen kräftig zeiget. |
Yet we do not allow our duty
in our happiness
to slip away,
today, when heaven's light
makes its servant joyful
and smiles upon his sceptre. |
Now we let our duty
bring offerings,
sing in gratitude,
since the light that has been revealed
comes down to his children
and his power is shown to them. |
5 |
5. Recitativo (Duetto) [Soprano, Bass] |
5. Recitativo (Duetto) [Soprano, Tenor] |
Continuo |
Continuo |
Durchlauchtigster, den Anhalt Vater nennt,
Wir wollen dann das Herz zum Opfer bringen;
Aus unsrer Brust, die ganz vor Andacht brennt,
Soll sich der Seufzer Glut zum Himmel schwingen, |
Unendlichster, den man doch Vater nennt,
Wir wollen dann das Herz zum Opfer bringen,
Aus unsrer Brust, die ganz vor Andacht brennt,
Soll sich der Seufzer Glut zum Himmel schwingen. |
Most Serene Highness, whom Anhalt calls father.
we want to bring our hearts as an offering;
from our breasts, which burn with devotion,
the ardour of our sighs shall soar up to heaven. |
Infinite God, who is called father,
we want to bring our hearts as an offering;
from our breasts, which burn with devotion,
the ardour of our sighs shall soar up to heaven |
6 |
6. Aria [Soprano] |
Flauto traverso I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo |
So schau dies holden Tages Licht
Noch viele, viele Zeiten.
Und wie es itzt begleiten
Hohes Wohlsein und Gelücke,
So wisse es, wenn es anbricht
Ins Künftige, von Kummer nicht. |
Look upon this day's lovely light
many, many more times,
and just as this day is now accompanied
by great prosperity and good fortune,
so when it appears in the future
may it know nothing of trouble. |
7 |
7. Aria [Bass] |
Violoncello e Fagotto, Cembalo e Violone |
Dein Name gleich der Sonnen geh,
Stets während bei den Sternen steh!
Leopold in Anhalts Grenzen
Wird im Fürstenruhme glänzen. |
May your name go forth like the sun
and last for ever along with the stars!
Within Anhalt’s borders Leopold
will be glorious with his princely fame. |
8 |
8. Chorus (Duetto) [Soprano, Bass] |
6. Chorus [S, A, T, B] |
Flauto traverso I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo |
Flauto traverso I/II, Violino I/II, Viola, Continuo |
Nimm auch, großer Fürst, uns auf
Und die sich zu deinen Ehren
Untertänigst lassen hören!
Glücklich sei dein Lebenslauf,
Sei dem Volke solcher Segen,
Den auf deinem Haupt wir legen!
Rühre, Höchster, unsern Geist,
Daß des höchsten Geistes Gaben
Ihre Würkung in uns haben.
Da dein Sohn uns beten heißt,
Wird es durch die Wolken dringen
Und Erhörung auf uns bringen.
Receive us also, great prince,
and as we sing in your honour
let your most humble subjects be heard!
May the course of your life be fortunate,
and may such a blessing come to your people
as we lay upon your head! |
Stir up, highest God, our spirit
so that the gifts of the highest spirit,
may be active in us.
Since your son bids us pray,
This will pierce through the clouds
and achieve a hearing for us. |
Note on the texts |
The secular cantata BWV 173a was composed for the birthday of Prince Leopold of Anhalt- Cöthen (10 December) probably in 1720 or 1722. The author of the text is unknown.
Perhaps as early as 1723 the text and the original music were parodied as a Whit Monday cantata BWV 173. Movement 7 was used in BWV 175. Again the author of the revised text is unknown.
To allow the changes involved in the parody to be followed easily the original text and its parody have been translated together. |
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This Translation in Parallel Format - BWV 173
This Translation in Parallel Format - BWV 173a |
English Translation by Francis Browne (June 2003)
Contributed by Francis Browne (June 2003) |